-Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dec 17 20:53:19 1994
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 1994 20:50:49 -0500 (EST)
From: James Daugherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Weekly Up-date <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date--Jesuit Georgetown vs Masons (fwd)

A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date of 12-17-94


Subject:  Official Georgetown Publication Documents A-albionic Theory?

Subject:  Vatican Down and Out After Gulf War?

3.  Catalog of Books Exposing the Vatican's "Old World Order"


Official Georgetown Publication Documents A-albionic Theory?

Telling excerpt from:  Georgetown's School of Foreign Service:
                       The First 75 Years--The Edmund A. Walsh
                       School of Foreign Service  (pp. 17-19)
                       Copyrighted 1994, Edmund A. Walsh School
                       of Foreign Service

                        A Catholic Institution

Georgetown's success was not universally welcomed in the aca-
demic community or, presumably, in the rarefied atmosphere
of the old State Department. As the School's graduates began
to achieve positions of responsibility in diplomacy and other
fields. concern arose in certain quarters-specifically among the
Scottish Rite Masons-that the ranks of American diplomacy
and of American companies engaged in foreign business might
come to be populated "with well-trained men brought up in .
belief in the Papacy and all that that implies." An article in;
Masonic Journal called The Crescent, published in October 1928
conceded that Georgetown's School of Foreign Service was
"ably managed, finely staffed and magnificently equipped,"
that its faculty consisted of "sixty teachers of the highest quali-
fications, picked for their learning and their ability to teach,"
as a result of which "there is no better school of its kind." The
article conceded further that "While it is part of a Catholic uni-
versity, religion as such is not taught as part of its courses, and
its students are not limited to those of the Catholic faith." These
attributes, as seen in the article, made the menace all the greater,
raising the specter "that our diplomatic, consular and trade com-
missioner positions become, in time, very heavily Catholic." (18)

  To help remedy this perceived threat, the Scottish Rite lodges
had concluded an agreement with President Cloyd Heck
Marvin of the George Washington University providing an
endowment of $1 million for the establishment in 1928 of a
new, "non-sectarian" School of Government at George Wash-
ington University. A condition was attached that if the univer-
sity should "cease to be a non-sectarian institution," the gift
would revert. The new program evolved into the present-day
Elliott School of International Affairs of The George Washing-
ton University. (l9)

  Periodic whispering campaigns over the decades that fol-
lowed spread the warning that the School of Foreign Service at
Georgetown was a subversive instrument of the Vatican. Fa-
ther Frank Fadner, who was regent of the School from 1955
until 1960, greeted the charge with the mordant observation,
"I didn't realize the Vatican had a foreign policy," adding,  "We
have no Catholic axe to grind here at Georgetown. Our job is to
produce well-rounded, intelligent representatives of a Chris-
tian, professional education." (20)

  From its beginnings the School of Foreign Service has been
hospitable to students, faculty and administrators of all faiths
As of the fall of 1940, for example, the School's records showed
a student body of 372 Catholics, 213 Protestants, 19 Jews and 2
undesignated, and a faculty made up of 23 Catholics, 24 Prot-
estants and one Jew. The student and faculty populations have
been steadily, and increasingly, ecumenical over the years but
the Jesuit tradition has remained strong. Its effect has been to
hold before the curriculum and the academic environment an
appreciation of and sensitivity to values-Christian values in
the inclusive, ecumenical sense in which Christian values in-
clude the universal principles of all faiths. In the words of the
present-day director of the undergraduate program, Associate
Dean Putnam Ebinger (herself a non-Catholic), "We want our
students to think about how things should be, right and wrong.
We would also like to think that part of what they are seeking
is a better world, and I think that such questions are asked
throughout the curriculum." (21)

  For such relevance as it may have, it may be noted that the
first Catholic president of the United States was a products of
Harvard University and the first president to come from
Georgetown--a graduate of the School of Foreign Service--is
a Baptist, the product of an ecumenical education rooted in
Jesuit values. (22)
18.  "A Catholic School,"  The Crescent, vol. XVII, no. 1, October 1928
19.  Peter P. Hill, The Elliott School of International Affairs:  A History
     of International Studies at the George Washington University.
     (George Washington University, 1991).
20.  Robert Finley Delaney, "Training School for American Diplomats,"
     Information Magazine. January 1960. p. 16
21.  Interview with Associate Dean Putnam Ebinger, October 1, 1993.
22.  Interview with Dean Peter Krogh, September 29, 1993.

               Vatican Down and Out After Gulf War?

{Reprinted from the Spring 1991 Project, A Quarterly Publication of
                       A-albionic Research}

                              Vatican Down and Out?

        It would have been difficult to script the Gulf War so that it
more thoroughly confirmed the Project's Vatican vs.
Judeo-Masonic-Anglophile conflict theory as expressed in the Summer 1989
through Fall 1990 issues ($12.00 for Series).  We will not re-hash the
theory here, but only point to a few of the hundreds of confirming
"coincidences" which, combined, build our case:

a) Most telling, the Pope constantly opposed Bush's coalition building
efforts and preached against the onrushing war, as did the American
Bishops who ruled "blood for oil" to be the basis for an unjust war.

b) In perfect opposition to the Vatican attitude, the Queen of England, in
a rare televised intervention into a policy matter, strongly supported the

c) Bush wrenched Gorbachev away from his budding Papal alliance for a
"Europe from the Atlantic the Urals" to rejoin the Anglo-American alliance
to rule the world through a naval choke hold on the world's oil supply.
With the Bush sanctioned slide back to Stalinism can we also expect a
re-cocking of the Russian nuclear pistol with Germany in it sights?

d) In solidarity with Iraq, Catholic Irish Republican Army terrorists
mounted a bombing attack against England during the crisis.

e) With the future of Anglo-American world rule clearly at stake, Bush
acted predictably--better the Mideast oil be destroyed, and it could have
been if Saddam had mustered the guts to continue his attack into Saudi
Arabia before the US could build-up than allow the oil to fall out of the
hands of Anglo-American satraps.

f) After encouraging the Iraqi attack and chancing an Iraqi onslaught into
Arabia that could have been stopped only with nuclear weapons, predictably
again, Bush refused to negotiate or compromise, keeping his eye on
re-establishing the recently crumbling New World Order of his Anglophile
roots.  He secured the future stability of the Anglo-American cabal's
regional Jewish and Arab proxies, and reminded them at whose favor they
exist, with an overwhelming demonstration of the new air power.  Now,
Caesar's enemies can be systematically reduced to ruble building by
building, tank by tank, cannon by cannon, bunker by bunker, and factory by
factory!  The campaign against Iraq was relatively short and merciful as
compared to what might be done next time against Libya, Syria, Pakistan,
India, South Africa, Germany, or others who may acquire or distribute
poison gas, biological, or nuclear weapons or attempt to market their
natural resources outside the confines of the "ecologically sound," Empire
of the City networks.

