-Caveat Lector-

Clinton's own former CIA chief accused the Clinton administration of
"appeasement" toward the People's
                                  Republic of China, calling the policy
"wrong-headed and dangerous." A Tuesday afternoon AP dispatch, caught
                                  by the MRC's new Director of the Free
Market Project, Rich Noyes, relayed the comments of James Woolsey.
                            No network picked up on the criticism
Tuesday night, but keep your eyes open to see if you see any coverage

                                 In the article distributed at 1:11pm ET
on October 26, the AP's Barry Schweid wrote from Washington:

                            Former CIA Director R. James Woolsey today
accused the Clinton administration of pursuing a policy of appeasement
                            toward China and likened it to the way
Britain and France dealt with Nazi Germany on Czechoslovakia before
                            War II.

                            "It is wrong-headed and dangerous," Woolsey
said as a House committee prepared to hold a hearing on legislation that
                            would authorize the sale of conventional
submarines, a theater missile defense and other military assistance to

                            The House International Relations Committee
separately approved a bill that would increase military links with
Taiwan by
                            promoting U.S. training of Taiwan's military
officers and opening up lines of communication with the Taiwan military
                            during times of crisis.

                            Committee Chairman Ben Gilman, R-N.Y., said
the bill was in response to "Beijing's outright refusal to renounce the
                            of force against Taiwan" and its
"overwrought saber-rattling."....

                            Woolsey, central intelligence director for
President Clinton in 1993-1994, said the administration policy is a
                            tragic attempt at "strategic ambiguity" like
the failed effort by Britain and France to discourage Hitler from

                            "The executive branch needs to be forced to
change its shortsighted policy," Woolsey said in backing the legislation
at a
                            seminar at the Nixon Center, a private
research group.

                        Woolsey said Clinton's declaration of a "strategic 
relationship" with
China, his adoption of a one-China approach on the
                            dispute between Beijing and Taipei and
repeated U.S. apologies for NATO's mistaken bombing of the Chinese
                            in Belgrade in May have encouraged hard-line
factions in Beijing.

                            Appeasement is "a proper word to describe
the administration's stand," Woolsey said....

                            END Excerpt


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