-Caveat Lector-

The information below details the history of ex-priest Porter.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse. All accusations are alleged

Excerpts from http://www.angelfire.com/ri/survivorconnections/flfvsporter.html

Frank L. Fitzpatrick vs ex-priest James R. Porter Brief Chronology
Copyright © 1994 Francis L. Fitzpatrick All Rights Reserved

1953. Porter at age 18 molests a 13 year old boy at a playground in his home
town of Revere, Massachusetts.

1956-1960. Seminarian Porter works summers at Cathedral Camp in East
Freetown, MA, molesting children. Is reported to another priest by a boy who
later grew up to be an FBI agent. In Revere, molests numerous neighborhood

1960, April. 1st assignment of Roman Catholic priest Porter in North
Attleboro at St. Mary Church and Elementary (Kindergarten to 8th Grade)
School. Rapes and sexually assaults over a hundred known victims, boys and
girls between the ages of 6 and 14 including Frank. Drugs and rapes 12 year
old Frank Fitzpatrick at Porter’s parents’ home in Revere, MA.

1962. Porter is reported for sexually assaulting children from North
Attleboro by victims’ parents/relatives Louise Connor, Connie Lyons, and Babe
Viens to pastor Father Booth and Father Annunziato of St. Mary’s Church.
Louise Connor is told by Father Booth that Porter is already receiving
treatment - Booth says, “What are you trying to do, crucify him?” Porter is
reported to the office of Bishop James Connolly of the Diocese of Fall River,
Massachusetts. (Diocese personnel records, later revealed in 1992, indicate
their knowledge in 1960s of 30 boys having been abused.) Babe Viens talks to
Monsignor Medeiros in the absence of Bishop Connolly. (Medeiros later becomes
a Cardinal). Lyons drives Porter to Boston to see a psychiatrist for
treatment. Porter also receives electroshock treatments by Dr. Norris
Flanagan of Wiswall Hospital.

1963, August. Porter leaves North Attleboro. Transferred to Sacred Heart
Church in Fall River, Massachusetts, 25 miles away. Molests more children.
Babe Viens hears that Porter is at a parish in Fall River and again goes to
the Bishop’s Office to complain.

1965. Porter is transferred to St. James Church in New Bedford, 15 miles from
Fall River. Fathers O’Dea and Duffy are told by Monsignor Gallagher that the
Diocesan Office says to watch Father Porter because he has a “problem with
little boys.” Porter is not assigned duties specifically relating to children
although he becomes a chaplain at St. Luke’s Hospital. As an extra priest
Porter has lots of spare time and uses it to molest scores more of boys and

1966?. Porter is turned in to New Hampshire police who simply escort him to
the border and let him go.

1967. Porter is caught once again and is shipped off to Jemez Springs, New
Mexico for “treatment” at Foundation House, run by the Servants of the
Paraclete order of priests. Porter is let out on trial basis to say Mass in
area churches in New Mexico and Texas and again practices “his old failings”
as the Paraclete’s records call it.

1969. Porter is given a letter of recommendation from the treatment center to
an unsuspecting parish, St. Phillip’s, in Bemidji, Minnesota.

1969-1970. Porter molests a couple of dozen more children in Bemidji. Porter
is caught and reported again.

1974. Porter writes a letter to the Pope asking to be allowed to leave the
priesthood and officially leaves.

1974 to 1980. Porter molests some neighborhood boys.

1984. Porter molests a young teenage female babysitter who is caring for his

1987, Summer. Porter molests his children’s 15 year old babysitter, Sara,
sister of the babysitter he molested in 1984.

1989, September. Frank Fitzpatrick’s repressed memories of sexual assault by
Father James Porter in 1962 return.

1989, September 27. Fitzpatrick writes letter to Bishop Cronin of Diocese of
Fall River and receives return call from Chancellor Monsignor Oliveira
telling him to “Leave it in the hands of the Lord.”

1989, September to November. Search by Fitzpatrick to locate James Porter.
Fitzpatrick starts to find other survivors of Porter from Fitzpatrick’s home
town of North Attleboro, Massachusetts.

