Alternative science links
(don't miss http://www.trufax.org )

Dave Hartley

POST-QUANTUM PHYSICS-can we travel through wormholes, can we travel to the past, is mind a field, can we travel faster than light? ? "BIOVILK" Research Program-Research in the area of energy fields surrounding the human body and their impact on human health.
THE MAD SCIENTIST'S LAIR -to collect information on alternative technology and 'free energy' machines, and to present it in such a way as to be useful to experimenters. ULTIMATE REALITY - synthesis of particle physics, cosmology and vedanta, aiming at a quantum field theoretical description of consciousness.
THE ULTIMATE UNIFICATION THEORY-describes the basic fundamental axioms of our cosmos, for it's physical, mental as well as spiritual manifestations. FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SCIENTISTS-is a privately-funded non-profit policy organization. This site is loaded with files to research.
THE MILLENNIUM MATTERS-repository for things millennial; for information on, sources regarding, and personal revelations about the times just ahead of us. TAOS HUM - that low throbbing sound heard in quiet locations throughout the US. The source is still a mystery.
ENERGY SCIENCE.COM-secrets of the new energy science-the 21st century will witness a revolution on the energy front. PORE-Public Orgone Research Exchange - an opening through which orgonomy information can flow.
CLIMATE REPORT-a shift in our planet's weather patterns and changes in climate are already underway. BEAM ME UP-An experiment confirms that teleportation is possible--at least for photons.
SCALAR TECHNOLOGY-and some of its applications. NO PULL ONLY A PUSH -a non-mainstream general model for the mechanics of gravitation.
DISTANT STAR - The Electronic Magazine of the First Millennial Galaxy - A lot of information on everything. KARAL STUDIOS-developments with crystalline technology, real items, not mere thoughts from some book.
THE MONTAUK PROJECT-excerpts from Preston Nichols book on the subject. This will stretch your mind a wee bit. THEORIES OF THE AETHER-to draw together in the one place various theories of, or reference to, the "ancient cosmic aether".
THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN-Presents extensive information about the revolutionary energy machine technology innovated by Joseph W. Newman SCIENCE CAN BECOME HOLISTIC-a possible Utopia-article by David S. Devor, Project Mind Foundation
KEELYNET-Free Energy, Gravity Control & Electronic Health PROJECT OMICRON is "the first serious gravity control research project on the Internet."
AMERICAN HYDROGEN ASSOC.-dedicated to the promotion of inexpensive, clean and safe hydrogen energy systems. DEVELOPMENTS IN COLD FUSION-Testing of the Yusmar in Johnstown Pa.

NEUROPHONE- Dr. Patrick Flanagan's electronic device transmits sound through the skin, by-passing normal hearing.


FLANAGAN Technologies-more on Flanagan's work

AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS-organization has helped thousands of people to learn the ancient art of dowsing. DOWSING-what is it? It is an ancient art of searching for hidden things.
COLD FUSION Technology Homepage-News and articles from the frontier of new energy technology! Cold fusion is alive and well in respected laboratories across the world. LAYMANS GUIDE TO BRAIN CHEMISTRY-the title says it all. "Joy, grief, love are all biochemical". Well worth a visit.
HIMAC-suppressed info on a "super carburetor".

SENSATIONAL FIND IN RUSSIA- have we received visitors from space?-first published report of the discovery.

THEORIES OF THE AETHER- 46 online articles relating to the emergence of scientific theories of the cosmic aether.

on Crop Circles and their diatonic ratios.

FIBONACCI NUMBERS AND NATURE-if you are, or ever where, interested in Fibonacci Numbers, this is a must visit site.

SCALAR TECHNOLOGY-and one of its applications, from "Extraordinary Science", Vol. 2, No. 1, 1990 by Warren York

TAPPING ZERO POINT ENERGY-by Moray B. King-the possibility of tapping energy directly from the fabric of space.

AETHER (ETHER), GYRONS AND THE PHOTON - an alternative to the current unsatisfactory situation in physics and philosophy, By Frank Meno, Ph.D.

WORMHOLE Induction Propulsion (WHIP) Space flight by means of wormholes is described.

