-Caveat Lector-

This is true story and funny; a pinko Governor and his knew running
mate, an Italian with a thick accent .......

Asked how he would like being Lt. Governor....he smiled, and said "Justa
thinka, I'd be  justa hearta beata away from the Govenor.....when those
guys lost, I thought the Guv didn't know how close he came....

Now wire tapping....why does the AG approve this instead of a impartial
Search warrants are signed by a judge...even though there could be
incriminating evidence....wire tapping....there re other ways.

I liked it when Sam the Plumber and Angelo Gyp DeCarlo were being held
up by crooked politicians; and of course, they knew their lines were
tapped.....one day this corrupt, crooked politico called for his bribe
money....and they talked and haggled, and the political was
arrested...case of the it takes a thief to catch a thief, but at least
the mob was honest about it.

Once these two guys took a phone call and said "hey, we all got in the
Masons...when we answer the phone we say "This is the Mafia Mason
Lodge"....that one choked me, because of a chapter I had in my ms, and
only Sybil Lee had that one as I recall.....however, when poor old Sam
the Plumber and Angelo DeCarlo were finally sent to jail, Richard Nixon
pardoned them....so much for the shall we say Mafia-Mason-FBI Club, in
particular when the Mafia gave Nixon over one million dollars in

Janet Reno, the FBI, and William Jefferson Clinton....when they answer
the phone, they do say This is the Mafia, FBI, Lincoln Lodge
Speaking....wanna buy a duck?


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