-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

GUARDIAN (London) Friday November 5, 1999

Cyberwar could spare bombs

Nato commander Wesley Clark boosts the case for telecom assaults with a
vision of how they might have been used in Kosovo

Julian Borger in Washington

The general who led Nato's forces in Kosovo believes the bombing campaign
might not have been necessary if new electronic methods of waging war had
been used to force President Slobodan Milosevic into submission.

General Wesley Clark, the outgoing supreme allied commander in Europe,
stunned a recent session of the US senate armed forces committee by
calling for a complete rethink of western strategy and questioning the
need for the aerial assault on Serbia, which caused an estimated 1,500
civilian casualties and came close to losing the propaganda war.

His testimony last month was the highest level of endorsement so far given
to the use of forms of "cyberwar" which, their supporters argue, could
have stopped Serb ethnic cleansing faster and with far less bloodshed.

Such a war would have used "offensive hacking" against Belgrade's
computers and Mr Milosevic's bank account, and jammed or subverted his
communications and propaganda. Meanwhile small groups of special forces
sent into Kosovo with powerful computers would have directed Nato's
overwhelming firepower at the Serb troops responsible for the slaughter.

"We need to look at all of the instruments of power that can be brought to
bear," Gen Clark told the senators. He argued that as well as legal means
of blocking the Danube and the Adriatic ports, Nato should have used
"methods to isolate Milosevic and his political parties electronically".

"There were a number of measures that could have been taken sooner and
some that were never actually implemented that would have augmented -
maybe even been more powerful than - the military instrument, maybe have
prevented the use of the military instrument."

In the course of the Kosovo war, Gen Clark came to be regarded as a
maverick in the Pentagon, and his forced early retirement from his Nato
post - he leaves next spring, several months ahead of schedule - was
widely seen as a calculated snub to his views.

But his outspoken remarks to the senate have added significant weight to a
growing body of thought among US strategic thinkers.

In a report published this month, the US council on foreign relations
(CFR) argued that new non-lethal technologies offered a "middle option"
between "classic diplomatic table-thumping and indiscriminate economic
sanctions on the one hand and major military intervention on the other

Nato troops have been experimenting for years with ways to bring the
west's overwhelming technological superiority to bear on its enemies
without resorting to the vast destructive power of high-altitude
bombardment. They call it the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA). But it
is a revolution that has hitherto been kept top secret.

"The US admits it has SF [special forces] troops but it doesn't admit it
has IO [information operations] forces," said Martin Libicki, a cyberwar
expert from the National Defence university in Washington, who is
researching the issue for the Rand Corporation.

The Kosovan conflict has been called the first war on the internet.
Hackers disrupted and defaced Serb and Nato websites, and jammed computer
messaging systems with "email bombs". Some were government-sponsored and
some private, but they had a limited effect on each side's military

Meanwhile, a hidden internet battle for far higher stakes was under way.
According to defence analysts, US computer hackers burrowed into Serb
government email systems to read Belgrade's mind day by day, while some
infiltrated their way into the internet systems of banks around the world
in search of accounts held by Mr Milosevic and other Serbian leaders.

There are divided views on whether they succeeded, but analysts agree that
it was an early example of the wars yet to come, in which the struggle
will turn on access to the enemy's financial and communications computer

With that in mind, the Pentagon set up a specialised agency two years ago
aimed at securing US classified systems against a "cyber-terrorist attack"
in which, for example, hostile hackers would cause chaos in the American
skies by planting a "logic bomb" in air traffic control computers to
scramble their software.

Cyberwar proponents argue that Nato put the interests of financial
stability first and decided not to erase Mr Milo sevic's bank accounts.
They also argue that the west failed to use the non-lethal means at its
disposal to disrupt Serb television propaganda. The CFR report said
microwave technology could have disabled Belgrade's electronic equipment,
while cruise missiles armed with carbon-fibre payloads could have shorted
out the Serb electric grid.

Alternatively, transmissions from neighbouring countries or electronic
warfare planes like the EA-6B Prowler could have subverted Belgrade's
television broadcasts by slotting in reports of Serb atrocities in Kosovo
or replacing them wholesale with the BBC or CNN.

To that end, it argues, video cameras could have been distributed to the
Kosovo Liberation Army and Kosovan civilians to accelerate the flow of
live evidence of Serb ethnic cleansing.

By using non-lethal means Nato would have avoided rallying Serb popular
support around an otherwise hated regime, and would have found it easier
to maintain a Nato consensus behind its campaign, the report argues.

But it is in Kosovo itself that the new forms of warfare might have had
their greatest effect.

According to John Arquilla, one of cyberwar's leading prophets and a
professor of defence information sciences at the Naval postgraduate school
in California, small groups of US, British and French special forces were
infiltrated into Kosovo and could have been used to direct bombers or
helicopters against the Serb militias carrying out ethnic cleansing.

With the help of satellites, electronic warfare planes like the Prowler
and the unmanned drones under development, these troops could have
provided their commanders with an accurate and constantly updated picture
of what Mr Arquilla calls the"information battlespace".

In a joint article with David Ronfeldt, a Rand researcher, he wrote:
"Advanced information-gathering tools, including orbital and aerial
assets, night vision equipment and unmanned sensors deployed along the
lines of movement, let our units know where enemy units are, when they are
moving and in what numbers. Our preliminary view is that a cyberwar
campaign might require only one-tenth the number of an adversary's

Instead of exploiting these possibilities, the Pentagon fell back on the
"Powell doctrine", called after the former chairman of the joint chiefs of
staff Colin Powell, which maintained that the US should intervene only
when it could muster overwhelming force.

The special forces in Kosovo and the Apache helicopters waiting just over
the border were never used to stop the slaughter.

GUARDIAN (London) Friday November 5, 1999

US refines 'non-lethal' weapons for use on civilians
Richard Norton-Taylor

Western democracies will resort to non-lethal weapons, including sticky
foam, jamming devices and the control of water supplies, as public opinion
becomes increasingly sensitive to casualties among its own armed forces
and enemy civilians, US analysts told a conference in London this week.

Colonel George Fenton, director of the US joint non-lethal weapons office,
said western values, including respect for human life, coupled with
technological advances, "underscore the importance of non-lethal weapons
in armed conflict".

Armed forces would face the likelihood of more frequent clashes involving
civilian populations as cities got bigger, he said.

Russell Glenn of the Rand corporation also told the Jane's defence
information systems conference: "An army having to fight in a modern
megalopolis not only confronts a daunting task in confronting an enemy;
the tasks associated with the control and support of non-combatants could
easily demand more manpower than was necessary to seize entire cities in
the mid-20th century."

The answer to high casualties, he said, lay in non-lethal weapons and
intelligence from unmanned aerial vehicles - able to transmit images while
flying between buildings. Remote-controlled robots would mount road blocks
and seal routes with smoke or foam.

In a report for the European parliament, Steve Wright of the
Manchester-based Omega foundation listed ultra-sound generators, which
cause disorientation, vomiting and defecation; "human capture nets" laced
with chemical irritant or electrified; foam guns; blinding lasers; and
"thermal guns", which incapacitate through a wall by raising body
temperatures to 42C.

Dr Wright said many so-called non-lethal weapons were far from non-lethal.
"There is a real danger they will make conflicts more lethal by enraging


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