-Caveat Lector-

Title: Two Food Not Bombs Activists Arrested For Serving Free Food
Date: 20-OCT-1999
Author: San Francisco FNB
Source: The A-Infos News Service < http://www.ainfos.ca/>
Type of article: Press release
Reference: http://www.foodnotbombs.org

The San Francisco City Government has apparently decided to resume
aggressive enforcement of the 1989 Court Order against FNB [ Food Not
Bombs ]. Please reply to <[EMAIL PROTECTED] confirm receipt of this press


Food Not Bombs Voicemail: + 1-415-675-9928

Two Food Not Bombs Activists Arrested For Serving Free Food.

San Francisco- Police arrested two Food Not Bombs activists, Oct. 20th
at 6pm in United Nations Plaza.  FNB volunteers were distributing free
food to low-income and no-income people in the plaza when the police
arrived. The police surrounded the food and prevented homeless people
from getting
bread and hot soup.

Food Not Bombs is a non-violent direct action group that shares free
food to poor and hungry people around the world.  FNB groups collect
donated food and prepare meals in volunteers' kitchens.  The meals are
shared in public spaces to draw attention to the crisis of homelessness
while an enormous
amount of money and resources goes to military investment.

In San Francisco, Food Not Bombs has experienced police harassment and
political repression from the City government.  FNB has shared hundreds
of thousands of vegetarian meals with poor and hungry people since
1988.  Over the years we have been arrested at least 1,000 times.  In
the last elections, the current administration of Mayor Willie Brown
promised voters that he would cease arresting FNB members. Homelessness
is the central issue in the upcoming mayoral elections; with this
increasing harassment, Mayor Brown is demonstrating his approach.

The arrest of the two food servers tonight, October 20th, is a clear
indication of the basic disrespect of human and civil rights in San

An account from two eyewitnesses who were also serving food:

FNB volunteers Jeff and Sasha were handcuffed together and arrested for
serving food to hungry people without a permit after Officer Banta told
them to stop serving and they continued. The large amount of soup and
bread still remaining was also carted off by the police. People who were
there to eat questioned the police on why the servers were being
arrested, and the police said "for serving food without a permit." (The
permit in question is no longer issued by the city, and has been used
for years as a political
tool for selective enforcement.) As legal observers, they took down the
officers' names in order to contact their supervisors and file
complaints about the ridiculousness of arresting people for serving free

FNB members were able to serve food for ten minutes before police
officers came to arrest us. There were about eight cops there, none of
whom seemed to know why they were there or understand the situation. The
police were roundly disrespectful to the community being served as well
as the food
servers, but their anger was met with a calm and nonviolent response.
The police confiscated and photographed the soup and bread as evidence
after arresting the servers.

Food Not Bombs is continuing to build community support to end the
political harassment of those who support the homeless community, and to
make criminalization of poor people unacceptable.  FNB will not reduce
or restrict our servings, and we will not compromise our advocacy of the
people who are under constant attack by the government of San Francisco.

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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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