ELECTROSTATIC PENDULUM EXPERIMENT-The violation of Newton's third principle implies consequences that can be tested experimentally.

LIVING ATOM THEORY-on-line textbook that describes a fascinating revolutionary theory, far off of main stream science.

QUANTUM TELEPORTATION-a site from IBM research-worth a a visit.


TESLA FUELLESS GENERATOR-if you are interested in Tesla inventions, this is a must visit site.

BRITISH COLUMBIA SCIENTIFIC CRYPTOZOOOLOGY-vey well developed site and worth a visit if you are interested in this subject. CRYPTOZOOLOGY ZONE-covers topics such as Giant Anacondas, Bigfoot, Chupacabra, Nessie, other sea serpents, and many other strange creatures.
THE ENIGMA PROJECT-a detailed description and history of this cryptozoology endevor.

CRYPTOZOOLOGY REPORTS-a colection of reports from Ron Schaffner.

MYSTERY ROCK?- I have put this page on my site in an attempt to help a friend gain some knowledge of a very interesting rock in his posession. CHECK IT OUT!

HYPERSPACE-The Universal Hologram-a very long, online
article that attempts to describe hyperspace in layman terms.

IS MODERN PHYSICS A FRAUD?-based on the work of Phil Holland,
interesting thoughts-worth a visit..
HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE PROGRAM-describes the activities of the DOE Hybrid Propulsion Program being managed by NREL.

WHAT ARE TACHYONS? - article by Dr. Hans A. Nieper

MORE ON CLONING-an in-depth look at all sides of the cloning debate.

GREEK ALPHABET & ANCIENT DEVICES-Are the ancient alphabet symbols schematics in disguise?

GEET FUEL PROCESSOR-"takes gasoline or diesel and converts it into Hydrogen on demand inside the engine. Also reduces pollution up to 99%"

HYDROGEN The Ideal Energy Source-Can Something This Perfect Be Real?

A HISTORY OF THE WARFARE OF SCIENCE WITH THEOLOGY IN CHRISTENDOM-to aid in letting the light of historical truth into the decaying mass of outworn thought.

CLONING-A SPECIAL REPORT-Everything you always wanted to know-from "New Scientist".

FUEL CELLS 2000-Everything you ever wanted to know about fuel cells.

STONES OF FIRE-Noted astronomer Tom Van Flandern, discusses the 'exploded planet' theory, asteroids and comets.

RIFE TECHNOLOGIES-offers a do it yourself manual on constructing the Rife/Bare device. Here you can find a rather lengthy explanation of what the patent pending R/B device is, and how it works.
ENERGY SCIENCE-an insight into the science of space, energy and creation. An educational site operated under the direction of Dr. Harold Aspden.

QUEST FOR OVER UNITY-the search of Overunity and Electro-gravitation, and to share the results of experimentations in these domains.

GRIDWORKS UNIVERSE-latest information on the research of Bruce Cathie into the world energy grid, energy harmonics, and the unified field.

THE GRAVITY GATE-A free energy experimenters handbook.

ETHERIAN DREAMS-Vortexian flow, Magnetic spin, Inertal motion, Electrostatic spark, Tesla coil archive, and more.

ETHER-What is It?-A paper by Amara Graps.

ROYAL RIFE-A Brief History of The Universal Microscope, The Rife Ray Treatment, Rife's proofs of Pleomorphism and Some Implications of Rife's findings.

NU ENERGY Horizons Web Connection-There are safe, clean, cheap, alternative sources of energy. Excellent site, worth a visit.

3 TOM BEARDEN ARTICLES- "Chasing The Wild Dragon"; "The Master Principle Of EM Overunity and the Japanese Overunity Engines"; and "Update On The Takahashi Engine"

BIOENERGY Information Network-a gateway to information about fuels and power produced from biomass.

COSMIC ANCESTRY-"Life comes from space because life comes from life."

BEYOND EINSTEIN-A first glimpse of a postmodern physics, in which mass, inertia and gravity arise from underlying electromagnetic processes.

TAMASHII PROJECT- working on the final engineering stages of the development and application of a single particle gravity-resonance unit called the Tamashii Drive.

