-Caveat Lector-

This means that the CIA Inspector General's Report, Volume 2, will be
augmented by Congress with awaited evidence documents, from former Los
Angeles Police Department narcotics investigative officer Michael Ruppert,
to further substantiation of the IG's claims of CIA complicity in the
illegal drug trade which Ruppert says he can prove is still ongoing, on an
enormous scale, especially targeting inner city black populations to foster
drug and crime problems including the crack cocaine epidemic to destroy and
imprision the black community, and others, to fund covert guerrilla and
police operations, and to launder money for political campaigns and low cost
corporate loans to feed the Wall Street merger mania and keep stock market
profit-taking at artificially high levels.  The lawsuit referred to below is
the 15MAR99 (Ides of March) filed class action suit for actual and punitive
damages against the CIA and Dept of Justice for CIA's liability for the
financial losses of those communities, lead by citizens of South Central Los
Angeles and Oakland, California, and supported by recent unanimous
resolution of the Oakland City Council under the guidance of the former
California Governor and United States Presidential Candidate, Oakland Mayor
Jerry Brown.  This information conclusively links both Presidents Bush and
Clinton, with many other high US government officials, to this illicit CIA
protected drug trade (estimated at 80% of overall illicit drug market and
over $200 billion per year), as well as proof of suppressed videotaped
evidence from a 1985 DEA sting in which undercover officers sold multiple
kilograms of cocaine to Jeb and George W. Bush.  Mike has been on hundreds
of radio stations across the nation this week discussing these matters which
are summarized and documented on his website http://www.copvcia.com and
detailed in his monthly hardcopy newsletter, From The Wilderness,
subscriptions to which (and back issues) are available via his website and
which serve as his undervalued means of earning a living while, at the peril
of his life, he is doing his important ongoing factfinding and investigative
journalism, lecturing and teaching on these and related survival issue and
forgiveness messages which are all now uniting in the prayer for  "Global
Peace Now!" as a universal human resolve, and which will be carried by next
year's Global Peace Walk http://www.globalpeacenow.org from San Francisco's
UN Peace Memorial Building (January 15th, Martin Luther King birthday) to
the Washington Monument in DC, (Columbus Day) and ending in New York City
for October 24, 2000, with a United Nations 55th anniversary appeal for a
worldwide Global Peace Zone2000 and US election of only candidates in Y2000
who endorse the Global Peace Platform outlining survival issue solutions.
[The first great transcontinental PeaceMarch of the new millennium, with
Global PeaceMakers Opening Ceremony at Oakland City Hall, Noon on Sunday
January 9, 2000, (birthday anniversary of the late most venerable Nichidatsu
Fujii), passing through South Central Los Angeles on February 6th, Ronald
Reagan's and Bob Marley's birthday.

The Time Has Come, "Global Peace Now!", Global Peace Walk2000
Zoning for Peace.

David Crockett Williams
General Agency Services
Global Emergency Alert Response

From: Mike Ruppert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: CIA Drugs list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Breaking News From House Intelligence Committee
Date: Thursday, August 26, 1999 3:32 PM

From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Today I received a letter from Porter Goss, Chairman of the House Permanent
Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) indicating that the committee is
requesting from me "the thousands of additional pages" of information I have
written them that I have on the subject of CIA and drugs. In my response to
their letter, published in the June issue of FTW, which indicated that they
intended to close out the investigation, I told them that in the absence of
both an open and public hearing and a full examination of all the material,
the committee had not fulfilled its obligations.

In the letter received today HPSCI indicated that they were offering to pay
for the copying and mailing expenses.

What this means is that we - through the efforts of Bill Simpich and Katya
Komisaruk - have effectively prevented HPSCI from closing out this issue
before the 2000 campaign gets underway. I intend to comply with the
Committee's request, in an expeditious fashion, as soon as I determine that
the Committee doesn't intend to bankrupt me over the expense and keep me
waiting for months for reimbursement.

This is truly great news and should serve as a warning to all those who say,
"There's nothing you can do to fight it."

I have quoted the salient passages from the HPSCI letter below.

For the record I will not be answering e-mails until after I meet the
publishing deadline for the next issue of FTW.


"We realize that producing copies of the documents you claim are in your
possession mat present a financial burden for you. We would be willing to
reimburse your actual costs for reproducing and shipping those additional
documents now in your possession which are relevant to the committee's

Mike Ruppert

------------------------------------forwarded by:

                     David Crockett Williams
                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Phone  661-822-3309          Fax 561-658-2735
20411 Steeple Court, Tehachapi CA 93561 USA
   Global Emergency Alert Response (G.E.A.R.)

Global Peace Walk http://www.globalpeacenow.org
     For the direct cause of true peace, harmony
    among all life and free natural abundance as
      paradise on Earth, respect True One Law.
Torahk:  Paradise Systems Psibernetics Program
     For One Human Family:  Love All, Serve All

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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