-Caveat Lector-

----Original Message Follows----
      First, really unparallelled thunder and lightning (I watched a massive
lightning bolt travel HORIZONTALLY from horizon to horizon, SLOWLY) twice in
two weeks, each time "explained" as a byproduct of a dying Pacific hurricane
-- two different ones.
Until last year, scientists had never recorded a hurricane in the Pacific
Ocean, apparently defined by the storm's strength.  Until then there had
been many typhoons of course.  If you lived in the bay area in December of
1996 then you will remember a vicious storm that downed trees en masse.
Just a little north of SF, in western Sonoma county, winds approached 100
mph, typhoon strength.  Granted it is rare for the area but seems to
becoming more frequent.  That storm rivaled many I have seen in the tornado

      Second, COINCIDING with a thunder-and-lightning display, an EARTHQUAKE
of exactly the rare type that struck Taiwan -- arising near the SURFACE of
the earth.
What was rare about the Taiwan quake is that it happened in a spot that is
usually not active, i.e. inland.  MOST of San Francisco's quakes originate
inland; it's not unusual.

An epicenter as far north as Santa Rosa, however, IS unusual but it makes
some sense.  The San Andreas fault has fragments, tributary-like, that run
all the way into Lake County, including Calistoga and Middletown, home to
many of the original Jonestown inhabitants [more on that some other
time...that is a rather large can of worms].  From Calistoga to much further
inland than even that is an immense amount of geothermal activity.  There is
even a geothermal powerstation near Cobb Mountain, about 45 miles north of
Calistoga, 80 or so from Santa Rosa [boy, FBI filekeepers could have a filed
day with the info I have provided about myself here...he he], not to mention
many hot springs.

In fact, though the immediate bay area has much larger quakes than it, Lake
County has a vast amount of small quakes.  On the average, I could feel one
at least weekly when I lived there.  A quick look at the Press Democrat and
its section covering daily seismic activity will show Cobb Mountain to have
several per day.

SO....an hour to the southwest of Santa Rosa is San Francisco, famous for
big quakes and an hour to the northeast of it is a region that has several
per day.  Santa Rosa was probably due for one.

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