A LOOK AT SCALAR TECHNOLOGY - from "Extraordinary Science", Vol. 2, No. 1, 1990 by Warren York

PARRADIGM SHATTERING Web Page-struggle to understand the true nature of reality-from Todd Breda.

EDIBLE BRAIN-a site dedicated to the advancement of thought and alternative views of our universe.

MIND UPLOADING - Examines the science behind the science fiction concept of "mind uploading" -- i.e., copying one's brain into a computer.

ESOTERIC PHYSICS-Rick Andersen's collection of ruminations from science on the edge.

FINDING PLACES OF POWER: Dowsing Earth Energies, Ley Lines, Water Lines, Ley-Line Power Centers, Dowsing

SHIFTING THEORY OF GRAVITY-It is offerd seriously, but in fun - to stimulate "the little gray cells."

MYSTERIOUS LIFE and Death of Dr. Wilhelm Reich interesting article, includes an interview with Michael Mannion.

GRAY EFFECT MAGNETIC MOTOR-(1870's), Gary discovered a subtle ferromagnetic phenomena that allowed him to do the impossible, he constructed a machine that seemed to run with no external energy input.

PROBABILITIES.NET-"Building an Inter-Dimensional Reality"-a formal inquiry into the nature and function of unifying systems, using a top-down approach.

TESLA ERASED AT THE SMITHSONIAN-the greatest inventor the Smithsonian has 'swept under the carpet'. Third Grade students whose efforts were thwarted by the Smithsonian Institution.

SYNERGETICS ON THE WEB-focusing on an invented language,originally designed by R. Buckminster Fuller, to communicate his "explorations in the geometry of thinking"

HOW LONG BEFORE SUPERINTELLIGENCE? A paper by Nick Bostrom - outlines the case for believing that we will have superhuman artificial intelligence within the first third of the next century.

THE NEW CONSCIOUSNESS AND SACRED WATER-Drunvalo Melchezidek gave this talk on super-ionized water May 1st '99 Worth reading and further research.

GRAVITY WAVE RESEARCH PROJECT-describes the results of research into the nature of gravity.

GRAVITY, INERTIA & RADIATION HOMEPAGE-Radiant Pressure Model of Remote Forces by Stanley V. Byers

SUBTLE ENERGY RESEARCH-a type of energy that is at present not fully understood or measurable with today's equipment.

FORESIGHT INSTITUTE- a nonprofit educational organization formed to help prepare society for anticipated advanced technologies.

CENTRIPETE-an experiment with a Water Vortex Generator for water purification.

PLANETARY BIOLOGY-A theory that consolidates scientific knowledge from many disciplines and focuses it onto the life-bearing worlds.

WEATHER MODIFICATION-In 2025 US aerospace forces can "own the weather". Military applications of weather modification in 2025.

TIME LUXON THEORY - Matter Is Light - a discussion of relativity and time.

FUZZY BLOBS hold the secret of gamma-ray bursts. Read NASA News Release of 10 Feb 99.

BESSLER - information on Bessler's wheel with original drawings and translations of the text keys.

CLOUD BUSTING: an Experiment in Orgone Energy - an examination of the effects of orgone energy in humans and their ability to bust clouds. Online essay.

THE PASCHEN PARADIGM - "A paradigm which provides a
rational basis for science, religion and the paranormal."

THEORIES OF THE AETHER-traces the development of Tesla's understanding of Vedic Science.

THE TACHYON FIELD- excellent online article from "Time & Space" magazine.

PLANETARY ALIGNMENTS IN 2000 - John Mosley-Griffith Observatory - A lot of people want to know what is going on, so the Griffith Observatory has established this page with all the details and links.

TESTIMONY OF Jay O. Keller Hydrogen Program Manager Sandia National Laboratories before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Science. (Hyrdogen powered vehicles)

THE KOSMOS According to Ken Wilber- interview with Ken Wilber from the Shambhala Sun.

ARE PARALLEL UNIVERSES REAL? - A Hotwired Debate, cleverly done site, worth a visit.

HYPERDIMENSIONAL PHYSICS- based on geometric and mathematical foundations which involves other spatial dimensions.

CONTRAILS INVESTIGATION-elaborate cross-hatched patterns are sparking speculation and making people sick across the United States.

