-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday August 4, 2:47 AM

Clinton Corruption Too Much for Mafia Don

Lost in the rush of news emanating from Hillary Clinton's recent burst of
candor in Talk magazine was this amazing tidbit in Tuesday's New York Daily

Don Addicted to Monicagate

John Gotti is a news junkie, and he found a feast in the Bill Clinton-Monica
Lewinsky scandal. He says Clinton got away with conduct a Mafia gangster
would never be allowed to get away with.

He told his brother Peter that, based on what he heard Clinton say in
tape-recorded conversations with onetime lover Gennifer Flowers, it sounded
like Clinton was telling her to lie.

"He's telling her, 'Why would you want to bring this out? If anybody
investigates, you lie.' "

The tapes, made in 1991 when Clinton was making his first White House bid
and Flowers was thinking about telling her story, surfaced in 1992 and were
picked up by the media again when the Clinton-Lewinsky matter began to brew
early last year.

Gotti heard them on Jan. 29. The next day, he said they showed that Clinton
implied to Flowers she wouldn't get in trouble if she lied because he could
"get to" any judge.

Gotti's verdict on the president? "If he had an Italian last name, they
would've electrocuted him."


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The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
....a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

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