        Momentarily, I considered what wonders an omnipotent Caesar could
do to bring justice to the world.  Kurdistan could be resurrected from
Iraq, Turkey, and Iran.  Croatia from Yugoslavia.  The Baltic States from
the Soviet Union.  Tibet from China.  Mongolia from China.  The Ukraine
from the Soviet Union.  Russia from the Soviet Union.  Everything from the
Soviet Union.  Destruction of all weapons of mass destruction except
Caesar's.  But then, reality set-in.  Knowing his powers to be more
limited than I dreamed, the real Caesar ordered the fighting stopped well
before the forces necessary to maintaining Saddam's Baathist Party State
could be destroyed.  No need to rebuild the enemy this time!  With true
Imperialist impotence to do good, Bush acted only maintain Anglo-American
dominance, encouraging the Baathist butchers to slaughter their helpless
minorities and start building toward a new regional "Balance of Power."


"Of course, the cardinals recognized (some more quickly than others) the
uniforms and insignia of the Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta.
That solemnizing fact--you couldn't but be impressed by the formality
created by the Knights--together with the bareness of the bulletin notice,
induceda quietude among the cardinals in which a lwo whispering was their
loudes sound even before Valeska (future Pope) had entered>"  The Keys of
This Blood by Malachi Martin, page 687.


        It is easy to see that events are congruent with the Project
thesis and no overt contradiction exists and many will accept the idea of
a reinvigorated Judeo- Masonic-Anglophile ascendancy toward a New World
Order, but most conspiracy theorists will see the Vatican-Prussian (Holy
Roman Empire) opposition as inconsequential, a figment of our imagination,
controlled by the conspiracy, or, worse, as evidence of our anti-Catholic
bigotry.  Fortunately, a book by Malachi Martin, a Vatican insider and
intimate of John Paul II, has appeared that confirms the Project thesis.

            Pope John Paul II & the Liberation
                  of Eastern Europe

        The Keys of this Blood:  The Struggle for World Dominion Between
Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West by Malachi
Martin is extremely tedious to read.  His pains to maintain a primarily
religious identity for a Pope who he simultaneously claims is primarily a
geopolitical operator is accomplished by a repetitious sanctimonious
wordiness.  In addition, Martin is careful not to be too specific in
identifying the Pope's disreputable "Black International" allies.  This
results in more worthless words piled atop one another.  However, the
rewards of "wading through" this mess are great.

        Martin claims the Pope's mentor, Cardinal Wyszynki conceptualized
the three geopolitical contenders as 1) The Golden International, the
financial powers of the world, 2) The Red International, the
Marxist-Leninist Party-State apparatus, and 3) The Black International,
the forces of the traditional Roman Catholic Church (and Holy Roman
Empire).  Reflecting the wishful thinking of the current Pope, Martin
dismisses the "Golds" as mired in hopeless post-WWII decline, postulating
the real competition to be between the Reds and Blacks within the
framework of a new mutual tolerance for each other's mutually exclusive
basic philosophies, atheism versus revealed religion, made possible by
shared opposition to capitalism's individualist/materialist competition
and a vision of a future world- dominating Europe from the Atlantic to the
Urals.  Bush's Gulf War can be seen as the Judeo-
Masonic-Anglophile/Royalist cabal's refutation of Martin's book and the
Pope's geopolitics.  Martin is now clearly wrong on the following points:

a) The Decline of the West's Capitalist System.  Martin sees the
capitalist system as resting on the now shaky tripod of post WWII
institutions--International Trade, International System of Payments, and
International (US) Military-Political Hegemony--built by the Wise Men of
the West, his code word for the anti-Catholic
Judeo-Masonic-Anglophile/Royalist cabal.  Martin was totally taken-in by
the "Vietnam syndrome" analysis of American military will and power,
forgetting that the Vietnam War was a war to impose the Catholic dictator
Diem on Vietnam was conceived by Pope Pius as part of his 1950's ill-fated
anti-communist crusade and never was supported by the Wise Men!  When a
war supporting their New World Order was required, the Wise Men had no
problem pulling it off!  The idea that the Wise Men are playing "hopeless
catch-up" is now shown to be illusory.

b) Failure of Democratic-Materialist Ideals.  Contrary to Martin, it is
specifically what Catholics and Communists hold in common,
authoritarianism (Party-State or Church-State) and anti- consumerism, that
has been rejected, not the materialist philosophy that capitalism holds in
common with communism!  Ex-communist serfs want their jeans, rock music,
and free thought--only a few really go to Church!  Competitive enterprise,
even when severely hampered, delivers to the consumer.  Authoritarianism
doesn't!  Apparently Martin does not realize that the "politically
correct," self-styled Marxism of America's College Campuses is a far cry
from real Marxist Leninist Party Statism of communist countries.  In
reality it is simply a hyper-liberal coalition of minority ethnic, racial,
feminists, and life-style protest movements that wouldn't be tolerated in
a Party State for a moment!  Marxist- Leninist Party Statism, contrary to
Martin is far, far from "engulfing the west."

        According to Martin, the Pope has taken his geopolitical tack
because the central authority of the Catholic Church over Catholics is,
itself, crumbling under the attack of what he calls the "anti- Church" or
"Super-Force", those Catholic leaders who under the influence of
"modernism" (Martin won't admit modernism is controlled by the Wise Men)
would tear-down the Vatican-centered Hierarchy/Papal Monarchy and replace
it with a loosely federated collection of "national churches" that would
determine policy and doctrine "democratically" like some Protestant
churches!  Presumably, Martin means the Pope had to use his geopolitical
clout before he lost it.  If he had been successful, which it now appears
he was not, he could have used his enhanced geopolitical power to restore
Catholic "traditionalism" to the Church.

