-Caveat Lector-


Notes From The Prophets Conference ~ Gregg Braden

(The following text is an excerpt from a transcription of Gregg Braden's
presentation at The Prophets Conference which took place last August in
Port Townsend, Washington.)

Gregg  Braden blends his experience as a former computer systems
designer, geologist, and aerospace engineer with the ancient sciences of
compassion, blessing, and the Essene mysteries of relationship. He
offers a way to redefine hate, fear, separation, and the role they play
in our lives as we begin a new planetary cycle. As a world explorer of
ancient sacred sites, popular and powerful lecturer and author, Gregg
teaches of the numinous and the path being taken between the physical
and the metaphysical.

Gregg Braden will be presenting his powerful work at The Prophets
Conference ~ Santa Fe, April 14-16, 2000.  Information at

Gregg Braden on Prophecies and Predictions

"There are many prophecies and predictions regarding this time in
history, and I know that you have seen many of them.  A couple of years
ago they started showing up on national television - primetime
television slots.

We started watching programs like "Ancient Prophecies."  There's
"Ancient Prophecies 1," "Ancient Prophecies 2."  I think there was an
"Ancient Prophecies 3."  There are a lot of those prophecies out there.

We have been inundated in the media, through the worldwide web, in
magazine articles and publications, with information regarding what this
time in history is supposed to look like through the eyes of many
ancient traditions.  And, many people today are interpreting those
prophecies and those predictions as being very frightening, because
there are events that are depicted in very old texts regarding this time
in history, events of catastrophic Earth changes, weather changes,
upheavals in the Earth's crust, and global warfare.  And there are
experts now who are predicting that within the next two to three years,
that they expect to see a loss of up to two thirds of the world's
population to famine, disease, and the global war that they believe will
center around the Middle East and the Balkans.  (pause) Interesting.

Well, when we hear those kinds of predictions, and we hear a lot of them
on the circuits with the talks and the conferences that we go to, I like
to ask people where their information comes from.  Many people say it's
right there in those ancient texts.  It's right there before our eyes in
those ancient traditions.

And I say yes, there are some prophecies and predictions that have been
preserved through ancient texts.  And, they are fragmented and they are
incomplete. And what we now know is that when we go back and look at
those prophecies and predictions in their original format, they say
something very, very different than the way they've been interpreted
over the last one thousand years or so.  Because, when we go back and
look at the original texts, what we find is that for every prophecy of
chaotic destruction and death and loss of life on a level that we've
never seen before, for every one of those predictions, there are equally
viable and valid predictions that say that we no longer have war from
the change of this millennium forward, that we've outgrown the need to
die, that sickness and suffering are things of our past, that our crops
grow because our weather patterns are so gentle and that every mouth of
every human is fed every day.  And these prophecies are just as viable
as the one's of the catastrophic destruction.

And one of the mysteries has been, has always been, why would an ancient
prophet, in their perspective, in their time, looking forward along the
linear pathway of time as they were perceiving it (we know that time
isn't necessarily linear, but as they're looking forward into time) how
could they see such diverse possibilities for the same moment in time?
How could they look at the change of a millennium and see all negative -
the frightening possibilities - and at the same moment see all of the
positive elements of joy that lighten our hearts and allow us to feel
the sense of relief?  How could they see those for the same moment and

Well, it's only been in recent years, within about the last five years,
through the eyes of quantum physics reinterpreting many of these ancient
texts, that they began to make sense.  And, in a nutshell, I'll just
share with you what they're saying, and we're going to go through this
over the next couple of hours together.  What they're saying is that
there's a good possibility the ancient prophets didn't even understand
what they were seeing.  Isn't that interesting? They were given vision
into future possibilities.  And they would see one and then they would
see another, and then they would see another, and it's even recorded
that when they came back, they didn't understand what they were seeing.
And they were given the direction, 'don't worry about what it meant,
just write it down and pass it on to future generations.'

What quantum science now believes, and what the ancients I believe were
alluding to, is that time, and the experience of our lives, exist as
simultaneous possibilities, many, many, many possibilities, that are all
playing out at the same time. And apparently our consciousness is
capable of moving between the veils of these possibilities.  We do it so
well and so frequently that we don't always know when it happens.  We
move between worlds all the time and we don't know when it happens.
I'll give you some concrete examples of these nebulous concepts as we go
through this material.

>From the perspective of prophecy, this sheds a whole new light on this
time in history.  A gentleman named Hugh Everett III in 1953 began
developing the theories that we call parallel possibilities.  Sounded
like science fiction at the time, and maybe that's where a lot of our
science fiction comes from.  And, what Dr. Everett said was, that the
many, many pathways of time and the experience that we are unfolding in
each moment of our lives, that every once in awhile the paths come very
close together. And, the distance between the worlds is very small and
it's very easy to move from one outcome to another.

And those moments are called Choice Points.  Choice Points.  From the
perspective of quantum science, and the traditions of the ancient
calendars and the traditions of the indigenous people, it's a point
where parameters of our world, parameters of the cosmos, change do
dramatically, that they allow this easy, this graceful transition from
one outcome to another."
> _____________________________________________________
> Gregg Braden will be joining the extraordinary faculty coming together in Santa Fe, 
>New Mexico, April 14-16, for The Prophets Conference.  Other presenters are Dr. Edgar 
>Mitchell, James Redfield, Oriah Mountain
Dreamer, Dr. Michio Kaku, James Twyman, Robert Anton Wilson, Salle
Merrill Redfield, Joe Firmage, Nicki Scully, and Robert Morning Sky,
with more to be announced shortly.

A substantially discounted early registration is available until Dec.
21.  Full conference information may be found at
You may also call toll-free and leave a call-back at 1-888-777-5981.

Visit Gregg Braden's website at http://www.greggbraden.net.


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