-Caveat Lector-

From: "George Pulliam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Waco
Date: 28 Sep 1999 00:00:00 GMT

We are rebuilding the Branch Davidian Sanctuary at Waco. All the
concrete footings have been poured and the wood frame floor system
starts in this coming Sunday (Oct 3). We need volunteers, building
materials and donations. You can visit our Web site at
http://www.rebuildthechurch.com for a list of materials needed.
Also, we have current photos of the work in progress.

An account has been set up at Bank of America for any cash
donations. 100% of the donations will go to buy building materials
for the church. NO money will be used for any salaries, wages,
bonuses, etc. The account number will be posted on the above web
site in the next day or so. Deposits of as little as a dollar or as
much as you can give will be greatly appreciated.

We estimate that it will take at least $60,000 to $100,000 of
materials to build the new church and hope to have first services
in the new sanctuary building on Saturday, December 4, 1999.

Thank all of you who have concerns about what happened at Waco. I
have personally talked with six of the survivors and believe what
the Feds did at Waco is tantamount to execution of the BranchDavidian's.

I don't believe that they deserved the death penalty for their
religious views. If the ATF and all the other alphabet agencies can
kill the Branch Davidian's for their "strange" beliefs, they can do
the same for the Baptists, the Catholics, The Episcopalians, The
Presbyterians, The Pentecost, The Muslin's, Buddhists or any other
religion determined by the government as "strange".

A good read is "Guns & Courage" by Boston T. Party. In it he/she
defines a "compound" (As in the Branch Davidian Compound, Randy
Weaver's Compound, etc. ) as "The wood home of a dissident underfederal
How true.....How sad.

Anyway, please visit our web site for updated photos and other
information on the rebuilding project we call PHOENIX.

I found this doing a search at Deja.com under Waco. I have
read that this re-building was going on but I didn't get
the information about being able to contribute. These people
are really doing something worthwhile. Thought I would try
to spread the message to people who may not know that they
can actually contribute to the
P.S. If each who cares tries to spread this message to others
who may care we can really make a difference for the better!

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this
material is distributed without charge or profit to those
who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this type
of information for non-profit research and educational
purposes only.



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