        Perhaps the most fascinating part of the book is the last,
"Chapter 36:  Scenario the Consistory", in which Martin presents a fantasy
(the Pope's?) in which a future Pope, after geopolitical victory,
assembles all his Cardinals in a tightly guarded room at the Vatican, lays
down a severe policy of restoring "traditional" Catholicism at the expense
of the "Conciliar Church" of Vatican II, and, testing them with the
traditional act of "double obeisance," purges the Church of "modernism"
wholesale, starting on the spot with recalcitrant cardinals!

        Not only is the Vatican crawling with para-military units during
all this, but the traditional, ceremonial "Swiss Guard", though present at
the entrance, is strangely absent from the inner sanctum of the Vatican
assembly of Cardinals, suddenly replaced there by ceremonially attired
Knights of the Sovereign Military Order Malta!  Clearly, this is Martin's
"code-recognition" that the current Pope represents a Knights of Malta
("Black International" in Martin's jargon) coup.  Either that, or Martin
has been reading the Project!

                                     The Black International

        In reading the full breadth of "conspiracy literature" during the
"Gulf Crisis," a parallelism of propaganda with that of Iraq became
apparent, in spite of denials and "formula" condemnations of Saddam.
Denial that Bush's bombing was "surgical" with only collateral damage to
civilians and allegations of secret Israeli vengeance bombing were some of
the hallmarks of this parallelism--now in clear contradiction to objective
post-war reports.  In addition to such well-known conspiracy theory
publications as Carto's Spotlight and LaRouche's New Federalist, this
parallelism extended to some Vatican "peace pleading" and was especially
evident in 30 Days In the Church and the World, the controversial,
anti-Masonic Catholic magazine that we have long suspected represents a
lightly laundered version of the world-view of the Papal-Knights of Malta
cabal.  Also, 30 Days has been promoting an old Church doctrine, "Better a
Saracen than a Gnostic!"  This could explain the apparent
Vatican-Fundamentalist-Islamic-Prusso-Teutonic-PanSlavic-Holy Roman
Empire-(Japanese?) fascist/nationalist axis that may exist as a centrally
directed force to oppose the onrushing Judeo- Masonic-Modernist World
Imperium as enforced by Caesar Bush.  The anti-American, anti-Masonic 30
Days rhetoric reached such heights during the "Gulf Crisis" that
inflammatory articles were censored in both France and America due to
determined protests from modernist infected or modernist appeasing
segments of the Church.  In America the censoring was done by the Jesuit's
Ignatius Press which publishes the American edition.

        A number of items in Malachi Martin's book indicate, as we have
long-suspected, that much of the "responsible conservative movement" (esp.
Pat Buchanan) and most of the conspiracy expos  movement is consciously or
unconsciously under the sway of the Vatican, ie. that "conspiracy theory"
is essentially a covert Vatican-Jesuit project.  Recall that a promoter of
"Liberation Theology", Black Pope Pedro Arrupe, also was quoted in None
Dare Call It Conspiracy as the inspiration of Gary Allen's theories.  Need
we mention Catholic Carroll Quigley of Jesuit Georgetown University?  To
say nothing of Fathers Couglin and Fahey!  (Please note that I have
already admitted that I was under such unconscious influence from
1964-1986!) Martin indicates the following factors that give some credence
to the existence of such a covert "axis":

a) Pope John Paul II's "Treasonous" (to Poland) Ties with Germany.  Martin
mentions how Wojtyla and his mentor Cardinal Wyszynski were often accused
of "treason" by the Polish communists for their collaboration with
Germans.  Of course, the Pope's right hand man is now German Cardinal
Ratzinger who he has put in charge of the "Inquisition".  The German input
to Islamic weaponry, especially to poison gas and missiles is well-known.
German- Islamic collaboration dates back to WWI via the Berlin to Baghdad
Railway.  In WWII the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem supported Hitler.

b) Caucasian Racism Integral to Pope's Geopolitical Plans.  In "Chapter
21: The Pacts of Polishness", Martin reviews the Pope's Eurocentric
geopolitical outlook, harkening back to the Caucasian Race as the
historical linguistic/racial foundation of a Europe united from the
"Atlantic to the Urals" and, in tandem with European North America,
dominating the world.  This program is in clear agreement with
"populist-nationalist-white racist" sentiment in America and around the
world and is in polar opposition to what Martin calls the
"transnationalist" program we see promoted by the Judeo-Masonic Imperium.
The "politically correct" campus radicals are spearheading the
"conspiracy's" program to disavow the twin collectivisms of its
anti-Vatican origins:  Jewish/Zionist chauvinism and Anglophile, WASP
racism through enforced "multi-culturalism" and ending the Eurocentric
slant of history and literature curriculums.  "No more worshipping the
thoughts of 'Dead White Men'."  Apparently, the "conspiracy" believes,
contrary to the Vatican-lead forces, that a stable World Order is
impossible if the White race and its Jewish appendage (some would say
rulers) continue to dominate other races.  Loyalty to the Judeo-Masonic
principles, not race or ethnicity, is to be the criterion for acceptance
in the New World Order.  This may, of course, be only for public
consumption as "British Israel" outlets of the Crown continue to push the
WASPS as the true, Biblical "Israel" along with Sephardic Jews.  The
remaining Khazar Jews and Caucasians are cast into the outer darkness of
the "unchosen."


"The geopolitical idea so often expressed by Pope John Paul and Mikhail
Gorbachev that the world, or at least a good part of it, comprises 'one
family' is not farfetched.  There is a broad concensus among
anthropologists, linguists, agospecialists, and cultural experts that some
relatively short time after the last glaciers receded from the Eurasian
landmass--about twelve thousand years ago--there flourished the remote
ancestors of almost all the peoples now occupying "Europe from the
Atlantic to the Urals," and North America, as well."

Sometime before 7000 BC, a vast revolution changed the Caucasians' way of
life and ushered them on to their destiny...earliest farming communities
known to us existed in that area...Human procreation became a source and a
cause of blessings...More hands were the key to tilling more soil. (source
of Vatican position on birth control?--Editor)...The sequel is easy to
understand.  More soil-- more land--meant outward expansion...("Blood and
Soil?" "Lebensraum?"--Editor)...Constantly on the go, the Caucasian people
superimposed themselves and their language where they went..." The Keys to
This Blood by Malachi Martin, Pages 497-498.


