-Caveat Lector-

----Original Message Follows----
From: Mark Graffis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Advocacy Group Puts Toxic Disaster Information on Internet
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 23:48:28 -0500 (CDT)

    EarthVision Reports

    WASHINGTON, September 14, 1999 - A coalition of environmental
    advocates has decided not to wait for the government to publish
    information on toxic materials stored throughout the United States.
    Instead, the groups have taken the initiative to put it on the
    Internet themselves. The New York Times reported that the public
    disclosure of information on the risks of chemical accidents,
    outflanks a new law that suppresses this kind of information on the
    ground that the details could help terrorists. Now, anyone visiting
    the site can see a published list of state-by-state summaries of
    "worst-case scenarios" presented by thousands of companies in the US
    to the US EPA. The companies originally provided the information as
    part of an effort to help government agencies and people who live near
    factories prepare for toxic catastrophes like explosions at chemical

    The article points out that EPA originally intended to make the
    information available online. The US Congress, however, intervened and
    vetoed the initiative in response to warnings by security specialists
    that electronic dissemination of the information could provide
    terrorists with a road map to sensitive domestic targets. Because the
    information was not classified, it was made available through
    legislated right-to-know policies.

    The website where the information is posted is called the
    Right-to-Know Network. It claims to provide free access to numerous
    databases, text files, and conferences on the environment, housing,
    and sustainable development.

    Associated Link:

    [1]The Right-to-Know Network
    1. http://www.rtk.net/


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