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Subject: Opposition to Toxic Spraying Grows 9/27/99 NYC/Giuliani
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 21:10:10 -0500 (CDT)

Public Opposition to Toxic Spraying Grows 9/27/99

Today the New York City Council Committee on Public Health
canceled a much anticipated hearing on the spraying of
Malathion, Resmethrin and Sumethrin, claiming that they want
more information on the West Nile Virus before proceeding.
This is the same compromised, intimidated and ineffective City
Council that has said and done nothing about the spraying for

Now that the City has revised it’s diagnosis, claiming that it
wasn’t actually St. Louis Encephalitis [SLE] but a much milder
disease, West Nile Virus, the justification for repeatedly
spraying the entire population of New York City with toxic
chemical gasses is even more in doubt. The mystery of why in
1999 SLE would only crop up in NYC out of the entire United
States is now even more puzzling, as public health officials admit
that what they now claim to be West Nile Virus has never before
been reported in North America.

During the past two weeks of this crisis five major news articles
and editorials appeared in the NY Times, the Daily News and
Newsday concerning the Plum Island Biological Warfare/Animal
Disease lab off the Long Island coast. These articles all followed
within a few days of two essays that I sent to the media
suggesting a theory that Plum Island might be a possible source
for the so far unexplained appearance of the virus.

Among the possible connections I’d suggested is that birds
routinely fly to and from Plum Island and that birds, which are
the alleged source of both viruses, are a significant part of the
research and testing done at the high security government lab.
None of the articles attempted to make any connection between
the lab and the virus outbreak, however.

If the virus was in fact accidentally or deliberately released from
the lab, it’s certain that the Federal agencies in charge would do
whatever they could to suppress that fact in order to avoid public
panic, lawsuits, political fallout for elected officials and obvious
questions about why the government would choose to locate a
biological warfare and infectious disease lab right next to the
most populated City in the U.S. None of the recent articles on
the lab raised any of these issues.

Could the media’s reluctance to publish the scientifically
established facts about the toxicity of the chemicals being used
in the spraying, to question the locating of this dangerous facility
off the NY coast or to report on the immediate and widespread
health effects of the spraying be part of a government cover-up?
Could the media, the City’s hospitals and elected officials have
been told that this was a high priority national security issue and
that they were not to reveal certain facts or even question what
was going on? Can the public now be confident that the Mayor,
his OEM {Office of Emergency Management) and the Center for
Disease Control (CDC) are telling us the truth about any of this?

On November 9, 1997 the City held a military style exercise for
the OEM to practice responding to a massive chemical attack on
[See: http://www.ci.nyc.ny.us/html/oem/html/icebrief.html].
A so far unconfirmed report I received states that in April of
1999 Jerome Hauer, the head of Mayor Giuliani’s OEM, placed
an order for more than 160,000 body bags. If that report is true,
was the Mayor’s OEM saving money by getting a bulk price on
body bags or were they anticipating the sudden death of tens of
thousands of New Yorkers?

At many of his recent press conferences Mayor Giuliani has
criticized activists like myself who are publishing and
distributing information on the toxicity of the chemicals being
used and questioning the necessity of the spraying. He claims we
are trying to spread hysteria and panic and are doing so primarily
because we like to see ourselves on TV. “The mayor dismissed
complaints from environmental advocates about the spraying,
referring to them as hysterical "environmental terrorists" who
"like to get you angry because it gets them on television." The
spraying is harmless, he insisted”. -Daily News 9/18/99

As the Mayor continued to make these now routine allegations
he launched a very public campaign of personal attacks,
censorship and threats to fire the entire board of directors of the
Brooklyn Museum. The entire NY media has described the
Mayor’s statements as a political effort designed to knock the
spraying and Parks permit controversies out of the headlines.
Giuliani, who may be the nation’s top practitioner of
disinformation and propaganda, has succeeded admirably in
diverting attention from his very questionable spraying initiative
and his efforts to eliminate freedom of assembly back to the now
familiar waters of his attacks on artists’ rights and freedom of

On 9/25/99 the syndicated PBS show, Tony Brown’s Journal,
had as its guest a former FBI agent who described the Federal
government’s plans for Y2K. These contingency plans include
rounding up political activists to prevent public panic, the
imposition of martial law and the likelihood of numerous civilian
deaths at the hands of the military and the police. Is the so called
mosquito epidemic merely a warm up for what’s to come in three

Legitimate questions remain to be answered about what exactly
is going on in NYC. Are we being used for a gigantic biological
experiment? Are we being subject to an attempt at population
control? Is the spraying being done to kill mosquitoes or to infect
the public with viruses or chronic illness? Why, other than its
usefulness as a test site, would the government locate a
biological warfare lab next to NYC? And why is the media still
tiptoeing around these issues rather than doing its job of
aggressively asking these questions and getting the public it
represents some answers?