        It is impossible to let Malachi Martin's book drop without
mentioning the really weird part:  Martin claims the Pope expects a
miracle of the sun in the sky (a la the Fatima miracle) to restore the
fortunes of the Church very soon.  In the minds of some, this prediction
has once again raised the possibility of a "high technology" being used to
fake a miracle or "space invasion" to promote world government.  Have the
Pope's intelligence sources obtained knowledge of such plans?  Is he
floating in advance a Catholic explanation just as the New Age movement
has floated their own explanation of such a future event?  Is this
connected to the increasing intensity of rumors that the US government has
made a deal with "Gray Aliens," trading abductees for technological
wonders?  I won't believe in spacemen until I am presented with publicly
verifiable evidence, but I do take seriously the possibility of their
propaganda value for The New World Order!

Catalog of Books Exposing the Vatican's Old World Order:

Most of these books are out-of-print and/or rare and not to be found in most

To obtain books contact A-albionic Research by mail with your requests.

 Catalog as of: 08/08/93

A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220

Vatican, Papal, and 'Black Internationale' Ruling Class/Conspiracy Theories

Author (Last, Frst) Semlyen, Michael de.
Title:  All Roads Lead to Rome?
The Ecumenical Movement
Cat#11995 Pages: 0221 Year:  1991 Paperback  Estimated Price:      $12.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:           Up-dated:
Fascinating review of the Vatican's many pronged offensive to retrieve
Protestantism and reverse the Reformation.  Views deference of the
Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie, to the Pope as a sign of
coming Vatican dominance of all Christianity.  Claims the New Age and
Environmentalist movements, as well as the Royal Family involvement in
the same, are tools of the Vatican.  Denies reality of the
Judeo-Protestant-Masonic/Royalist Cabal by pointing to Rome regardless
of the evidence?  Points up the need to more thoroughly investigate
the connections of the founders of the Club of Rome and the New Age
Movement.  On the surface, both movements seem extremely anti-Vatican.

Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title:  American Democracy and the Vatican
Population Growth & National Security
Cat#10450 Pages: 0000 Year:  1985 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $12.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Blanshard, Paul.
Title:  American Freedom & Catholic Power

Cat#10451 Pages: 0399 Year:  1949 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $45.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 06/27/93
Vatican coerces Catholics and dictates to America.

Author (Last, Frst) Cooney, .
Title: The American Pope
The Life and Times of Francis Cardinal Spellman
Cat#11964 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:       $8.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  08/16/92 Up-dated: 08/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Cooke, Ronald N..
Title:  Anti-Christ and Optimism
Third in a Series of Four Studies about Problems in the Church Today
Cat#12922 Pages: 162  Year:  1993 Paperback  Estimated Price:      $10.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/06/93 Up-dated: 05/22/93
Are all of us in the right-of-center wing of the Conspiracy Research
Movement unconscious tools of the power manipulators of the Vatican?--
important reading for those of us still blind to the power of the
Roman Pontiff in opposition to the Judeo-Masonic-Anglophile
Establishment.  Especially good in proving that many pre-reformation
Catholics as well as all the founders of Protestantism looked at the
Pope as anti-Christ or pre-anti-Christ, implying that current, nearly
universal respect and acceptance of the Papal power structure and its
non-Biblical claims, in spite of the historical opinions of Protestant
forbearers, is proof of the Vatican's increasing power and on-rushing
world dominion.

Author (Last, Frst) Thomas & Morgan Witts, Gordon.
Title:  Averting Armageddon (Or Year of Armageddon)
The Pope, Diplomacy, and the Pursuit of Peace (The Pope & the Bomb)
Cat#10453 Pages: 0322 Year:  1984 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $12.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
CIA infliltrates the Vatican.  (Note:  This book was published under
two titles.)

Author (Last, Frst) Shepard, J. E. C..
Title: The Babington Plot
Jesuit Intrigue in Elizabethan England
Cat#11219 Pages: 0000 Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:      $10.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Foxe, John.
Title: The Book of Martyrs
Acts and Monuments of These Latter and Perilous Days
Cat#11102 Pages: 0000 Year:  1563 Paperback  Estimated Price:       $6.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
Original source book of Puritan/Protestant anti-Catholicism!  Focuses
on the bloody details of Protestant "martyrs" murdered by the Vatican

Author (Last, Frst) Anonymous, .
Title: A Brief Account of the Jesuits
With Historical Proofs in Support of It Tending to Establish the
Danger of the Revival of that Order to the World at Large and to the
United Kingdom in Particular
Cat#11596 Pages: 0000 Year:  1815 Xerox      Estimated Price:      $20.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Gurwin, Larry.
Title: The Calvi Affair
Death of a Banker
Cat#10455 Pages: 251  Year:  1984 Paperback  Estimated Price:      $22.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 05/11/93
Calvi murder, P2, bank scandal

Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title: The Catholic Church Against the 20th Century

Cat#12775 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $40.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  02/21/93 Up-dated: 02/21/93


Author (Last, Frst) Rokach, Livia.
Title: The Catholic Church and the Question of Palestine

Cat#13079 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $25.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  05/01/93 Up-dated: 05/01/93
Complex and highly charged relationship between the Vatican and Jewish
zionism...pressured, but the Church won't budge!

Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title:  Catholic Imperialism and World Freedom

Cat#11618 Pages: 0000 Year:  1972 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $25.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title:  Catholic Terror in Ireland

Cat#11161 Pages: 0000 Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:       $9.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 06/05/93


Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title:  Catholic Terror Over Europe
The Religious Massacre of Yugoslavia
Cat#12776 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $50.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  02/21/93 Up-dated: 02/21/93


Author (Last, Frst) Sweeney, .
Title: A Church Divided
The Vatican vs. American Catholics
Cat#11967 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $23.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  08/16/92 Up-dated: 08/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Blanshard, Paul.
Title:  Communism, Democracy, and Catholic Power
A Study of Two Great Systems of Authoritarian Control Over Men's
Minds--Kremlin and Vatican.  The Deadly Parallels, the Moral
Contrasts, and Their Impact on Free Peoples
Cat#12456 Pages:      Year:  1951 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $45.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  12/17/92 Up-dated: 01/05/93


Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title: The Conspiracy Against Bible Protestantism

Cat#11174 Pages: 0000 Year:       Pamphlet   Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Cooke, Ronald`.
Title:  Conspiracy Against Historic Bible Protestantism

Cat#11611 Pages: 0000 Year:  1982 Paperback  Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Cooke, Dr. Ronald.
Title:  Crisis in Northern Ireland

Cat#11173 Pages: 75   Year:       Pamphlet   Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 06/20/93


Author (Last, Frst) Moldea, .
Title:  Dark Victory
Reagan, MCA, and the Mob
Cat#12187 Pages:      Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:       $9.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/23/92 Up-dated:
Reagan's controllers!