1989, November. Fitzpatrick locates Porter in Minnesota. Alerts Minnesota
police and social services.

1989, December. After a phone call to Detective Bill Hutton of the Oakdale
Police Department from Frank Fitzpatrick, Porter is interviewed by the FBI in
connection with the disappearance of an 11-year-old boy named Jacob
Wetterling. Porter admits to the FBI to molesting around 30 or 40 children
while he was a Catholic priest. FBI do nothing.

1990 to 1992. Frank places ads in newspapers, phones, & makes in-person
visits to locate other Porter survivors. Talks to area priests Annunziato &
O’Dea who worked with Porter in the 1960s, - does other public record

1990, February 19. Frank Fitzpatrick calls the Porter home and warns Verlyne
Porter that her husband is a danger to children. Frank talks to James Porter
also, and records the telephone conversation.

1990, September. Fitzpatrick phones Porter and again tapes the call.

1990, October. Fitzpatrick makes a public speech and music presentation in
Providence, RI to about 200 people using his own name and naming Porter as
having abused 30 children in the early 1960s. A “sound bite” by Frank appears
on the evening news on three Providence TV stations. Frank finds first known
New Bedford survivor.

1990, December. Frank has researched laws and then makes official criminal
complaint to North Attleboro police and Bristol County DA. Frank has given
copies of his tapes to DA and also a newspaper reporter from New Bedford
Standard Times. The reporter interviews local priests, is killed in a one-car
accident, and story never runs.

1990, December. Fitzpatrick phones Porter and again tapes the call.

1991, May. Frank makes public speech at a speak-out in Worcester,
Massachusetts about Porter & cover up by Church. Sun Chronicle newspaper does
a supportive editorial using Frank’s name and story but not naming Porter.

1991. September. Fitzpatrick phones Porter for the 4th time and again tapes
the call.

1991, Summer. A New Bedford Porter survivor contacts attorney who directs us
to Attorney Eric MacLeish.

1992, May 7. Thursday. Broadcast of 8 people telling their story about abuse
by Porter on WBZ-TV Channel 4, in Boston, Massachusetts to reporter Joe
Bergantino. Patty Wilson, Judy Mullett, and Frank Fitzpatrick show their
faces and use their names. 5 others speak in shadow including Mike Whalen and
Pete Calderone who also later go completely public. Within the next 3 months
68 survivors in Massachusetts area come forward. People make reports to
police and the district attorney’s office. Survivors of priests and other
perps flood Frank’s office and home with phone calls. News media blitz begins.

1992, May 8. Dennis Gaboury, John Robitaille & Steve Johnson come forward and
go public. New people to Frank.

1992. July. Prime Time Live with Diane Sawyer airs 30 minute feature of the
Porter case showing 25 people gone public. As a result, dozens of Porter
survivors in Minnesota, Texas, and New Mexico hear of what is going on and
come forward.

1992. September. James Porter is indicted in Massachusetts for molesting 28
children - now adults - still within the statute of limitations. Same day he
is indicted in Minnesota for molesting a babysitter of his children.

1992. October. Civil claim settlement with the diocese of Fall River,
Massachusetts, by 68 Porter survivors. 31 more are later represented by
Attorney Eric MacLeish and settle claims.

1992. December. Porter is tried for crimes of abusing babysitter in
Minnesota. Frank & Sara Fitzpatrick attend along with Porter survivor Fran
Battaglia to support the young lady. Porter is found guilty and sentenced to
6 months. Serves 4 months in Minnesota. Minnesota Supreme Court later
overturns the verdict based on the prosecutor’s closing remarks that the jury
would be “fools” to believe Mrs. Verlyne Porter’s testimony

1993. December. Porter plea bargains with Bristol County DA Paul Walsh and
judge gives him 18 to 20 years, of which he is serving 6 or more now in

At least 130 survivors of Father or Mr. Porter have come forward to date,
“coming forward” defined here as going to the police to make a report or
being represented by an attorney.

Many other Porter survivors are known but have taken no action. . . .

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