-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.ustimesdaily.com/">U.S. Times Daily News</A>

Vol. 15, No. 11
May 24, 1999
Table of Contents
More on Kosovo

Danger! KLA in the U.S.A.
by William Norman Grigg

When Bill Clinton stopped in Detroit on April 17th on a fundraising
visit, he met with a small group of Albanian-Americans at the Roseville
Recreation Center. According to the Detroit News, a banner at the
Roseville speech bore the logo of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). Two
days earlier, during an address to the American Society of Newspaper
Editors, Mr. Clinton offered an oblique reference to the KLA when he
insisted that Serbian ruler Slobodan Milosevic had "not destroyed the
armed opposition among Kosovars; indeed, [its] numbers and determination
are growing." NATO spokesman Jamie Shea, offering a more poetic take on
the establishment line, reported that the KLA is "rising like a phoenix
from the ashes."

Part of the reason why the KLA’s ranks are growing, reported the Chicago
Tribune on April 1st, is forced conscription: Shortly after NATO began
its bombing campaign, the KLA ordered all Albanian men of fighting age
"to join its ranks within one month or face unspecified consequence."
Many male refugees, who had been driven from their homes at gunpoint,
"made it to the Albanian border only to encounter checkpoints of the
KLA," reported the Tribune. "Travelers who slipped through said they saw
men being pulled from buses by armed guerillas and sent to KLA training
camps in the rugged hills nearby." There the conscripts are given one
month of crude training before being thrust into battle.

Showcase Volunteers

Although the KLA has had to rely on press gangs to draft Kosovo
Albanians into its ranks, it has attracted thousands of ethnic Albanian
volunteers from Europe and the United States. Throughout émigré
communities worldwide, reported the April 20th Washington Times, the
call to enlist in the KLA "is considered obligatory for all men ages 18
to 55. Only those who are sick or who can contribute financially to the
KLA are considered exempt." Albanian émigrés from Philadelphia, Detroit,
New York, Chicago, and other U.S. cities have repaired to the KLA
banner, joining thousands more from Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and
other European nations.

The KLA’s recruit army has little military value; the shopkeepers,
waiters, teenagers, and middle-age professionals who have volunteered
will not turn the tide of battle against Milosevic’s well-equipped
paramilitary squads. As with the Communist-organized "Abraham Lincoln
Brigade" in the Spanish Civil War, the KLA’s émigré army is a propaganda
exercise intended to confer an air of romantic idealism to a movement
dominated by corrupt terrorists. The KLA’s founders, reported Balkans
correspondent Chris Hedges in the March 28th New York Times, were
"diehard Marxist-Leninists (who were bankrolled in the old days by the
Stalinist dictatorship next door in Albania) as well as descendants of
the fascist militias raised by the Italians in World War II."

Hedges fleshes out his portrait of the KLA in an essay published in the
May-June 1999 issue of Foreign Affairs. "The KLA fighters are the
province’s new power brokers," Hedges writes. "Whatever political
leadership emerges in Kosovo will come from the rebel ranks, and it will
be militant, nationalist, uncompromising, and deeply suspicious of all
outsiders." The KLA’s leadership cadres, according to Hedges, are "given
to secrecy, paranoia, and appalling mendacity when they feel it serves
their interests, which is most of the time."

The KLA’s ideology displays "hints of fascism on one side and whiffs of
communism on the other," continues Hedges, and its leadership includes
the heirs and descendants of "the Skanderbeg volunteer SS division
raised by the Nazis … [who] took part in the shameful roundup and
deportation of [Kosovo’s] few hundred Jews during the Holocaust." Such
is the character of the group that, in Hedges’ view, "represents the
aspirations of most Kosovar Albanians," which is to create "an
independent Kosovo now and a Greater Albania later." A map circulated
among KLA supporters, including the Albanian-American Civic League
(AACL), depicts a "Greater Albania" that includes not only Kosovo, but a
slice taken from Serbia proper, in addition to portions of Montenegro,
Macedonia, and Greece.

Despite repeated assertions from NATO that the war against Yugoslavia is
intended to contain ethnic conflict, the alliance with the KLA
effectively guarantees that the conflict will spread throughout the
Balkans and beyond. Were Milosevic to relent and allow international
"peacekeepers" to occupy Kosovo, the occupation force would be required
to disarm the KLA, as specified by the Rambouillet framework. The KLA
has made it clear that it has no intention of relinquishing its arms or
renouncing its irredentist aims. Indeed, the terrorist group has already
expanded its campaign in Macedonia, which has been overrun by Albanian
refugees. On April 22nd, Interior Minister Pavle Trajanov reported that
KLA arms caches totaling 4.5 tons of firearms, grenades, and ammo have
been discovered in several Macedonian locations. The KLA has also
reportedly recruited more than 1,000 "volunteers" from that country’s
refugee population.