Author (Last, Frst) Martinez, Fr. John.
Title: The Deception of the Century
Pope Paul the VI and the Imposter Pope!
Cat#11974 Pages: 12   Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  08/16/92 Up-dated: 08/17/92
Photo-study proves that Pope Paul VI was represented by a double for
much of his Papacy!

Author (Last, Frst) Cooke, Dr. Ronald.
Title:  Decline of Historic Bible Protestantism

Cat#11605 Pages: 0000 Year:  1986 Paperback  Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title: The Dollar and the Vatican
The Complete Story of the Vatican-Washington Axis
Cat#11197 Pages: 161  Year:  1988 Paperback  Estimated Price:       $9.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 01/29/93
If you read only one book by the late Manhattan, this is the book to
read.  The author outlines his entire theory of Vatican power as
exercised in modern history and current events.  The student of ruling
class/conspiracy theories, if impressed, can then proceed to his more
detailed books for evidence.  Note:  Avro Manhattan must be read with
extreme caution.  Though well informed on the machinations of the
Vatican, he appears to be studiously blind to the operations of his
Queen's competing "Empire of the City."  He even claims his fabled
"City" is controlled by Vatican orbit "deposits".

Author (Last, Frst) Stehle, Hansjakob.
Title:  Eastern Politics of the Vatican
Cat#12053 Pages: 466  Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $14.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/13/92 Up-dated:
Analysis of Vatican diplomacy and underlying motives regarding the
great issues of the Bolshevism, the Soviet Union, the Third Reich, and

Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title:  Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven
Women, Sexuality, and the Catholic Church
Cat#11969 Pages:      Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:      $12.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  08/16/92 Up-dated: 08/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Burstein, Daniel.
Title:  Euro-Quake
Europe's Explosive Economic Challenge Will Change the World -- 1)  A
bigger market that the US's by 1993, 2)  A Common European currency by
1997, 3)  NATO defunct by 2000, 4)  The meaning of the German
superpower, and 5)  The coming European-Japanese alliance
Cat#12238 Pages: 379  Year:  1991 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $22.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/25/92 Up-dated: 07/10/93
Over 100 specific predictions on the effects of the greatest
political/economic consolidation of all time!  Many predictions have
already come to pass!  First book to offer a detailed image of life
and business in the Post-Cold War era!  Re-emergence of Germany as a
world power in alliance with Japan.  Though not covered in this
book--New, invincible power base for the Pope?

Author (Last, Frst) Cooke, Evangelist Ronald.
Title:  Excuses of Compromise

Cat#11609 Pages: 0000 Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Seldes, George.
Title:  Facts and Fascism

Cat#11970 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $14.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  08/16/92 Up-dated: 08/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Chiniquay, .
Title:  Fifty Years in the Church of Rome

Cat#12035 Pages:      Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:      $55.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/09/92 Up-dated:


Author (Last, Frst) Thompson, Ex-Secretary of the Navy, R. W..
Title:  Footprints of the Jesuits
"The Jesuits, by their very calling, by the very essence of their
institution, are bound to seek, by every means, right or wrong, the
destruction of Protestantism.  This is the condition of their
existence, the duty they must fulfill, or cease to be Jesuits"
Cat#11630 Pages: 507  Year:  1895 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $75.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 03/25/93
When anti-Catholicism was in flower?

Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title:  Foxe's Book of Martyrs

Cat#11157 Pages: 0000 Year:       Pamphlet   Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Blanshard, Paul.
Title:  Freedom and Catholic Power in Spain and Portugal
An American Interpretation
Cat#13184 Pages: 300  Year:  1962 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $22.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  06/27/93 Up-dated: 06/27/93


Author (Last, Frst) Blanshard, Paul.
Title:  God and Man in Washington
The Church-State Battlefront in Congress, the Supreme Court, and the
Presidential Campaign
Cat#10464 Pages: 0251 Year:  1960 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $33.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 06/27/93
Vigorous but carefully documented panorama of the Church-State
battlefront by a critic of religion!

Author (Last, Frst) Cornwell, Rupert.
Title:  God's Banker
The Roberto Calvi Scandal that Shook the World of Internation Banking
and Embarassed the Vatican
Cat#10465 Pages: 0260 Year:  1984 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $13.50
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Kann, Robert A..
Title: A History of the Habsburg Empire 1526-1918

Cat#12826 Pages: 646  Year:  1974 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $15.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  03/14/93 Up-dated: 03/14/93
Establishment history of a crucial dynasty.

Author (Last, Frst) Cheetham, Nicolas.
Title: A History of the Popes

Cat#12069 Pages: 348  Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $24.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/18/92 Up-dated:


Author (Last, Frst) Cooke, Dr. Ronald.
Title:  Ian Paisley
Protestant Protagonist Par Excellence
Cat#11601 Pages: 0000 Year:  1987 Paperback  Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Elliot, J. H..
Title:  Imperial Spain
Cat#12792 Pages: 423  Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:      $20.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  03/02/93 Up-dated: 03/02/93


Author (Last, Frst) Yallop, .
Title:  In God's Name
An Investigation Into the Murder of Pope John Paul I
Cat#10468 Pages: 0000 Year:  1984 PB         Estimated Price:      $16.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
The classic study that provoked a counter-report from the Vatican.

Author (Last, Frst) Pallenberg, Corrado.
Title:  Inside the Vatican

Cat#12746 Pages: 273  Year:  1960 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $25.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  02/07/93 Up-dated: 02/07/93


Author (Last, Frst) Rawlinson, Peter.
Title: The Jesuit Factor

Cat#13318 Pages: 227  Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $22.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/18/93 Up-dated: 07/18/93
Spearheading anti-capitalist revolution world-wide?

