-Caveat Lector-

continued from Part 3

>From "The Last Circle" by Carol Marshall

<A HREF="http://www.tdbooks.com/ebooks/lastcircle/toc.html">The Last
Circle-Table Of Contents</A>

    Quotes are posted with the permission of the Editor.  The names/comments
inserted in [[double brackets]] were inserted by me for the purpose of
clarity.  Underlines are mine, but I doubt they'll show up.
begin quoting

It was time to interview Robert Booth Nichols. I was communicating
regularly with Ted Gunderson and one day, on an impulse, I asked him for
Nichols's telephone number. Gunderson hesitated, then gave me the
telephone number of a "relative" of Nichols' in Los Angeles, stating
that he really couldn't give out Robert's home number without first
consulting him.
I didn't mention that Riconoscituo had stated Kendall was Nichols'
supervisor (CIA "handler"), or that J.M., Ted Gunderson's research
partner, had found a brochure in Ted's files advertising for Swedish
nurses at a medical research complex in Mexico. The brochure contained
both Gunderson's picture and Sir Denis Kendall's.
Nichols continued to lead the conversation towards Riconosciuto. Nichols
and Zokosky could not understand why Ted Gunderson testified for Michael
at his trial in Washington state. At a previous dinner party at Nichols'
apartment in Sherman Oaks, Ted reportedly told the two men that Michael
had loaned him (Gunderson) $60,000 for a joint business venture. Ted
still owed Michael the money.

It is noteworthy that Ted also supplied Robert Booth Nichols an
affidavit for HIS lawsuit against Thomas Gates.
I simply did not perceive Riconosciuto as a killer. Nevertheless, I asked
Nichols how Michael would kill me if he was in jail? Nichols said it
would be done by one of Michael's "drug flunkies." He said Riconosciuto
HAD worked for the government, and had been "rescued" by the FBI for
years. He added that Michael could get away with murder.
I wondered if the video had been tampered with. I asked Nichols where he
had obtained the original "uncut" version? He would not say. I had no
idea at that time that his F.I.D.C.O. partner, Clint Murchison, Jr.'s
[[friend of Ted Gunderson, according to his live-in partner, J.M.]] father
had had instant access to the Zapruder film immediately after the
assassination in Dallas, Texas.

Nichols studied me for the longest time, then walked over to the window
and lit a cigarette. He finally commented that the CIA can cover up
anything it wants, even a president's murder. He wanted to show me the
power of the Octopus. "Nothing is as it appears to be," he said.
Inwardly, I recalled a conversation with J.M., in which she
related a conversation she'd had with Ted after a dinner engagement with
Nichols. Nichols had reportedly stated to Ted that he headed a 200man
assassination team. Jackie had been too frightened to elaborate on this
conversation, but had pointed out that Nichols once worked in the
MKUltra (Manchurian Candidate) program during the Vietnam war. This
program was part of the "Phoenix Project." Interestingly, numerous
publications had mentioned that Earl Brian had also participated in the
Phoenix Project during the war.
Littman proceeded to issue a warning which I recorded in my notebook in
the car. It read as follows: "Littman warned me today to watch out.
Noone gets out of this alive. No one walks. If I cut them off, it would
be very dangerous."
That evening, I mentally reviewed the day's events. Nichols and Littman
were undoubtedly screwing with my head. The doctored Zapruder tape gave
them deniability. The information I had obtained at the meeting may or
may not have had value, but I knew one thing, the deaths surrounding
Riconosciuto and Nichols were real enough.

Behind the smoke and mirrors labyrnthe was a story, one they were
working very hard to conceal. I felt sure the corporate and government
connections were little more than "fronts" for large scale drug
Bobby Riconosciuto sat with Ted Gunderson and J.M. in her hotel suite
and ate pizza. When I called her, she said Ted had detained her at the
hotel, she couldn't get away. My husband and I finished our dinner and
drove to San Diego to see my mother.
"John, I've been straight with all of them. Every one of them. I have
never betrayed any of them, other than to provide you, as a journalist,
with some documents you requested ..."

He interrupted me, still speaking meticulously, ever so slowly. "You
cannot fool people like Michael and Bobby and Ted Gunderson. Michael
knew the meeting was going to take place. And it's not a good idea to go
back and tell him a story that something didn't happen when it did
Bobby confided that Michael had taperecorded the conversation in which
Littman had reported the contents of the Nichols meeting. Michael had
called a "friend," and had the friend patch Michael through to Littman.
The conversation had then been monitored and tape recorded by the third
party (obviously Ted Gunderson who performed this functon often). Bobby
agreed to send me a copy of the taperecording.
We both agreed that someone was being set up, but Bobby insisted that it
was me. She said she needed to check something out and she would call me
back. Shortly thereafter, Bobby called back and breathlessly stated she
had confirmed that I was about to die. She would not say who she had
talked to, but intuitively, I felt it was Ted Gunderson.
Just three months after Danny's death, I had been approached by
Riconosciuto, and the game of Dungeons and Dragons had begun again, this
time with a new player. It seemed as if Nichols and Michael and Ted, and
others, played a real life game, and when one of the players got
"accidented" or "suicided" (as Ted called it), they simply recruited new
players. Oddly, Michael had once said that anyone could leave "the game"
by simply dropping out while they were still alive. Once it was known
they had dropped out, they were left alone - if they kept their mouths

Michael had used journalists to gather information he needed to stay
abreast of the game. It was a subtle form of blackmail he used on
Nichols and Ted and, indeed, the government whom he had worked for. I
had once asked him why "they" didn't just kill him. He had answered that
they didn't want to kill him. They wanted his technology. The FMC deal
was, in fact, still on hold. The deaths around him were "punishment" for
his indiscretions, and to keep a lid on their biological warfare,
hightech weaponry, and largescale heroin and cocaine operations
worldwide.But who would believe it all? There were hundreds of deadend
gopher trails ... dried up corporations, discredited witnesses, dead
bodies. Nichols had said only days before, in Littman's presence, that
my death would be brought about by one of Michael's "drug flunkies." Who
would believe otherwise?
end quoting
(continued in Part 5)

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