CONTRAIL CONNECTION-a web site by Charles Warren to share his photographs and information concerning these mysterious contrails with the public.

LUNAR ANOMALIES- to obtain supporting evidence that will either confirm or refute the claims with regard to the apparent presence of ancient and presumably extraterrestrial artifacts on the Moon.

REALITY IS NON-LOCAL-easy to understand explanation of
Bell's Theorem.

ASTEEROID & COMET Impact Hazards-Site from NASA AmesSpace Science Division. Excelent information, including
explanation of the Torino Impact Scale.

SEVEN EXPERIMENTS That Could Change The World-a new relationship of cooperation between professional scientists and non-scientists.

ALTERNATIVESCIENCE.COM-An alternative view of scientific discovery by controversial writer, broadcaster and journalist Richard Milton.

MEMETICS-the study of ideas and concepts viewed as "living" organisms (Memes), capable of reproduction and evolution.

WHAT IS TRANSHUMANISM?-a new paradigm for thinking about humankind's future has begun to take shape among some leading computer scientists, neuroscientists, nanotechnologists and researchers.

ENGINES OF CREATION-The Coming Era of Nanotechnology by K. Eric Drexler. Complete book online.

FIVE PHENOMENONS That Are Impacting Our World- A followup talk given by Drunvalo Melchezidek on May 2nd. Worth reading. Especially the sections on The Indigo Children and The AIDS Children.

THOMAS E. BEARDON-a leading conceptualist in alternate energy technology, mind/matter interaction, EM bioeffects, psychotronics, Tesla technology, and unified field theory concepts. MORE BEARDEN-The Files in this area are produced by T. E. Bearden. The Directories include: The Final Secret of Free Energy with Comment, plus many others.
THE ALTERNATIVE HAARP HOME PAGE-HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. Effects ???? HAARP-What's Up-a very lenghty thesis, well done and if you are interested in HAARP this is a must visit site.
RESEARCH INTO HAARP-a story about ordinary people who took on an extraordinary challenge in bringing their research forward to the public. HAARP Program Plans And Activities-reported to be the Executive Summary of a Joint Services document.
MORE HAARP-An article from Nexus Magazine concerning this controversial project.

US NAVY HAARP HOMEPAGE-offical government site for this project. See the HAARP Cam.

EARTHPULSE PRESS-Frontier Sciences And Politics For The Next Millennium (Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning) Authors of "Angels Don't Play This HAARP"
American College of Orgonomy-an organization devoted to preserving and extending the discoveries of Wilhelm Reich, M.D. WILHEIM REICH was a controversial but rational scientist who discovered orgone energy and developed the science of Orgonomy.
Another Orgone Research Laboratory - contains articles on Wilhelm Reich. NIKOLA TESLA-An Introduction to a humanitarian genius
NICOLA TESLA-The forgotten father of technology, Incredible inventions. Free electricity. Time travel. Death rays.

TESLA COIL-Tesla’s best-known invention.

TESLA COILS- How they work, with excellent photos.

TESLA COIL DESIGN SOFTWARE-FREE-download page for The Tesla Coil Designer V1.1. It's free!

TESLA'S ELECTRIC CAR-very interesting article from KeelyNet.

LOST INVENTIONS OF TESLA-links to numerous Tesla sites.

TESLA'S Free Energy Receiver-patented in 1901 as An Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy.

TESLA COIL Make Your Own-The site describes the construction of a small to medium sized coil.

TESLA CONSORTIUM-reports itself as "the most frequented Tesla site on the Net"

WAVE THEORY-article describing some of the possible consequences of the wave theory.

ELECTROTHERAPY DEVICES-Detailed descriptions of building turn of the century electrotherapy devices.