Author (Last, Frst) Barthel, Manfield.
Title: The Jesuits
History & Legend of the Society of Jesus
Cat#10471 Pages: 0324 Year:  1982 Paperback  Estimated Price:      $17.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Martin, Malachi.
Title: The Jesuits
The Society of Jesus & Betrayal of the Catholic Church
Cat#10472 Pages: 0525 Year:  1987 Paperback  Estimated Price:      $12.35
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
Presents the standard Roman Catholic "Traditionalist" view that the
Jesuits are betraying the Church by promoting "Liberation Theology".
Overlooks the possibility of purposeful maniplation of the 3d World
"liberation movements" by Rome.

Author (Last, Frst) Hollis, Christopher.
Title: The Jesuits
A History
Cat#12460 Pages: 288  Year:  1992 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $24.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  12/23/92 Up-dated: 12/23/92


Author (Last, Frst) Campbell, S. J., Thomas J..
Title:  Jesuits 1534-1921
A History of the Society of Jesus from Its Foundation to the Present
Cat#11599 Pages: 0000 Year:  1921 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $90.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
Authoritative work with the imprimatur of the Church to "correct"
spate of anti-Catholic books meant to "defame" the society.

Author (Last, Frst) Peyrefitte, Roger.
Title:  Knights of Malta

Cat#12009 Pages: 287  Year:  1960 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $55.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/04/92 Up-dated:
Amazing novel published by the Warburgs reveals the inner workings of
Vatican power struggles!

Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title:  Latin America and the Vatican

Cat#12780 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $44.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  02/21/93 Up-dated: 02/21/93


Author (Last, Frst) McCabe, Joseph.
Title: The Lies and Fallacies of the Encyclopedia Britannica
How Powerful and Shameless Clerical Forces Castrated a Famous Work of
Cat#12472 Pages: 46   Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:      $15.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  12/26/92 Up-dated: 12/26/92
Contents:  The Pope's Eunuchs;  Castrating the Encyclopedia; The
Taming of History; Popes and Inquisitors; The Jesuits and Other
Rogues; How History is Re-Written; More Whitewash for the Middle Ages;
Poisoning of Wells; Proof that History is Written by the Winners.

Author (Last, Frst) McCabe, Joseph.
Title: The Lies and Fallacies of the Encyclopedia Britannica
How Powerful and Shameless Clerical Forces Castrated a Famous Work of
Cat#12757 Pages: 46   Year:  1988 Paperback  Estimated Price:      $12.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  02/11/93 Up-dated: 02/12/93
Detailed expos  of the pro-Catholic rewrite of the famous encyclopedia
in the 1920's.  While formerly the Anglophile encyclopedia could have
been accused of a rationalist and/or Protestant slant in many
articles, having been inspired by the great French encyclopedia of the
18th Century, the 1920's rewrite, dedicated to King George and
President Hoover and designed to capture the burgeoning American
market, eliminated all articles fundamentally critical of the Catholic
Church, passing-off troubling episodes as passing scandals caused by
secular influences and quickly corrected by the Church.  As the
Westminster Catholic Federation noted in 1928 after the re-write was
completed:  "The revision of the Enclyclopedia Britanica was
undertaken with a view to eliminate matter which was objectionable
from a Catholic point-of-view and to insert what was accurate and
unbiased." (!)  Finally, the Encyclopedia was taken-over by the
University of Chicago in 1929 and remains under the University's
sponsorship today.

Author (Last, Frst) Anonymous, .
Title:  Masonry and Catholicism
Twin Pincers
Cat#11136 Pages:      Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:      $15.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/27/92
Are we wrong at A-albionic?  Is the Judeo-Masonic vs. Vatican conflict
a game of shadow boxing enabling secret initiates to rule the world?

Author (Last, Frst) James, Marquis.
Title:  Merchant Adventurer
The Story of W. R. Grace
Cat#12862 Pages: 368  Year:  1993 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $24.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  03/24/93 Up-dated: 07/26/93
How the Irish Catholic, super-rich Graces came to power in America.
The current Grace, Peter, is the leader of the Pope's Sovereign Order
of the Knights of Malta in America.

Author (Last, Frst) Cooke, Evangelist Ronald.
Title:  More Excuses of Compromise

Cat#11610 Pages: 0000 Year:  1970 Paperback  Estimated Price:       $4.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Livesey, Roy.
Title:  More Understanding the New Age
Discerning Antichrist and the Occult Revival
Cat#11616 Pages: 0000 Year:  1990 Paperback  Estimated Price:      $10.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
Contains valuable review of numerous cults and secret societies active
today in the spirit of author's previous book on the New Age.

Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title:  Murder in the Vatican
American, Russian, and Papal Plots
Cat#11620 Pages: 0000 Year:  1985 Paperback  Estimated Price:      $12.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
KGB-CIA battle resulted in the assassination of John Paul I, the key
to the geopolitical changes that have followed under John Paul II?

Author (Last, Frst) Bernstein, Iver.
Title: The New York City Draft Riots

Cat#12261 Pages: 368  Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $29.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  11/12/92 Up-dated: 04/18/93
Vatican plot carried out through Irish Catholics?

Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title: The Onlslaught Against Bible Protestantism

Cat#11162 Pages: 0000 Year:       Pamphlet   Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Walsh, Michael.
Title:  Opus Dei
An Inside Look at the Secret Society Struggling for Control of the
Roman Catholic Church
Cat#10896 Pages: 0000 Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $18.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/07/92
Chilling portrait of right-wing secret society at the heart of the

Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title:  Pailsley's Struggle for Ulster

Cat#11176 Pages: 0000 Year:       Pamphlet   Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title:  Paisley and Mystery Babylon the Great

Cat#11175 Pages: 0000 Year:       Pamphlet   Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Cooke, Dr. Ronald.
Title:  Paisley's Protest at Strasbourg

Cat#11603 Pages: 0000 Year:  1988 Paperback  Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
Paisley's Protestant "protest" against growing Papal authority and
influence in the European super-state.  Paisley continues to see the
Pope as the anti-Christ.

Author (Last, Frst) Dionne, J. Robert.
Title:  Papacy and the Church
A Study of Praxis and Reception in Ecumenical Perspective
Cat#11612 Pages: 0000 Year:  1985 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $29.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
Establishment history from 1846 to 1878.

Author (Last, Frst) Lernoux, Penny.
Title: The People of God
The Struggle for World Catholicism
Cat#12098 Pages:      Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:      $19.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/18/92 Up-dated: 01/19/93
Revealing look at the Catholic Church, esp. Opus Dei.