Unless the Clinton Administration decides to support the KLA’s drive for
a "Greater Albania," a NATO "victory" over Milosevic would almost
certainly presage another conflict with the KLA, which — as the success
of its international fundraising and recruiting efforts illustrates —
has a disciplined and tightly organized international network at its
disposal. The KLA would be well positioned to bring its war home to
America in the form of terrorism.


As previously reported in these pages (see "Diving into the Kosovo
Quagmire" in our March 15th issue), the KLA is allied with Osama
bin-Laden’s international terrorist network and funded, in large
measure, by Albanian organized crime — particularly heroin trafficking.
In 1994, when the insurrectionary KLA was still in its larval stage,
France’s Observatire Geopolitique Des Drogues, a counter-narcotics
bureau attached to the European Commission, reported that "heroin
shipment and marketing networks are taking root among ethnic Albanian
communities in Albania, Macedonia, and the Kosovo province of Serbia, in
order to finance large purchases of weapons destined … for the brewing
war in Kosovo."

A 1995 report from Kosovo published in the left-wing journal Mother
Jones described how Kosovo Albanians committed to insurrection would
work as "camels": "By the hundreds, they cross the mountains, lakes, and
seas that comprise affluent Europe’s outer frontiers — usually in the
dead of night — carrying the mob’s narcotics in one direction and its
laundered money in the other."

"Here and in a half-dozen other Western countries," declared Pascal
Auchlin, a criminologist with Switzerland’s National Center for
Scientific Research, "there is now an ant’s trail of individual drug
traffickers that leads right to Kosovo." In 1995, nearly 500 Kosovo
Albanians were in Swiss prisons on drug-related charges, and more than
1,000 others were under indictment. Many other "camels" were not so
fortunate, noted Mother Jones: "Empty boats wash up, after howling
Mediterranean storms, on the Spanish and Sicilian coasts. Decomposed
bodies are discovered each spring in the Alps, when the seasonal thaw
opens snowbound passes."

In the United States, wrote criminologist Gus Xhudo in the Spring 1996
issue of Transnational Organized Crime, Albanian mobsters have been
involved in "drug and refugee smuggling, arms trafficking, contract
killing, kidnaping, false visa forgery, and burglary." Between 1985 and
1995, wrote Xhudo, "authorities estimated that 10 million U.S. dollars
in cash and merchandise had been stolen from some 300 supermarkets, ATM
machines, jewelry stores, and restaurants" by Albanian gangsters, a
healthy cut of which was sent to fund "Greater Albanian" ambitions.

In Albanian gangs, reported Xhudo, "the basic command structure, reliant
upon their politico-cultural experiences with communist rule, is one
rooted in community party apparatus." A Leadership Council (whose
membership, according to law enforcement officials, includes several
leading Albanian politicians) directs the syndicate’s international
efforts through a decentralized chain of command. Recruits into Albanian
gangs "swear an oath of allegiance and secrecy, an omerta or besa
(literally, promise or word of honor in Albanian)," Xhudo explained. The
executive committee of each Albanian bajrak (or crime "family") provides
"the requisite tactics and training necessary for conducting arms and
drug smuggling, as well as sophisticated burglaries."

The hands-on work of the crime syndicates is performed by "crews" made
up of four to ten members: "A-team" units trained in the use of
sophisticated tools and communications gear, and "B-teams" who, "while
lacking in sophistication … make up for it in brutality and cunning." In
the mid-1990s, law enforcement officials in New York and New Jersey
noticed that Albanian gangsters had dramatically improved their
surveillance and counter-surveillance skills. This led some officials to
suspect that former agents of the Sigurimi, the Communist Albanian
secret police, had begun to train "crews" in this country. Even without
the Sigurimi’s help, however, the Albanian mob had established itself as
a force to be reckoned with in the world of narcotics smuggling. Xhudo
wrote that "by the mid-1980s, Albanians … were already gaining notoriety
for their drug trafficking," playing a predominant role in the "Balkan
Connection" through which passed up to 40 percent of the heroin sold on
U.S. streets.

