-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicky Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, 17 October 1999 12:01

 Does anyone know anything more about this please ?  Thanks , Nicky

Hi all!

Remember in August when a story regarding an NWO plan
to neutron-bomb U.S. coastal cities in mid-September
(with attendant emergency status, roundups, etc) was
circulating in here and all over the web?

The link to the story no longer works:


Does anybody have a transcript of the web article?
If so, please post it to any one of these addresses. Thanks

Nicky Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Much thanks, Mike Wagner

-----Original Message-----
From: NewsHawk Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, 28 August 1999 20:15

           [freedomfight] [Fwd: ALERT! TERROR PLANS, NEUTRON BOMBS,
           Fri, 27 Aug 1999 21:32:37 -0700
           Pat Rylance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Folks, this is serious.......have more to forward.
I heard something about this on the Art Bell radio program last night.
Watch for more.


eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/freedomfight
http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications

         Fri, 27 Aug 1999 21:50:29 -0700
         clarence napier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Aug 27 17:07:24 1999
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 12:45:00 -0600
From: Christopher Goodheart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RED ALERT!  Insider reveals plans by Feds to use neutron bombs in U.S,
provoking terror, Martial Law and purges of Patriots and militia leaders
who would defend the Constitution.

"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the
highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its
experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." --Samuel Adams

CAUTION:  This information sounds fanatical to those who have not followed
the on-going expose's on the Internet about the Waco Massacre, Oklahoma
City Bombing, TWA 800 whack, China-gate, Mafia-gate, etc.  The numerous
cover-ups of the corrupt Clintonistas (power elite minions) are unravelling
like never before.  To keep CONTROL (the "currency" of the power elite),
these power elite desperados appear to be planning terror on a much larger

Clinton has said we can expect terrorism soon, and indeed, like
self-fulfilling prophecy, these desperate insiders may well wag the dog
again, saying "I told you so" when it happens... conveniently grabbing some
patriot, militia or Middle East scapegoats in the process.  [See background
report on "WOLVES AMONG US" at www.TLCalliance.com/alert.htm]

This is why the bankster/Clintonista collusion may choose to create and
manage a crisis now that will put them in control even before Y2K chaos
reigns. Something is clearly being planned along these lines. Pray for
exposure and confounding of those involved.

In the meantime, the best defense right now is a good offense.  Spread the
word aggressively to preempt these plans.  It's well known that former
sinister plans have been aborted when the element of surprise was lost.  SO
GET THE WORD OUT!!!  Alert your neighbors, friends, acquaintances. Paul
Revere had a horse and strong vocal cords. You've got e-mail and a phone.
For God's sake, use them. If enough good people don't do enough to resist
and reverse the plan and intent of a corrupt cadre of power elite insiders
and their minions, the void will be filled by virtually Satanic forces that
are on the move.  Invoke the power of Almighty God to "TAKE COMMAND" of
this entire situation!

Get back to basics folks! God, Guns, Gold & Grub. Pray & Prepare like your
life depends on it.  Stick to your guns.  And shoot straight!  --C.G.

"When the strong man fully armed guardeth his own court, his goods are in
peace." --Jesus Christ [Luke 11:21.6]

"I ask sir, what of the militia? It is the whole people... To disarm people
is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."  --George Mason,
Founding Father who initiated and championed what became the Bill of

"A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained in
arms, is the best most natural defense of a free country..." --James


     "Sometime during the dates of September 9th through 13th (these dates
are tentative) at least ten Neutron bombs will be detonated in all major
U.S. coastal cities. Cities named as targets include Seattle, Los Angeles,
San Diego, San Francisco, New York, Boston and Miami.

     "The bombs, according to the source, were brought into the U.S. "two
weeks ago", or in mid-July, through Port Arthur in Texas. This operation is
being facilitated by the Russians. However, factions of the U.S. and
British governments are fully aware of it and will do nothing to stop it.
In fact, in concert with the denotation of these nuclear weapons the named
governments will plan for the "invasion" of a "peace-keeping" force in the
U.S. These forces will also be used in Nazi-like fashion to seize
dissidents and so-called "threats".

     "...at least 50,000 U.S. citizens are to be "rounded up" and taken to
"concentration camps" by the U.S. Government in collusion with foreign
governments and bodies. This may take place sometime after or during
September 9th through 13th,  1999.

