-Caveat Lector-


>From Rayelan Rushbacher

> Gunther once told me a story about the peasants near the Black Sea who
> had destroyed a group of blood drinkers with only pitchforks and wooden
> spears. He described the ritual that blood drinkers put their victims
> through. It was a sword dance where the victim was progessively sliced,
> not to kill the victim or cause them to bleed, but to raise the level of
> terror to a certain point where the soul was at its most powerful and
> then could be extracted. These people used a device. It was so heavy that
> it took four of them to plunge it into the heart of the victim. I was not
> clear on whether the blood of the victim also went into the four people
> who held the device, or if is was only the energy of the person.
> In this ritual, all four people shared the life or soul energy of the
> victim. This enabled them to live forever, as long as they had their
> device and victims
>  But Gunther said that his ancestors led the group of peasants to destroy
> these people. He said they took the device and rowed out into the middle
> of the black sea and threw it in there. He also says the device is the
> reason the sea is called the Black Sea. He says that there are still many
> Satanist groups near Odessa.

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Below is another email to me about the story of the Sacrifice and how it
is done and undoubtedly will be used through the SOLAR CROSS EVENT this


The story is an incredible one. I have a lot of details other than the
cross. Maybe one day, when I have the time, I will write it.

It involves true love, sexual torture, a torture sword dance, and a
beautiful nude woman spread eagle on the floor. The swordsman was a
dancer also. His movements were like a ballerinas.

The sacrifices were usually beautiful young women. they used young women
because the fear level is the highest in young women.

Once she was tied down she was usually raped by the ones who weren't
privileged enough to be part of the cross ritual... only four people
could carry the cross.

After the dancer had sliced her to pieces... the four men or women with
the cross began their own kind of dance and chant... they circled the
body chanting some ritual chant, and at the right time, they thrust the
downward pointing spike into her heart.

I do not remember Gunther telling me that blood spurted up through the
cross device... but it certainly seems possible that it did. What he said
is that the life force of the young woman would be sucked up into the
black cross and radiated out the four arms of the cross.

The handles at the ends of the cross were not at 90 degree angles. the
energy wouldn't flow properly around a 90 degree angle. There was a
slight curve. One of these days I will find the drawing Gunther made of
the device. I am sure I saved it... unless it is with all my things that
were left in Austria.

I am thinking about trying to write this up as a short story. I know that
the time frame was shortly after his relatives migrated from the Iraq
area to Hungary... they sojourned for a while by the black Sea... the
migration took several hundred years.


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