Narcotics Network

Asked by THE NEW AMERICAN about accusations that the KLA is implicated
in drug smuggling and terrorism, Shirley Cloyes, the Balkan affairs
adviser for the Albanian American Civic League (AACL), dismissed the
charges as "absolutely preposterous" products of "Serb propaganda."
"These reports are quite baffling, and it is very, very disturbing that
such propaganda has been given wide currency in the press," Cloyes
declared. "As the atrocities of Milosevic’s regime have been exposed to
the public, the Serb propaganda machine has stepped up its rhetoric
about the supposed connections between the KLA and drug traffickers and
Islamic fundamentalists. There is simply no merit to any of these

Former counter-narcotics agent Michael Levine, author of the exposés
Deep Cover and The Big White Lie, begs to differ with Cloyes’
assessment. "Backing the KLA is simply insane," Levine protests. Levine,
a highly decorated former undercover agent for the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA), told THE NEW AMERICAN, "My contacts within the DEA
are quite frankly terrified, but there’s not much they can say without
risking their jobs. These guys [the KLA] have a network that’s active on
the streets of this country. The Albanian mob is a scary operation. In
fact, the Mafia relied on Albanian hitmen to carry out a lot of their
contracts. They’re the worst elements of society that you can imagine,
and now, according to my sources in drug enforcement, they’re
politically protected."

"It’s the same old story," Levine notes. "Ten years ago we were arming
and equipping the worst elements of the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan — drug
traffickers, arms smugglers, anti-American terrorists. We later paid the
price when the World Trade Center was bombed, and we learned that some
of those responsible had been trained by us. Now we’re doing the same
thing with the KLA, which is tied in with every known middle and far
eastern drug cartel. Interpol, Europol, and nearly every European
intelligence and counter-narcotics agency has files open on drug
syndicates that lead right to the KLA, and right to Albanian gangs in
this country."

In early April, the FBI announced that an anonymous fax had been sent to
Serbian Orthodox churches across the country urging Serbian-Americans to
carry out terrorist acts against members of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Although the FBI subsequently dismissed the message as a "rant" rather
than a terrorist threat, the incident still served to misdirect public
attention, according to Levine. "It’s possible that a Serb might commit
an act of terrorism, but the KLA’s got a whole network up and running in
this country, and they’re in bed with Osama bin-Laden, who’s shown that
he intends to kill Americans and has the means to do it," Levine

Robert Gelbard, the Clinton Administration’s former special envoy for
Kosovo, told Agence France Presse in February 1998 that the KLA "is,
without any questions, a terrorist group." After this remark provoked
criticism from the KLA’s American partisans that it amounted to a "green
light" for Milosevic to carry out repression against Kosovo’s Albanian
population, Gelbard clarified his point by telling the House Committee
on International Relations that while the KLA had committed terrorist
acts, it had never "been classified legally by the U.S. government as a
terrorist organization."

In light of the fact that the KLA has been embraced by Osama bin-Laden,
who has been identified by the Administration as the kingpin of global
terrorism, this omission is a curious one indeed. On August 24th of last
year, shortly after U.S. cruise missiles struck supposed assets of
bin-Laden’s network in Sudan and Afghanistan, the Saudi terror
chieftain’s World Islamic Front (WIF) issued a communiqué urging its
followers to "direct your attacks to the American army and her allies,
the infidels." Kosovo was listed among the locales in which the
communiqué claimed the WIF had "achieved great victories" in recent
years. In a November 30th dispatch from Pristina, Kosovo, The Scotsman
 reported that bin-Laden’s operatives were active in Albania. In
addition, intelligence officials reported that "Mujahadeen units from at
least a half dozen Middle East countries [are] streaming across the
border into Kosovo from safe bases in Albania."

Complement to Bloodshed

As preparations for NATO’s war in Kosovo proceeded, according to The
Scotsman, the Clinton Administration asked the KLA "to distance
themselves from so-called Mujahadeen fundamentalists." In exchange, the
Administration held out the promise of political and military support.
According to the February 24th New York Times, Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright promised the KLA leadership that in exchange for its
signatures on the Rambouillet peace accord, "Officers in the Kosovo
Liberation Army would … be sent to the United States for training in
transforming themselves from a guerilla group into a police force or a
political entity, much like the African National Congress did in South

"We want to develop a good relationship with them as they transform
themselves into a politically oriented organization," declared deputy
State Department spokesman James Foley. "We want to develop closer and
better ties with this organization."