ELECTROGRAVITY-"all your ever wanted to know" Can the true nature of gravity be understood?
MORAY RADIANT ENERGY DEVICE-a connection to peers working with radiant energy devices. VIRTUAL CHAOS-is a theory of everything. Because of this it has implications for every aspect of existence.
OBSCURE REARCH LABS-the world's only organization devoted to the acquisition of total knowledge. MERCURY SCITECH-latest happenings in science from the San Jose Mecury News.
BREAKTHROUGH-is unabashed technophilia, a newsletter on important developments in science and technology. Excellent resourse site. MYTHSCAPE-A startling new examination of the historic role of ancient myths and the worldwide stories of planetary catastrophe.
THE ENTERPRISE MISSION-Richard C. Hoagland's Offical Website, loaded with information on Mars and the Moon. THE PYRAMID OF MARS-article concerning an enigmatic landform located in the Cydonia Mensae region of Mars.
DARK SIDE OF THE MOON LANDINGS-photographic coverage of the landings on the Moon between 1969 and 1972 may not be genuine. CYDONIA-A Peer-level Review by Dr. Dan Woolman, PhD. One of the best I have ever read.
FACE ON MARS II-You've seen the "Face on Mars". Have you seen the Face on Mars II? CYDONIA ANOMALIES-devoted to disseminating newly enhanced images of the Face and surrounding structures at Cydonia.
MARS-EARTH CONNECTION-a site loaded with photos and data.

MIR SPACE STATION-see the latest on MIR, including orbit position, updated every few minutes.

MARS PATHFINDER-Zeus Technology has joined with NASA to produce this site. See all the latest happenings with the Sojourner rover as it explores Mars.
THE HUBBLE TELESCOPE-Tour this online exhibit to learn more about this valuable astronomical tool. SATCOM HOMEPAGE-to keep the reader informed of recent satellite developments launches,and other items of Space and Aviation news.
SCIENCE NOW!-a daily update of what is new in science. SATELLITE TRACKING-from NASA, go to this site, pick your favorite satellite and track it. Site requires a JAVA equipped browser.
SPACELAUNCHER: Pylon Turn Wing Concept- An interesting concept as a rocket alternative. DEEP FLIGHT HOMEPAGE-Is Deep Flight an underwater airplane or a flying submarine?
JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION-provides a rofessional forum for the presentation, scrutiny and criticism of scientific research on topics outside the established disciplines of science. THE QUANTUM BRAIN -Is there a quantum aspect to the functioning of the brain? Very informative site discusing neuronal microtubules.

FREE ENERGY DEVICES-many files, organized by device. Well worth a visit.

QUEST FOR THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE-excellent site discussing Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements or ORMEs, or monoatomic elements in a high-spin state. WHITE POWDER OF GOLD-a group of elements in a monatomic state-a new form (phase) of matter with entirely different physical properties from normal elements.
HIGH-SPIN MONATOMIC RESEARCH-site is dedicated to researching the properties of monatomic elements and other high-spin phenomena. Paranormal Observations of ORMEs Atomic Structure -information on "psychic" observations of these materials.
David Hudson's Lecture and Workshop in Dallas, Texas in February 1995.

David Hudson's Lecture in Portland, Oregon on July 28, 1995.

David Hudson's British Patent-makes for very interesting reading.

David Hudson's Australian Patent-another interesting read.

PHYSICS LOVERS PARADISE-An on-line reference of the life and work of the world's most famous physicist Albert Einstein. This site is for physicists and non-physicists alike and is meant to be both informative as well as enjoyable. THE PARADIGM SHIFT-The rapidly accelerating discoveries of Chaos are overtaking our worldview. They teach us that Newton, and indeed almost all of the pre-chaos scientists, were dead wrong in their basic view of the Universe.
HUMAN GENOME PROJECT-a multi-disciplinary effort to understand the basis of human heredity. (Molecular Genetics) THE THRESHOLD OF CHANGE-interesting article by Laura Lee, host of the Laura Lee talk show.
CONCEPT-Earth is a Living Entity-a complex system which can be seen as a single organism. ALTERNATIVE SCIENCE THEORIES-files on the theories of alternative science.
ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGY ASSOC.- to use and promote environmentally friendly technology. Also has some fantastic links to other alternative technology sites. Well worth a visit. PHYSICS and Psychics: A physicist looks at the paranormal. Interested in the rational, materialistic view of the universe? Visit Profesor Vic Stenger's site.
ISTP Sun-Earth Connections Event-January 6-11, 1997- a NASA site describing a line-of-sight CME. Very detailed. COORDINATED SOLAR OBSERVATIONS-Solar Forecasts and Reports from NOAA/SEC, the U.S.A.F. and other Sites.
TODAY'S SPACE WEATHER-solar activity and the geomagnetic field. SPACE ENVIRONMENT CENTER- provides real-time monitoring and forecasting of solar and geophysical events, conducts research in solar-terrestrial physics
GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGES- information link between scientists, politicians, economists and the general public. EINSTEIN ONLINE-great source of links to writings, quotes, pictures, etc.
HOLLOW EARTH THEORY EXPLORED-This intriguing question has attracted the attention of free thinkers and scientists throughout the ages. MORE HOLLOW EARTH-is there an inner society called Agharta with the main-city of Shamballa. Is the Central Sun within the Earth?
HOLLOW EARTH-FACT OR FICTION-is the Earth hollow and do other civilizations reside there? BLACKBYRDS'S NEST-Stan Deyo's Homepage, author of The Cosmic Conspiracy and The Vindicator Scrolls.
"FUTURE SCIENCE" -Alternative Propulsion Systems and much more.

