-Caveat Lector-

     Through them, primarily, and through those who influenced
them, we will discover more of what might be called the OCCULT
side of Hegel's philosophy, with one foot in Lutheran Pietism
(a native mystical development within the peculiarly German form
of Protestant Christianity) but the other more in PRE-Christian
visions, through Greco-Roman Neoplatonism -- the object of much
admiration among Romantics and key source of their inspiration.
(In fact, one would not be far from wrong in simply saying that
Idealism is Neoplatonism wearing Teutonic attire.)

     Finally, we will discuss the ultimate source of Hegel's
"Idealism" and the origin of the ideologies or belief systems
directly born from Hegel's philosophy -- Neo-Platonism in its
DUALISTIC form, generally called "Gnosticism," which from the
beginning of the Christian era has constituted a thorn in the
side of the established Church, being an ALTERNATIVE theology --
"Manichaeanism," a sort of "evil twin" to Christianity wherein
there is believed to exist not ONE but TWO Gods --both EQUAL--
and "the Ruler of This World" (in St Paul's words) is EVIL.
     To bring the subject back to the point, it will be shown
exactly how HEGEL incorporated an epistemological ERROR into his
philosophy, in effect opening once more the floodgates to this
ancient pre-Christian, even ANTI-Christian dualism.
     Yet in so doing, it must be conceded, Hegel committed an
"error" that is a characteristically GERMAN one, reflecting a
long-enduring schism in what he would term the German "Spirit,"
because the same inclination (subjective, not intellectual)
resurfaces time and time again in the history of the German
culture, present as much in the belief systems of the Teutonic
Knights (converted to Christianity comparatively late) --as
displayed, for example, in Wolfram von Eschenbach's GERMAN "Grail
saga," in contrast to the FRENCH version of the same legend-- as
among the myths revered by the Nazi "black magicians," described
(melodramatically) by Trevor Ravenscroft in "Spear of Destiny"
or (more accurately) by Peter Levenda in "Unholy Alliance."


Hegel overturned the whole philosophic thinking of the era, which was
leading to the concept of the sovereignty of the law under the rulership of
God. Both the state and the individual were subject to the rule of
(biblically based) Law.

Hegel took many of his ideas from plato. I suspect(but can't prove) that
some came from the esoteric world of the day and he was promted into his
mode of thinking.-

An interesting quote from Jews, God and History (Dimont)shows that even the
dialectic process had antecedants in the esoteric world.

"A new metaphysical philosophy was injected into Cabalism in the sixteenth
century by
one of the great Cabalistic scholars, Isaac Luria (1534- 1572) known as Ari,
'the lion.' Luria held that all matter and thought evolved through a three
stage cycle:
tzimtzum, literally 'contraction' or thesis;
shevirat hakeilim, literally 'breaking of the vessels' or antithesis;
and tikkun, literally 'restoration' or synthesis".

Tikkun- is the name of Rabbi Michael Lerner's magazine, who was the
spiritual advisor of First Lady Hillary Clinton.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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