Military cooperation between the KLA and NATO is already a reality in
Kosovo. The Times of London reported on April 20th that KLA guerillas,
using satellite communications systems, have been target-spotting for
NATO bombing runs over the province. "The intelligence is passed to
Western ‘handlers’ who relay the targets to the alliance, enabling NATO
to claim that it has no ‘formal links’ with the rebels," continued the
Times. Some of those "handlers" are commandos from the British SAS
Special Forces; others reportedly are from the U.S. Delta Force.

One British report suggested that Military Professional Resources
Incorporated (MPRI), the Virginia-based private military training firm,
had been retained by the Albanian government to train and equip the KLA.
MPRI spokesman Ed Soyster told THE NEW AMERICAN that while the firm has
ongoing programs in Croatia, Bosnia, and Macedonia, "we’ve not been
contacted by the Albanian government, and we’re not going to get in the
middle of that thing in Kosovo." Alluding to the KLA’s background in
drug smuggling and terrorism, Soyster said that "this group is something
that we simply don’t want to associate with" — an interesting
assessment, given the firm’s willingness to contract with unsavory
elements in both Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina.

Some KLA partisans in the U.S. are urging the Administration to dispense
with "handlers" and arm the KLA directly. On April 21st, Senators Mitch
McConnell (R-KY) and Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) introduced the "Kosova
Self-Defense Act," which would (in McConnell’s words) "provide $25
million to arm and train members of the … KLA" and "equip 10,000 men or
10 battalions with small arms and anti-tank weapons for up to 18
months." McConnell told his colleagues, "Given Administration reluctance
to deploy U.S. troops, there is only one option — the KLA must be given
the means to defend their homeland." Congressman James Traficant (D-OH)
has introduced a complementary measure in the House.

Not surprisingly, the AACL supports the proposal to arm the KLA — but
only in combination with the deployment of U.S. troops, rather than as a
substitute for such a deployment. "Mr. President, how many Albanians
must die before we do the right thing — namely arm the KLA, as we did
the Croats in Bosnia — and committing NATO ground troops to stop the
genocide and finish the job we started?" pleaded AACL director Joseph
DioGuardi in a letter to Bill Clinton. Asked by THE NEW AMERICAN why
American troops are necessary if the KLA can recruit Albanians from the
diaspora to fight on the ground, the AACL’s Shirley Cloyes replied, "Our
position has always been that we should start with arming the KLA before
we send in ground troops." This is to say that the AACL — which is
essentially the KLA’s public relations organ — does not see arming the
KLA as an alternative to shedding American blood on the ground in
Kosovo, but as a complement to a ground campaign: The KLA gets U.S. arms
to continue its irredentist campaign, and U.S. servicemen get the
dubious privilege of dying on behalf of "Greater Albania" and, of
course, the new world order.

KLA Map of "Greater Albania"
A "Greater Albania"
When the conversation turned to the question of the KLA’s larger
designs, Cloyes stuck close to her scripted talking points. "I have no
time for talk about ‘Greater Albania,’" Cloyes emphatically told THE NEW
 AMERICAN. "The only quest for hegemony in the Balkans is Milosevic’s
quest for a ‘Greater Serbia.’ You have only one land grab, and that’s
Serbia’s grab of Kosovo." When asked if it is the KLA’s intention to
change existing borders in the Balkans, as the map distributed by the
group suggests, Cloyes once again parried the inquiry by condemning
"Serb aggression": "There are no borders to change. The only borders
that have been changed were changed by Serbia." It will be interesting
to see how this line of reasoning plays with those residents of
Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, and Greece who live within the
KLA-defined boundaries of "Greater Albania."

"In the end, it will come to this: Led by the KLA, Kosovo will separate
from Serbia, whether by negotiations or by violence," concluded
Christopher Hedges in his Foreign Affairs essay. "The grim reality is
that we had better get to know the KLA — because it is not going away."
It must be remembered that Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council
on Foreign Relations, serves to define policy alternatives for America’s
foreign policy elite. Thus, Hedges’ essay could be taken as a summary of
the official Establishment line.

"Why quit our own to stand on foreign ground?" asked George Washington
in his Farewell Address. "Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of
any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of
European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice?" The wisdom
of Washington’s warning to eschew damaging entanglements is underscored
by the utterly demented determination of our ruling Establishment to
knit our destiny with that of the KLA.

 © Copyright 1999 American Opinion Publishing Incorporated
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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