Author (Last, Frst) Lernoux, Penny.
Title:  People of God
The Struggle for World Catholicism
Cat#12561 Pages: 466  Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $19.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  01/19/93 Up-dated: 01/19/93
Overview of Catholicism by a critic.

Author (Last, Frst) Anonymous Pamphlet, .
Title:  Plot of Rome to Grasp US Bared in Expos  of Amazing Documents
Catholic Council Creates Vast Militaristic Bureau Here to Obey Orders
of Vatican--Boasts Forcing Papa; Representation on All National
Organizations in America
Cat#11597 Pages: 0000 Year:  1923 Pamphlet   Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
Rare pamphlet from the explicitly anti-Catholic occult group of
Celestia Root Lang, The Independent Theosophical Society of America.
Exposes the activities of the National Catholic Welfare Council.

Author (Last, Frst) Thomas & Morgan Witts, Gordon.
Title:  Pontiff
The Sensational Behind the Scenes Story of Papal Life and Political
Intrigue that Reads Like a Novel
Cat#10485 Pages: 0557 Year:  1983 PB         Estimated Price:       $5.48
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
John Paul II, Calvi, Sindona, Agca

Author (Last, Frst) Murphy, .
Title: La Popesa

Cat#12093 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $12.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/18/92 Up-dated:
Mother Pascalina, right hand of Pius XII.

Author (Last, Frst) Ful”p-Miller, Ren .
Title:  Power and Secret of the Jesuits
Persecuted, condemned, ridiculed by the best minds in Europe, yet they
built up the most powerful and important secret society of all times.
The story of its development unfolds the drama 400 years of world
Cat#11614 Pages: 0000 Year:  1930 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $85.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 02/08/93


Author (Last, Frst) Rhodes, Anthony.
Title: The Power of Rome
The Vatican & Liberal Democracies 1870-1922
Cat#10486 Pages: 0280 Year:  1983 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $17.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Tosches, Nick.
Title:  Power on Earth
Michele Sindona's Explosive Story
Cat#10488 Pages: 0290 Year:  1986 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $12.50
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92

Author (Last, Frst) Cowie, Leonard.
Title: The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century
Documentary History Series--History Illuminated Through Original
Cat#12919 Pages: 125  Year:  1970 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $12.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  04/05/93 Up-dated: 04/05/93


Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title:  Religion in Russia

Cat#12777 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $42.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  02/21/93 Up-dated: 02/21/93


Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title:  Religion in Russia

Cat#13186 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $35.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  06/28/93 Up-dated: 06/28/93


Author (Last, Frst) Paige, .
Title: The Right to Lifers
Who, How, and Where They Get Their Money
Cat#12178 Pages:      Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:      $10.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/23/92 Up-dated:


Author (Last, Frst) Boettner, Loraine.
Title:  Roman Catholicism

Cat#12417 Pages:      Year:  1962 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $30.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  12/09/92 Up-dated: 12/09/92
Anti-Catholic work by a Protestant.

Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title:  Roman Catholicism UnAmerican

Cat#11172 Pages: 0000 Year:       Pamphlet   Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title: The Secret History of the Jesuits

Cat#11135 Pages: 0000 Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:       $7.50
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/27/92


Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title: The Secret Instructions of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)

Cat#12782 Pages:      Year:  1612 Paperback  Estimated Price:       $8.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  02/21/93 Up-dated: 02/21/93


Author (Last, Frst) Dager, Albert James.
Title:  Six Roman Catholic Doctrines
That Nullify Salvation by Grace
Cat#12104 Pages: 47   Year:  1988 Pamphlet   Estimated Price:      $10.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/19/92 Up-dated:


Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title:  Spain and the Vatican

Cat#12781 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $40.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  02/21/93 Up-dated: 02/21/93


Author (Last, Frst) Di Fonzo, Luigi.
Title:  St. Peter's Banker

Cat#10496 Pages: 0308 Year:  1983 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $18.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
Infamous Michele Sindona in the Vatican.

Author (Last, Frst) Cornwell, John.
Title: A Thief in the Night
The Mysterious Death of Pope John Paul I
Cat#12239 Pages: 366  Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $21.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/25/92 Up-dated:
Murdered just before he was about to tackle the scandal ridden Vatican
Bank, demote Curial figures, and revise the Church's teaching on birth

Author (Last, Frst) Livesey, Roy.
Title:  Understanding the New Age
Preparations for Antichrist's One World Government
Cat#11617 Pages: 0000 Year:  1989 Paperback  Estimated Price:      $12.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
Protestant Christian takes on the New Age and International Bankers
 without swallowing the Vatican propaganda line of Couglin, Fahey, and
Quigley in these matters hook, line, and sinker.  One of the few
writers outside of the Project to see Tragedy and Hope as a Jesuit
Georgetown University propaganda project.

Author (Last, Frst) Paris, .
Title: The Vatican Against Europe

Cat#12184 Pages: 311  Year:  1964 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $35.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/23/92 Up-dated: 07/03/93
Pius X caused outbreak of WWI, Benedict XV: the pro-German Pope, Pius
XI instigates fascism, it was the Pope who made Hitler, Franco:  the
Vatican's instrument of war, Belgium under the sign of Christus Rex,
Vatican Hitlerist activity in the USA, Anschluss and Cardinal
Innitzer, Invasion of Poland and Betrayal of France, Monseigneur
Stepinac's Croatia, Genocide, Himmler and the Jesuits, Nuremberg,
Vatican hides and defends the fleeing assassins, God or Mammon, the
Death of Pius XII.

Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title: The Vatican and the USA

Cat#12779 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $38.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  02/21/93 Up-dated: 02/21/93


Author (Last, Frst) Minerbi, Sergio I..
Title: The Vatican and Zionism
Conflict in the Holy Land 1895-1925
Cat#13320 Pages: 253  Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $24.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/18/93 Up-dated: 07/18/93


Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title:  Vatican Billions
Two Thousand Years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar to the Space Age
Cat#11132 Pages: 0000 Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:      $12.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/27/92
>From the dust jacket:  "With devastating thoroughness, Manhattan
explains how the Popes stole the wealth of the world through the
centuries.  He exposes the incredible tricks played on Kings, and the
Papal involvement with the Bolsheviks.  You will read with amazement
the list of corporations in Catholic hands, and see why the papacy
claims ownership of the Americas!"

