-Caveat Lector-

China: We Have Our Own Neutron Bomb

.c The Associated Press

BEIJING (AP) - China declared today that it had invented its own neutron
bomb, making an unprecedented disclosure about its nuclear arsenal to counter
and reject U.S. accusations of atomic spying.

The timing of the announcement came as the furor over spy claims by a U.S.
congressional panel led by Rep. Christopher Cox was dying down. Still, China
is in the midst of its harshest campaign of criticism of rival Taiwan in
three years, and has threatened to attack the island.

China is known to have exploded a neutron bomb in 1988, but in keeping with
its secretive military traditions, apparently never announced its

The bombs are meant to produce a smaller blast than conventional nuclear
weapons but more intense radiation, limiting physical damage while killing
large numbers of people.

In Washington, White House press secretary Joe Lockhart sought to reassure
Americans about the threat of China's neutron bomb. ``We have no doubt that
our nuclear deterrent is strong enough to protect our national interests,''
he said.

Zhao Qizheng, the chief government spokesman, said Chinese scientists
developed neutron bombs and miniaturized atomic warheads in the 1970s and

The United States developed neutron bombs in the 1970s, but said it never
deployed them.

Calling the Cox report on Chinese spying ``utterly absurd'' and racist, Zhao
rejected suggestions that China built the bombs only by relying on stolen
U.S. technology.

``The Chinese can't be as smart as the Americans, therefore they must have
stolen the technology,'' he said.

Zhao also gave details of programs to develop anti-submarine microwave
technology, missile design techniques and technology to launch multiple
satellites from a single rocket.

Zhao said China, which exploded its first nuclear bomb in 1964, was driven by
the nuclear threat of the U.S.-Soviet arms race.

``China had no choice but to carry out research and development of nuclear
weapons,'' he said.

After developing atomic and hydrogen bombs, Zhao said, it was ``quite logical
and natural for it to master the neutron bomb technology through its own
efforts over a short period of time.''

In Tokyo, the chief Japanese government spokesman said that although having
neutron technology doesn't violate international arms-control agreements,
Japan would ask China to exercise restraint in developing it.

``We hope that efforts toward nuclear arms reduction will be strengthened
further,'' the Kyodo news agency quoted Hiromu Nonaka as saying.

China has threatened to attack Taiwan after Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui
said last week the two governments have ``state-to-state'' relations, all but
rejecting Beijing's insistence that the island is part of its territory.

Taiwan and the mainland have been ruled separately since China's civil war 50
years ago. Beijing has said it reserves the right to use force against the
island if it declares formal independence.

A sharply worded commentary Thursday in China's military-run Liberation Army
Daily said the armed forces were ready to attack Taiwan if necessary to
enforce Beijing's claim.

``(We) will not tolerate separatist conspiracies nor sit idly by to let even
one inch of territory go,'' said the commentary, which was reprinted in major
newspapers nationwide.

Zhang Qiyue, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, would not comment on whether the
neutron bomb disclosures were meant as a threat to Taiwan. She would not say
whether China has a neutron bomb in its arsenal now.

But Zhang repeated Beijing's warning to Taiwan not to ``underestimate the
firm resolve'' of the Chinese government to enforce its territorial

``Lee Teng-hui and the Taiwan authorities must ... stop all activities aimed
at splitting the motherland,'' she told reporters.

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