-Caveat Lector-

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Subject: Giuliani says the spraying will continue 9/18/99
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 23:21:11 -0500 (CDT)

Giuliani Says Don’t Worry, The Spraying of Poison Gas Will
Continue 9/18/99

[Quotations that support each of the claims in this report are
included at the end]

On Friday Mayor Giuliani announced that the mass spraying of
three insecticides on New York City by helicopters, small planes
and mobile trucks will resume starting this weekend. According
to a careful reading of the Mayor’s press releases the following
three undisputed facts are the basis for continuing to spray the
City as a response to a possible outbreak of St. Louis
Encephalitis [SLE].

1. The NYC Department of Health, The Emergency
Management Services and the Center For Disease Control have
yet to find a single mosquito infected with the SLE virus.

2. To date, a total of three people are alleged to have died from
SLE since it was first diagnosed in NYC.

3. Only 11 cases of what is being officially called SLE are
confirmed out of the 80 previously reported and most of those
who were affected are already better or are expected to fully

In response to these undisputed facts, the mass spraying of the
City’s eight million human beings with Malathion and two other
toxic gases, Resmethrin and Sumethrin, is scheduled to resume
starting this weekend.

The Mayor continues to insist these chemicals are completely
safe, a claim not even their manufacturers make. The NY State
Attorney General’s office has specifically warned the Giuliani
administration to stop making unjustified claims of complete
safety for these chemicals.

On 9/16/99 the Green Party of NY along with a variety of
community groups and individuals announced the preparation of
a class action lawsuit to stop the indiscriminate spraying. In
addition to the thousands of New Yorkers that have been
directly sprayed by helicopters and trucks virtually every person
residing, working or visiting in NYC during the past two weeks
has been repeatedly exposed either directly or indirectly to these

Although the announcement about the press conference was
listed on the AP daybook only one reporter, from WBAI,
showed up to cover the story. While coverage of the spraying
has been extensive, there has been virtually no mention in the
mainstream media of the health risks these chemicals pose. The
closest thing to airing a different view than the Mayor’s on this
issue has been the occasional mention in a newspaper article or
TV news piece that some New Yorkers irrationally fear the
spraying. There’s been no coverage of the fact that aerial
Malathion spraying is very controversial and has led to lawsuits
in a number of states, or that it is banned in some altogether.
Despite the total exclusion of dissenting voices on this issue the
Mayor continues in his paranoid fashion to accuse the media of
spreading fear of the chemicals. Presumably, reporters did this
by daring to ask him any questions at all about safety. Based on
mainstream media reports alone, one might reasonably believe
Malathion deserves a place on our dinner tables right next to the
salt and pepper or that our kids do poorly in school due to a
Malthion deficiency.

While we citizens enjoy the right to wander the City’s
Malathion soaked streets the Mayor huddles with his staff inside
a gas-proof 13 million dollar fortified bunker in downtown
Manhattan planning out our futures. Broadcasting live from the
bunker Giuliani stands before a wall of closed circuit tv
monitors and issues Orwellian radio and television
announcements directing everyone to remain calm and to act as
if nothing unusual is happening. Additionally we are advised to
seal our windows and to stay indoors.

The so called scientifically proven safety of these chemicals is
based on their not causing immediate death or critical illness in
humans if carefully applied in small doses. All of these chemicals
will kill humans if applied to the skin, inhaled or consumed in
larger doses. At the low dosages of Malathion, Resmethrin and
Sumethrin that the Mayor claims we’re receiving, harmful
effects would not be immediately discernible in healthy people.
Those with asthma, AIDs, allergies, chemical sensitivities or
other illnesses may have more immediate reactions even at a
very low or indirect exposure.

Chemical poisoning, unlike food poisoning or the venom of a
snake bite, doesn’t necessarily produce immediate symptoms
but can nonetheless be deadly. Exposing children to lead from
ordinary house paint causes multiple disorders and diseases but
the effects take years to show up. The veterans suffering from
Gulf War Syndrome only began to feel ill after retuning to the
United States. Exposure to asbestos, tobacco, or low level
radiation, like exposure to these toxic chemicals, may go
unnoticed for decades before illness develops. Possibly the most
disturbing aspect of Malathion is its known mutagenicity.
Damaging our basic genetic information, while it may or may
not produce any immediately observable symptoms in ourselves,
passes the potential harm to future generations.