Author (Last, Frst) Hammer, Richard.
Title: The Vatican Connection
The Astonishing Account of a Billion Dollar Counterfeit Stock Deal
Between Mafia and Church
Cat#10500 Pages: 0322 Year:  1982 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $20.50
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) Bello, Nino Lo.
Title:  Vatican Empire
A Highly Readable, Authoritative Report that Reveals the Vatican as a
Nerve Center of High Finance--and Penetrates the Secrecy of Papal
Cat#11598 Pages: 0000 Year:  1968 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $25.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/12/92
Full vivid story of the world's largest, oldest, most secret
corporation.  Why Popes are better informed than Presidents.  How
Vatican "men of trust" represent Church economic and political
interests in Italy and world-wide.  The unspoken alliance with the
Sicilian Mafia.

Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title: The Vatican Holocaust

Cat#11134 Pages: 0000 Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:       $8.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/27/92


Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title:  Vatican Imperialism and World Freedom
Published by the New York Times/Arno Press as Part of Series Entitled
"The Atheist" Viewpoint
Cat#12749 Pages: 510  Year:  1972 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $28.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  02/09/93 Up-dated: 02/09/93
Advisory Editor--Madalyn Murray O'Hare.  This book dispels the myth
promoted by anti-Catholic fundamentalists that Manhattan was a
Christian opponent of the Catholic Church.  Manhattan was a close
associate of George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells both Fabian
socialists and either atheists or agnostics!  He wrote a New Bill of
Human rights after WWII (He worked as a propagandist for the BBC) in
collaboration with H. G. Wells.  Manhattan was also a Member of the
Queen's Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem.

Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title:  Vatican Imperialism in the Twentieth Century

Cat#11626 Pages: 414  Year:  1965 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $35.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 02/21/93
"For those who believe that Imperialism is on the wane, ..(this
book).. is not only an eye-opener--it is a great shocker.  For
Imperialism, far from being on the decline, is very much on the
ascendant.  I am referring to the Imperialism of the Catholic
Church."--from the Preface by Lord Alexander of Hillsborough, Leader
of her Majesty's Opposition in the House of Lords 1964 and President
of Britain's Council of Protestant Churches.  The "alarming":  1)
Mounting power of the Catholic Church in the USA, UNO, England,
Europe, Africa, and Asia,  2)  Hidden might of Vatican diplomacy,  3)
Vatican political directives to 550,000 million members,  4)  Vatican
actions to undermine separation of Church and State,  5) Up-surge in
Catholic Ecumenism, Reform, and Reunion movements,  6) And a 1000
additional items related to fast increasing Catholic influence.

Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title: The Vatican in Asia

Cat#12778 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $35.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  02/21/93 Up-dated: 02/21/93


Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title:  Vatican in Asia

Cat#13187 Pages:      Year:       Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $35.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  06/28/93 Up-dated: 06/28/93


Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title: The Vatican in World Politics

Cat#11100 Pages: 444  Year:  1949 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $25.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/12/92
The book that launched Avro Manhattan's career in anti-Vatican expos .
Written at the "suggestion" of H. G. Wells.

Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title: The Vatican Papers
The Most Powerful City-State in the World
Cat#10502 Pages: 0000 Year:  1982 Hardcover  Estimated Price:       $0.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92

Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title:  Vatican's Holocaust

Cat#11624 Pages: 0000 Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:       $9.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/12/92
Vatican sponsored slaughter of Orthodox Serbs by Catholic Croats prior
to WWII?

Author (Last, Frst) Manhattan, Avro.
Title: The Vatican, Moscow, Washington Alliance
Startling Revelations of Dangerous New Partnerships
Cat#10501 Pages: 0000 Year:  1982 PB         Estimated Price:       $7.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92
Shifting alliances of the Church keep it at the top of the
geopolitical heap?  1982 analysis of the now deceased Avro Manhattan,
the world's leading critic of the Vatican's role in world affairs from
the 1930's to 1991.

Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title: The Vatican-Jesuit Global Conspiracy

Cat#11178 Pages: 0000 Year:       Pamphlet   Estimated Price:       $5.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) de Rosa, Peter.
Title:  Vicars of Christ
The Dark Side of the Papacy
Cat#13344 Pages: 484  Year:  1988 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $25.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/29/93 Up-dated: 07/29/93


Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title:  Vietnam
Why Did We Go?
Cat#11133 Pages: 0000 Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:       $6.50
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/27/92


Author (Last, Frst) Roberts, Bruce.
Title:  Vietnam, Fatima, Holy Crusade

Cat#13076 Pages:      Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:      $50.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  05/01/93 Up-dated: 05/01/93


Author (Last, Frst) Cooke, Carole.
Title:  Voices of the Martyrs

Cat#11600 Pages: 0000 Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:       $3.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 07/16/92


Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title: The Washington/Moscow/Vatican Alliance

Cat#11131 Pages: 0000 Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:       $8.50
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/16/92 Up-dated: 12/27/92


Author (Last, Frst) , .
Title:  What's Behind the New World Order?
The Hidden Agenda Almost No One Dares to Discuss...How It Will Affect
Cat#12087 Pages: 80   Year:  1991 Paperback  Estimated Price:      $10.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/18/92 Up-dated:
Anti-Catholic interpretation of the New World Order.

Author (Last, Frst) Gollin, James.
Title:  Worldly Goods
The Wealth and Power of the American Catholic Church and the Men Who
Control the Money
Cat#12589 Pages: 531  Year:  1971 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $22.00
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  01/27/93 Up-dated: 01/27/93


Author (Last, Frst) Morgan-White, Thomas.
Title: The Year of Armageddon
The Pope and the Bomb
Cat#12185 Pages:      Year:       Paperback  Estimated Price:       $8.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  10/23/92 Up-dated:
The Pope and the CIA.

Author (Last, Frst) Dedijer, Vladimir.
Title: The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican
The Croatian Massacre of the Serbs during World War II
Cat#12458 Pages: 375  Year:  1991 Hardcover  Estimated Price:      $27.95
Capsule Review:                Date Entered:  07/05/92 Up-dated: 01/30/93
Background to the current imbroglio over Yugoslavia...strongly biased
toward the Serbian (Communist, Orthodox Christian, Anti-Catholic)
viewpoint and the rationalizations of our Establishment in siding with

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