Robert Lederman 9/27/99

Recent articles on the Plum Island Biological warfare/Animal
disease lab
NY Times 9/22/99 U.S. Would Use Long Island Lab to Study
Food Terrorism
NY Times 9/23/99 Residents Near Lab Taking Germ Plan
Daily News 9/21/99 L.I.'s Nearby Plum Island Eyed for Deadly
Newsday 9/23/99 Plum Island Upgrade Debated / Worries about
lab for animal diseases
Newsday 9/24/99 Editorial/ Bioterrorismism /A real threat.
Using Plum I. labs to develop vaccines against it would make
Earlier articles on Plum Island:
Newsday Lab Focus Was On 4 Animal Diseases 11-21-1993
Danger Is Their Business At Plum Island
NEWSDAY Plum Island Safety Check 04-07-1994
NEWSDAY Security on Plum Island Must Be Taken Seriously
NEWSDAY Plum Island Cited By EPA 3/12/93
NEWSDAY Plum Island Bird Kill Probed 7/2/93
NEWSDAY Plum Is The Word In Russian 3/3/94
NEWSDAY Vacco Suit: Plum Isle Polluting 5/3/98

Lab Focus Was On 4 Animal Diseases
When the military officially closed Ft. Terry in 1954, Army
officers turned over to Plum Island scientists 134 strains of 13
viruses collected from four continents, most obtained for
development as biological warfare weapons, Army Chemical
Corps rec... Author: John McDonald; Size: 8K; 11-21-1993;
Page Number: 60; Section: Newspapers & Newswires

"Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they
want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority.
Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to
cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you
do." Mayor Giuliani, New York Times, March 17, 1994

"I ask you not to create any undue or unnecessary alarm or
panic," Giuliani said at a City Hall news conference on Thursday
morning. "There's no point in not spraying, because there's no
harm in spraying. So even if we're overdoing it, there's no risk to
anyone in overdoing it...The more dead mosquitoes," he added,
"the better. I don't think the media should try to push this out of
proportion”. NY Times 9/10/99

“City health officials estimate, based on experience elsewhere,
that even in areas where the disease has been found, only 1 in
every 1,000 mosquitoes carries the virus, and even if a person is
bitten by an infected mosquito, the odds of becoming ill are only
1 in 300”. 9/11/99 NY Times Editorial, “When Mosquitoes Bear

“Malathion is a nerve gas...in the same family as nerve gasses
developed during WWII” -NY Times 9/14/99

Dr. Erika Schwartz of SUNY Downstate Brooklyn [referring to
West Nile Virus] says "It's much milder than St. Louis
Encephalitis, and the St. Louis is already mild. So you get
flu-like symptoms, you get headaches, muscle aches, you don't
feel well. It's self-limited so it goes away by itself, so in 24 to 48
hours it goes away and you don't even get diagnosed." 9/25/99

[The following resolution [here in an abridged form] was passed
by the Full Board of Community Board #2, Manhattan, on
September 23, 1999.]


WHEREAS, in response to an outbreak of St. Luis Encephalitis
(S.L.E.), a mosquito-borne, sometimes life-threatening disease,
the City has undertaken a program of repeatedly spraying by air
and truck the five boroughs of the City of New York with
Malathion and other pesticides;
WHEREAS, while government, scientific, medical and academic
experts caution that Malathion is a poison which must be used
under strict safety guidelines to prevent human and animal
contact, the Mayor has nonetheless described this neurotoxin as
“harmless” in  public announcements; and

WHEREAS, in addition, the City’s program has not undertaken
to educate people on  precautions to prevent contact with
Malathion, including wash-downs of playground equipment after
spraying, as is done in Los Angeles County and other
jurisdictions where spraying is taken more seriously; and the
Mayor’s community notification program has not been
comprehensive, timely or accurate, with the consequence that
parents with children in playgrounds, and others, have been
sprayed directly with Malathion, because they were  misinformed
by the published spraying schedule; and

#2, Manhattan urges the Mayor to immediately undertake a high
priority, aggressive and accurate program of public notification
and education, including neighborhood posting outdoors and in
stores and community centers, both to prevent exposure of
people and animals to Malathion and other insecticides and to
enlist the public in eliminating sources of standing water where
mosquitoes breed; and in pest prevention and public education;
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that Community Board #2,
Manhattan urges our Mayor to stop referring to Malathion as
  (Submitted byAnn Arlen, Chair, Environment & Public Health
Committee) September 23, 1999
Malathion information sites:







The following letter is reprinted from Brooklyn Bridge Magazine
Sept/Oct issue pg 12 Letters to the editor:

“Frances Genovese’s “Giuliani’s Brooklyn Boyhood” (Brooklyn
Bridge Magazine, Summer 1999), despite being a puff piece,
shows the origins of the Mayor’s repressive upbringing, his
violent, hot-tempered father and excessively admiring mother. In
other words it shows the origins of the Mayor’s repressive
policies towards minorities (they moved out of Brooklyn when
blacks moved into the ‘hood), his overwhelming egoism, his
school uniform obsession, his violent temper and his belief that,
like him, we must all blindly obey authority. Unfortunately,
these values are not those of most New Yorkers. We believe in
equality, free speech and smashing phony politicians like
Giuliani. Too bad he can’t be Mayor of a small town in Serbia;
he’d probably like it a lot better and be far more appreciated by
his constituents.”

Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
(Artists’ Response To Illegal State Tactics)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (718) 369-2111

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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this
material is distributed without charge or profit to those
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