EARTH MYSTERIES-LEY LINES- a history and explanation of these lines which are alignments of ancient sites stretching across the landscape.


QUEST FOR OVER UNITY-the search of Overunity and Electro-gravitation, and to share the results of experimentations in these domains.

LEY LINES- a paper exploring the the statistics of ley lines.

to provide a professional forum for presentations, criticism, and debate concerning topics which are for various reasons ignored or studied inadequately within mainstream science.
CENTER FOR FRONTIER SCIENCES at Temple University-helps foster greater openness to scientific study of areas such as the mind-matter interrelationship,alternative and complementary medicine, bioelectromagnetics, unresolved issues in quantum physics, and new energy technology.
WORLD AntiPhysics-theories, observations and experiments of dissident thinkers around the world. ANCIENT MYSTERY SOLVED??-A new investigation into the legend of Bessler’s wheel. An alternative energy???
ZERO-POINT FIELD-information on Dr. Haisch's theoretical research into the Zero-Point Field. JOSEF HASSLBERGER WEB SITE-an attempt to catalyse energies for change. The economy, physics and technology are in dire need of renewal.
SOLARIS-Seeking and promoting a new energy generation. An excellent site from Australia. THE PARADIGM CLOCK -website for the Paradigm Research Group - By Stephen Bassett
THE TAMASHII PROJECT-Gravity control, time segmenting, resonance frequency application and elemental spectrum charting.
LEADING EDGE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH GROUP This site began with 3 pages of material and now is well on its way to 15 Megabytes of data,currently over 1,200 internet links planetwide. It is well worth a visit. IN SEARCH OF-The collection, analysis and review of pure science, physics and mathematics. Plus the review, investigation and discussion of UFO's and associated phenomena. Here you can join the ISO Email discussion group.I highly recommend this site.
SCIENTIFIC SPIRITUALITY-this site is dedicated to those, who seek to understand our cosmos. PERPETUAL MOTION-Did an 18th century inventor discover a new way of generating power?
COLD FUSION TIMES-The journal of the scientific aspects of loading isotopic fuels into materials. Published Quarterly. MORAY VALVE MANUSCRIPT-An explanation of the Moray Radiant Energy device. Interesting reading.
PURE FUSION- to demonstrate the unique potential of the Fullerene Molecule in providing a means for cheap, clean, and abundant fusion energy. GYROSCOPIC INERTIAL THRUSTER-This website is a detailed description of a tested and proven "reactionless" inertial propulsion device.
SUMERIA FREE ENERGY -Site loaded with articles and links. FREE ENERGY PAGE-Free Energy Antigravity website by Rick Todish
FREE ENERGY- Theory- Devices and Progess, A review by Patrick G. Bailey, Ph. D. JIM'S FREE ENERGY PAGE-site devoted to Free Energy Research to aid in speeding a solution for a cleaner and more efficient fuel.
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREE ENERGY-seeking and promoting a new energy Generation. Interesting site from Australia. POLLUTION-FREE Energy Generator -a claim that a perpetual motion device that does not break the first and second laws of thermodynamics has been designed.
REVIEW OF FREE ENERGY EXPERIMENTS--summary review is presented of the experiments and demonstrations that have been reported in the past few years to produce near-unity or over-unity operation. INSTITUTE FOR NEW ENERGY-Advanced Energy Conversion, New Energy, Free Energy, Zero-Point-Energy, Rotational-Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, and more.
THE CHALLENGE-$100,000 for the "Demonstration of a Free Energy Machine". From Zenergy STIRLING ENGINE-The Stirling engine was invented in 1816 and can use any type of fuel, as well as solar energy.
THREE EXPERIMENTS ON FREE ENERGY-an open letter written to the Space Energy Association, from Harold Aspden. ADAMS PEMG-Pulsed Electric Motor Generator-After having his invention suppressed for over 20 years, Mr Adams, at the age 72, has decided to share his design with the world.
ENERGY INFORMATION-Automobiles achieved between 171(1936) and 376(1973) mpg. Yet, government, industry, media and 'environmental groups' say that to achieve 40 mpg an automobile must be downsized. CAN YOUR CAR RUN ON WATER?-Engines that run on water. A site presenting new, old, forgotten or suppressed inventions.