     "This mass culling of people will be conducted in raid-like fashion as
"targets" are covertly taken from their homes, placed in unmarked vans,
transport vehicles, and large Chinook helicopters. NATO, United Nations,
and foreign troops will be used for this "round up". The people targeted
will be sent to "concentration camps", in the words of the informant, where
they will be killed.

     "The informant mentions the "Red list", of which he and 50,000 others
are included, along with the 'Blue' and 'Green' lists. 'Those on the Red
well be taken to FEMA concentration camps and immediately executed. The
Blue will also be taken to FEMA camps and be given the choice between
're-education' or execution. The Green well be 're-educated' then returned
to what is left of society', said the source."

----------------------------------------- introductory comments:

Forwarded by Dr. Byron Weeks:

As I try to convey the reality of the world to many of the walking dead,
the common response is, "they wouldn't do that to us, the government is
there to protect us, they work for us!" Yes, maybe in another era, maybe
according to the Constitution, maybe in our dreams, and certainly the way
we've been 'told' by the conspiratorial corporate media and brought up to
believe throughout our entire lives. But not anymore, sorry to say.

Most of our readers understand this but we have an entire majority in the
population at large that still has to undergo that 'awakening' process. If
you've paid any attention to the news this last week, it has been extremely
interesting to see some now retired FBI, ATF and other Fed agents coming
forward with revealing truths about the horrific pure evil that was
involved in the Waco, Texas incident with the Branch Davidians.  After 6
years of blatant 'Lies' and incessant denials to the public and to
Congress, Janet 'For the kids' Reno is now recanting: "Well, O.K. maybe we
did use pyrotechnic devices on the compound after all. But we surely didn't
set the fire that burned dozens of innocent children alive! We lied before,
but we're not lying anymore".

Every citizen of the world needs to see the documentary film, 'WACO - THE
RULES OF ENGAGEMENT'. You will see the government getting caught in lie
after lie after lie. You will also see FLIR video tape (Forward Looking
Infra Red) shot by a government helIcopter on the scene showing beyond a
shadow of any doubt whatsoever, machine gun fire, diring the night,
shooting into the compound. Agents are now coming forward disclosing the
fact that people trying to escape the burning building were shot at from
the Federal Agents who "...Did not set the fire."

This documentary is the most moving film that you will ever see and your
life will never be the same afterwards. Producer Mike McNulty now has
uncovered piles of additional evidence which led him to produce a second
documentary on the subject. I have not seen this, but initial reports
indicate that it is even more powerful than the first one, which is hard to

"But our government wouldn't do these things!" View the evidence presented
in the film and you be the judge. The same holds true (another example) in
the Columbine High School shooting. Just as the New York Trade Center and
Oklahoma City bombings involved massive media whitewash of the facts, the
truth is now coming to the fore in the Columbine disaster. See for yourself
at http://www.Columbine.home.dhs.org/

Lastly on this subject, some people refuse to believe in the well
documented 'resisters' detainment/execution concentration camps on U.S.
soil. <snip>  [If what they have done is any indication of what they may
do... take the following seriously. --C.G.]

clarence napier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

---- Original Message -----
From: NewsHawk Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 27, 1999 5:56 AM

Full-scale assault planned by NWO
US to be "Attacked"; 50,000 Civilians Rounded Up

See the Citizens For UN Base Disclosure website

Breaking News
July 29th, 1999

(The following is a special report unrelated to the information contained
on the CUNBD web site.)

CUNBD has been in direct contact with an agent within a powerful
government intelligence agency. This agent's name, address, phone number
and position with this intelli-gence agency has been obtained. Other
validative info has also been obtained. (More info at CRTF web site below).

He reveals, if not confirms, that at least 50,000 U.S. citizens are to be
"rounded up" and taken to "concentration camps" by the U.S. Government in
collusion with foreign governments and bodies. This may take place sometime
after or during September 9th through 13th, 1999.

This mass culling of people will be conducted in raid-like fashion as
"targets" are covertly taken from their homes,  placed in unmarked vans,
transport vehicles, and large Chinook helicopters. NATO, United Nations,
and foreign troops will be used for this "round up". The people targeted
will be sent to "concentration camps", in the words of the informant, where
they will be killed.

Those targeted likely include militia members, anti-government activists,
conspiracy theorists, and so-called "patriots" and proponents of the U.S.

This event will occur in accord with another "planned" event.  Sometime
during the dates of September 9th through 13th (these dates are tentative)
at least ten Neutron bombs will be detonated in all major U.S. coastal
cities. Cities named as targets include Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego,
San Francisco, New York, Boston and Miami.