The claims of safety for these chemicals is based on them being
used in very low concentrations and applied by trained experts.
At no time have they been advertised by their manufacturers as
being perfectly safe or as recommended for spraying on humans.
Those applying Malathion, Resmethrin and Sumethrin are
advised in the manufacturers accompanying instruction manuals
to take extreme precautions against breathing the vapors or
getting the chemicals on their skin. These chemicals were
originally engineered by some of the world’s best scientists in
order to kill humans. In addition to the well documented
breathing difficulties, allergic reactions and temporary blindness
that the Mayor casually admits are possible from even minimal
exposure, these chemicals are considered by many experts to
cause immune system disorders, cancer, genetic mutations and

For those lucky enough to be able to access an accurate
spraying schedule from their home computer and to have a
home to stay inside of, it’s possible to avoid being directly
sprayed. That doesn’t mean they aren’t breathing, eating or
absorbing a small amount of the chemicals as they are sprayed
and misted on all of New York City.

In addition to the mass indirect spraying of the entire population
while they sleep thousands of men, women and children have
been directly sprayed by helicopters and trucks while they are
out on the street. In some instances frightened women and
children have had to flee parks that were being sprayed from
above. In addition to the aerial spraying from planes,
nondescript pickup trucks are slowly driving past apartment
houses and stores trailing a foul smelling cloud of gas which
rises to the top of buildings and fills the entire street. A residue
of these toxic chemicals can later be found on every object, on
every plant and animal and in every home. Would you allow
someone to spray your bedding and food with a common
household insecticide like Raid or allow them to spray it on
your body? If not, you should be even less willing to be sprayed
with Malathion.

Sadaam Husein and Adolf Hitler are infamous for their use of
poison gas. The gases they employed are from the exact same
chemical class, organophosphates, as Malthion, Resmethrin and
Sumethrin and were invented by some of the same scientists.

Mayor Giuliani’s latest quality of life initiative appears to be to
make gassing people an acceptable and routine part of civil
government. He expects that as mature, responsible and law
abiding citizens we will all take our daily gassing without
complaint. The gradual erosion of civil liberties in this City
during the past six years may have been intended to prepare us
for use as docile guinea pigs in service to the corporate police

Please repeat after me:
Massive aerial spraying of organophosphates on a civilian
population is a safe and effective way to improve quality of life.
Malathion is good for us.
The Fuhrer is always right.

Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
(Artists’ Response To Illegal State Tactics)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (718) 369-2111

For information on the lawsuit contact:
Afrime Derti (718) 670-7110 or (718) 623-1108 or Mitchell
Cohen (718) 623-1108

Press ReleaseNew York City Department of Health
Friday, September 17, 1999

Mayor Giuliani said, "With the weather forecast projecting
calmer weather for this week-end, following yesterday's passing
of Hurricane Floyd through the New York City area, we expect
to resume mosquito spraying throughout the City to further
minimize any risks for transmission of the SLE virus. Based on
information from the CDC, the Department of Health (DOH) is
now investigating 80 reported illnesses, most of which are not
likely to be SLE-related. We will continue to take these
necessary steps until we are satisfied that the sources of SLE
are eliminated.”

Jerome Hauer, Director of the Mayor's Office of Emergency
Management (MOEM), said, "Weather permitting, we will
resume aerial and ground spraying in New York City using
Malathion and pyrethroid-based insecticides, including
Resmethrin and Sumethrin, beginning Saturday.”

The following is excerpted from the Center for Disease Control
Chemical Safety Card on Resmethrin

Ventilation, local exhaust, or breathing protection.
Fresh air, rest. Refer for medical attention.
• SKIN Redness.
Protective gloves.
Remove contaminated clothes. Rinse and then wash skin with
water and soap.
• EYES Redness.
Safety goggles.
First rinse with plenty of water for several minutes (remove
contact lenses if easily possible), then take to a doctor.
Do not eat, drink, or smoke during work. Wash hands before
Rinse mouth. Refer for medical attention

The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation of its
aerosol and by ingestion.

No indication can be given about the rate in which a harmful
concentration in the air is reached on evaporation of this
substance at 20°C.

The substance irritates the eyes and the skin.
This substance may be hazardous to the environment; special
attention should be given to fish and honey bees.
International Chemical Safety Cards
Ware, Professor Emeritus, Department of Entomology,
University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona

Organophosphates is the currently used generic term that
includes all insecticides containing phosphorus. Other names
used, but no longer in vogue, are organic phosphates,
phosphorus insecticides, nerve gas relatives, and phosphoric
acid esters. All organophosphates are derived from one of the
phosphorus acids, and as a class are generally the most toxic of
all pesticides to vertebrates. Because of the similarity of
Organophosphate chemical structures to the "nerve gases", their
modes of action are also similar. Their insecticidal qualities were
observed in Germany during World War II in the study of the
extremely toxic Organophosphate nerve gases sarin, soman, and
tabun. Initially, the discovery was made in search of substitutes
for nicotine, which was heavily used as an insecticide but in
short supply in Germany.

