-Caveat Lector-

The Origins of the Illuminati

Not much has been said about the origins of the Illuminati. Some
researchers trace the origins back to the Bavarian Illuminati in the
1700's, but this secret organization goes way back.

The Illuminati can be traced back at least 4000 years, but the first
Order wasn't fully established until the Babylonian era, around 1000
B.C. So around 4000 years ago the original Brotherhood was
infiltratedHowever, the plans were made already during the Sumerian era,
in Mesopotamia, which is the land between the rivers Tigris and
Euphrates (Iraq), under the reign of King Ur-Nammu. This was during the
Third Dynasty of Ur, around 2112-2004 B.C.

The reign of king Ur was to establish which Brotherhood would come into
rulership, and the wars took place, which resulted in the erection of
Babylon the Great.

Then, during the Babylonian era, three Brotherhoods were established,
still fighting. They were:

The White Order (The White Brotherhood). This branch was operating from

The Green Brotherhood (The Green Dragon), operated, and is still
operating, in Asia, which should not be confused with the Green Glove of
Russia, which is the Russian Brotherhood. The origins before they were
established in coded color Brotherhoods, the Brotherhood was called the
Cult of the Snake, which later in Greece took its form as the Cult of

The Yellow Brotherhood, which had its seat in old Egypt.

The Green Brotherhood and the Yellow eventually merged into one, to
what today is called The Green Dragon. In the Babylonian era, the
bloodline of the Green Dragon was split in four directions and was thus
thinned. The bloodline of the White Order on the other hand, has been
kept in a straight line from father to son from the time of King
Ur-Nammu, without being broken at all.

Most interesting of the three is therefore the White Brotherhood, which
seems to be totally unknown to researchers. It's a very secretive order,
not mentioned at all today. They were the ones who delianated the path
of which civilizations and societies were to take in the creation of
their One World Dominated Realm, which hence created and produced the
Greek alphabet, politics (the way it is used up to this very day),
theosophy, philosophy (including the "great" philosophers Plato,
Socrates etc), government, military, education, religion, segregated
hierarchies and the Arian dream, used by Hitler and the Elite. In other
words, they are the source to the civilization we have today in the
Western World.

It's interesting how this fact has been hidden, as we look at it, most
of the Western World today operates on the same principles used by the
old Greeks.

Ever since the beginning, it has been very important that the bloodline
is kept clean to keep the occult power, meaning that each generation
must bring to birth at least one son - preferably more than one, as we
shall see.

To be able to enter the White Brotherhood you had to have a master's
degree on all various subjects that were related to secret teachings,
and many of the subjects were beyond the reach of the rest of
society. ONLY men from the right bloodline were allowed to enter. This
means in practice, that to be accepted, you had to be educated for 40
years(!). The same principle is in practice today. Therefore it was
important to give birth to as many sons as possible - if one failed
their degree, another one might pass.

This also explains why the Western civilization operates the way it does
today and one more bit of the puzzle is laid. The White Brotherhood laid
the grounds for the New World Order, passed it on to the secret
societies, and the "Work of the Ages" have continued ever since ...

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Sources: Deep research into various Greek archieves

Published: Aug 14 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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