-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Bill Clinton's America: Getting Weaker By The Week
Oliver North
November 23, 1999

Washington: Hardly a week goes by that our beloved leader, William The
Impeached, doesn't do something harmful to America's long term security
interests. This week is no exception. Before leaving for another failed
"summit" with his buddy Boris, the Butcher of Chechnya, Clinton dispatched
his wife to the Middle East where she set the peace process back a few years.
While she was gone, he closed a deal to welcome Communist China into "the
family of nations;" bailed out U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan with
American tax dollars; and launched another attack on America's military
readiness. And he did it all with the acquiescence of a Republican-led
Congress. Who says a lame duck can't get anything done?

Clinton could not have known in advance that his wife would embarrass the
U.S. by sitting mute while Mrs. Arafat launched into a diatribe about the
Israelis using poison gas against Palestinian women and children.

But true to form, "The Comeback Kid," brushed off the criticism faster than a
White House intern and bounced back with the "great news" that U.S. Trade
Representative Charlene Barshefsky and Economic Advisor Gene Sperling had
"negotiated a framework" for China to join the World Trade Organization (WTO).

After 13 years of lobbying three U.S. presidents, the wonderful folks who
soaked the cobblestones of Tianenmen Square with the blood of thousands of
their countrymen a decade ago will get what they have long sought --
legitimization for their regime in the eyes of the "world community."

The sterling fellows whose spies ripped off our nuclear labs and stole our
most sensitive secrets will also get permanent Most Favored Nation trading
status. When Beijing and its one billion consumers are admitted to the WTO,
Congress will no longer be able to preserve even the fig leaf that someone in
the U.S. government cares more about human rights than almighty profits.

And what do we get out of this supposedly wonderful deal? China has agreed to
double the number of Hollywood movies it allows into the country each year.
Sounds great; until you read the fine print and discover that the folks who
send us cut-rate clothes, machine tools and athletic shoes made with slave
labor only allowed Tinsel Town to send in 10 movies last year.

"Not fair," says the Clinton Trade Team; the WTO deal also helps American
farmers. What do they get? Tariffs on agricultural products will be reduced a
whopping half percentage point from 15 percent to 14.5 percent. Meanwhile,
has anyone even noticed that the annual U.S. trade deficit with Communist
China has now grown to a cool $57 billion?

But when you're in search of a legacy, money doesn't matter. What does matter
is what people in the "International Community" say about you, and how you
are seen.

That's why Clinton took a walk through the wreckage of another Turkish
earthquake, why he was photographed with American troops digging in for
another bitter winter in the Balkans, and why, just before he left for his
most recent foreign excursion, he proudly announced that the U.S. would
"finally pay its debt to the United Nations."

Forget that Kofi Annan is paid more than the president of the United States.
Forget that Annan and his fellow globocrats live in posh Manhattan digs and
troll New York City in chauffeur-driven limousines.

Thanks to Bill Clinton and a Congress anxious to get home for the holidays,
the Secretary General of the United Nations has a cool one billion dollars of
American cash to use as international walking around money.

And here's the saddest part of all this global wheeling and dealing: It's all
being done against the backdrop of an ever-weaker U.S. military. Just before
he blew out of town for his foreign junket, the Commander-in-Chief was
presented with further evidence of the appalling state of readiness in our
armed forces.

A week ago, it was the U.S. Army, announcing that two of its ten divisions
were so short of troops, equipment and training that they could not go to
war. This week, it was the Navy. The Eisenhower Carrier Battle Group, set to
deploy to the Middle East, won't be combat ready without being able to use
the live-fire training ranges on Puerto Rico's Vieques Island.

And, the U.S. nuclear submarine force, the cutting edge of American maritime
offensive and defensive power, must start going to sea with women aboard in
order to maintain adequate crew levels. Ah, what a legacy.


Oliver North is a former marine colonel, who you may remember from the
Iran-Contra hearings, and currently hosts 'Equal Time' on MSNBC.

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