-Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find information about a recent court decision.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Excerpts from : http://www.survivorship.org/html/molestation_article.html

Tuesday, August 31, 1999
Home Edition Section: PART A Page: A-1

Rescinding of Molestation Case Deadline Upheld


The California Supreme Court decided Monday that a defendant may be charged
with child molestation even if the alleged crime took place years or decades
before a complaint was made to police.

In a 4-3 ruling, the state high court said a 1994 state law that virtually
eliminated the statute of limitations for child molestation can be applied
retroactively to child molestation cases in which the legal deadline for
prosecution had expired.

The ruling, described as the first of its kind in the nation, is expected to
unleash a barrage of prosecutions against defendants whose victims kept their
molestations secret for years. It also could encourage other states to
rescind statutes of limitations retroactively for child sexual abuse.

Previously, many such victims went to civil court and obtained monetary
compensation but could not seek criminal prosecution if the statute of
limitations for child molesting, generally six years in California, had

The ruling stems from a state law enacted five years ago that said suspects
may be prosecuted for child molesting within one year after a complaint to
law enforcement has been made.

Some California courts refused to apply the law to cases in which the statute
of limitations for prosecution had expired. The Legislature responded by
passing another provision in 1996 that clearly stated that the new child
molestation law was to be applied regardless of when the alleged crime was

Justice Marvin Baxter, writing for the majority, noted that lawmakers across
the country in the 1980s began to increase the time in which child
molestation charges could be filed.

Lawmakers "became increasingly aware that young victims often delay reporting
sexual abuse because they are easily manipulated by offenders in positions of
authority and trust," Baxter wrote.

"Prosecutors have wide latitude in . . . determining whether and when
indictments should be filed," wrote Baxter. "Such discretionary decisions
offend the United States Constitution only where unfair tactics or improper
motives are involved."

Mendocino Deputy Dist. Atty. Beth Norman....said victims have varied reasons
for waiting many years to report that they were molested as children. She
said some fear retribution or are embarrassed. "For many years, there is just
too much shame attached to report it," Norman said.

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