The bombs, according to the source, were brought into the U.S. "two weeks
ago", or in mid-July, through Port Arthur in Texas. This operation is being
facilitated by the Russians.  However, factions of the U.S. and British
governments are fully aware of it and will do nothing to stop it. In fact,
in concert with the denotation of these nuclear weapons the named
governments will plan for the "invasion" of a "peace-keeping" force in the
U.S. These forces will also be used in Nazi-like fashion to seize
dissidents and so-called "threats".

The informant mentions the "Red list", of which he and 50,000 others are
included, along with the "Blue" and "Green" lists. "Those on the Red well
be taken to FEMA concentration camps and immediately executed. The Blue
will also be taken to FEMA camps and be given the choice between
're-education' or execution. The Green well be 're-educated' then returned
to what is left of society", said the source.

The source has also indicated that various para-military personnel are
currently being contracted by the Justice Department and the FBI to carry
out specialized "assassinations" of key people within the militia and
right-wing movements.

August 19th, 1999

The source reports more information to us:

"To my knowledge it is still scheduled on 9/11/99. However, things
change. We made the move on the militia/patriot groups so public
that they 'rescheduled' that heinous event. Instead, they slowly
move a little closer each week by staging maneuvers. They could
be rushed in September, or in October. The militias in Michigan
think they will be outright attacked in October. That is what all
these rainstorms and landslides are about 'up here'. All man made,
and they are used as cover within which to move men, supplies, etc.
closer into position. And they practice containment exercises."

We cannot vouch for the accuracy of the above claims!


[Note: This is a highly credible news source that broke the insider story
on JFK Jr's assassination via the same power elite infrastructure to the
secret government. --C.G.]


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Final Comments:
Much of what is indicated here has been prophesied and should come as no
surprise to those who understand the vulnerability (karmic "sin-tax") of
America for the abortion of 37 million babies in America over the last
generation.  But prophecy is not etched in stone; it's a warning. If enough
good people do enough to invoke divine intercession, vowing to make a
difference to turn things around, there can be major mitigation.  Man has
free-will so anything is possible. A chain-reaction of heart-to-heart
networking of people who care enough to share the definitive problem (wake
up call like this) and definitive solution (LOVE-in-action via the
Alliance) could make the difference between hell-on-earth and a Golden Age.
God knows I've given my best shot for a high touch TeLeCom upgrade of our
divine sovereign rights via GOD Government (www.TLCalliance.com and
www.TLCalliance.com/lovemax). But I'm a voice crying in the cyberspace
wilderness.  By God's grace the remnant will have hard copy to run with
because GOD-LOVE solutions on the Internet will be the first victim of
power elite tyranny under Martial  law.  --C.G.

Please support this news service when you are considering
preparations for the coming tribulations:

“If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his
immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”
1 Timothy 5:8

* SURVIVAL SUPPLIES NOW at <www.UltraFood.com>
"Buyer Beware; Dare to Compare when you Prepare"
    (best food/nutrition package deals - bar none)

“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and
suffer for it.” --Proverbs 27:12

What the Golden Age will look like: We're at the end of one civilization
and beginning of a new one. It's for you to choose what the "New World
Order" will look like. God knows that the flow of Christic attention
through Golden Age models will act to manifest them. And that the Herculean
thrust of a relatively few good people can fulfill the divine destiny of
America... worldwide. For God’s sake if not the enlightened Self interest
that would win stripes for your ascension, outpicture the
Vision/Value/Victory with your personal Vow... to BE... what the sheeple
are not able or willing to BE. "Feed my sheeple" --C.G.

Look to SEE... Know to BE... the Geometry Of Divinity; the language of the
angels ("angles" of G-O-D) at the heart of the golden rule/law for a golden
Aquarian Age of GOD-LOVE. <www.TLCalliance.com>  “The principles of
geometry must be understood when you determine to unite for hierarchy”.
--El Morya, 3-2-75, Vol. 18, No. 9 (Chapter 9 of The Chela and the Path)

LAST WORDS (Golden Age Scripture):
"For, beloved, God does not open the kingdom of heaven to you unless he
also opens the depths of hell. Understand, then, beloved, that those who
truly love will not fear the embrace of Christ or the challenge of Death
and Hell."  --Vol. 33 No. 24,  John the Beloved via ECP, June 24, 1990

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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