LUXON THEORY-the cause of relativity, mass, energy,and the law of conservation of energy.

Howard Polytron Engine - rocket technology promising speedy space travel, yet ignored by NASA. Bruce Harvey's Alternative Physics Site - "Re-writes" the laws of Physics from about 1900 to the present.
exoSCIENCE-Check out David Watanabe's redesigned exoScience home page. Worth a visit. ANOMALIES & ENIGMAS-Archeology, Anthropology, Lost Civilizations and more. A very well developed site.

-Site contains many interesting articles.

ELECTRIFYING TIMES-breakthroughs in electric car design are making this mode of transportation more of a feasible reality.

CYCLES IN THE UNIVERSE-There are cycles in everything. A very powerful way to learn new things about the universe. CHAOS THEORY-is among the youngest of the sciences, and yet it has become one of the most fascinating fields in all science.
BRUCE DEPALMA SITE-to disseminate knowledge and accurate data relating to the Pre-Existent Primordial Field of the Universe. PLANETARY MYSTERIES-is dedicated to the research of new paradigms in science and art; and breakthroughs that are bringing about new understandings of our past, present and future.
KEELY NET-Mirror site, contains much of the original material with over 20MB of data. SCIENCE FRONTIERS-Strange science, bizarre biophysics, and nomalous astronomy. Excellent site from the UK.
THOMAS TOWNSEND BROWN-This site is dedicated to Thomas Townsend Brown, an American physicist whose work was greatly under acknowledged by the general scientific community. A CRITICAL REVIEW-of the Available Information Regarding Claims of Zero-Point Energy, Free-Energy, and Over-Unity Experiments and Devices.
COLD FUSION-a list of links to sources of cold fusion info available on the net. COLD FUSION TECHNOLOGY-See what the newest research is yielding, and learn the intriguing possibilities of what the future might hold.
ZERO MASS ENERGY-this site contains some unique and interesting ideas. Also great graphic of Yoda. ELEKTROMAGNUM-devoted to speculative electromagnetics and especially the possible explanation of gravity/inertia by EM.
SKEPTIC MAGAZINE-a view of reality through the eyes of an Objectivist. ELECTROMAGNETIC HERESY-Earthquakes and Superconductivity
ELECTROSTATICS Society of America-A nonprofit organization devoted to the advancement of an improved understanding of the many phenomena related to electrostatics. ION SCIENCE-a monthly magazine devoted to keeping an eye on, and making sense of, the latest news and trends in science.
RIFE-An Introduction-use of radio waves in the cure of disease. RIFE TECHNOLOGY HOMEPAGE-about the re-creation of a relatively unknown therapy device.
RIFE'S WORK-a detailed description of his Universal Microscope. CATHEY RESEARCH-latest applications of alternative science. This site is loaded with information, including data on Royal Rife.

CYCLES IN THE UNIVERSE-There are cycles in everything. A very powerful way to learn new things about the universe.

WAVE THEORY OF THE FIELD-a new, unitary Wave Theory, for justification of masses and fields, is born.

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