PYRETHROIDS [Resmethryn]

The second generation [of PYRETHROIDS]  includes
tetramethrin (Neo-Pynamin®) (1965), followed by resmethrin
(Synthrin®) in 1967 (20X as effective as pyrethrum), then
bioresmethrin (50X as effective as pyrethrum) (1967), then
Bioallethrin® (1969), and finally phonothrin (Sumithrin®)

Mode of action--The pyrethroids share similar modes of action,
resembling that of DDT, and are considered axonic poisons.
They apparently work by keeping open the sodium channels in
neuronal membranes. There are two types of pyrethroids. Type
I, among other physiological responses, have a negative
temperature coefficient, resembling that of DDT. Type II, in
contrast have a positive temperature coefficient, showing
increased kill with increase in ambient temperature. Pyrethroids
affect both the peripheral and central nervous system of the
insect. They initially stimulate nerve cells to produce repetitive
dischages and eventually cause paralysis. Such effects are
caused by their action on the sodium channel, a tiny hole
through which sodium ions are permitted to enter the axon to
cause excitation. The stimulating effect of pyrethroids is much
more pronounced than that of DDT.

Press ReleaseNew York City Department of Health
Office of Public AffairsIMMEDIATE RELEASE:
Monday, September 13, 1999

“Most people who are infected with the SLE virus will recover.
I urge New Yorkers to be calm and cooperative as we continue
our surveillance for this virus and do whatever is necessary to
protect the health of our City," the Mayor concluded.”

"This [the virus] is very, very small and very, very isolated.
What we are doing we are doing out of an excess of caution.
That's the reality of it," Giuliani said at a packed press
conference. The mayor said spraying would continue in the
coming weeks "no matter what happens — if we get a lot more
suspected cases or very few or none — because we've been told
that even when it [the virus] goes into remission, even if you get
very few additional cases, this can come back two or three or
four weeks from now." He reiterated that the pesticide being
used, malathion, is not dangerous to humans or their pets as it is
being applied. -Daily News 9/11/99

)From a Malathion manufacturer: United Agri
Products/Sanex/lPCO Malathion, Cythion (malathion)
DANGER POISON  Precautions - First Aid: Protect yourself
by reducing skin and eye exposure. Wear coveralls, brimmed
hard hat, goggles, respirator, unlined nitrile or neoprene gloves,
and neoprene overboots or rubber boots. In addition wear a
waterproof apron when handling the pesticide concentrate.
Follow directions for cleaning of clothes and equipment before
reuse. If in eyes or skin use standard first aid measures. If
swallowed seek medical attention. Symptoms of poisoning:
Headache, weakness, sweating, giddiness, blurred vision,
nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and discomfort in chest”.

“``Malathion is a poison,'' said Jorge Mancillas, a neurobiologist
from California. ``The only reason malathion was developed
was to inflict damage on living organisms.'' The panelists
discussed how the spraying of malathion might overwhelm a
population already burdened with chemicals.``We have no
control over the effects when combined with other substances,''
Mancillas said. Another panelist, Dr. Sherry Rogers of
Maryland, said once the body's capacity to rid itself of chemicals
is reached, the body will store chemicals in body fat, eventually
causing cancer”. -”Malathion foes challenge state's decision to
spray” -8/4/97 Brandenton, Fla Herald

"There's absolutely no danger to anyone from this
spraying...There are some people who are engaged in the
business of wanting to frighten people out of their minds."
Mayor Giuliani-Newsday, 9/14/99

  “Currently this is the only evidence of transmission of St. Louis
Encephalitis to humans that’s been reported around the
country”. -Dr. Roger S. Nasci, an expert from the Federal
Center for Disease Control on the NYC Encephalitis crisis.
9/15/99 Channel 13 Newshour with Jim Lehrer

“Peter Lehner, the top environmental lawyer in the office of
Eliot L. Spitzer, the New York State Attorney General, said...it
was important not to gloss over the fact that malathion is a
chemical that was designed to kill things, that it had sickened
people in the past and that the Federal Environmental
Protection Agency prohibits those who sell any pesticide from
describing it as harmless. "The E.P.A. clearly says don't call
these things harmless, because they are not," Lehner said
yesterday. He said his office yesterday called the City Law
Department to encourage city officials to change the way they
describe malathion.” NY Times 9/14/99

Malathion information sites:







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