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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Sherman Skolnick Sounds Off!!!

More of the Same?
by Sherman H. Skolnick
The National Transportation Safety Board, NTSB, and its predecessor
federal agencies, have a long, sorry history of covering up foul play
involved in some aircraft disasters. The word "sabotage" is a dirty,
forbidden word to them and the airline industry. How can they sell
tickets if passengers are haunted by the idea that some planes are put
down by bombs, missiles, or other bloody work? Some NTSB panel members,
in the past, have been suspected of concealing that some of their family
members and cronies have financial interests, if not actual stock
ownership, in the airline travel business.
There is, in short, nothing safe about the Safety Board.

About 1965 a commercial plane was enroute to Chicago. Just offshore of
the Windy City, the plane blew up and fell in relatively shallow water
of Lake Michigan. Early news accounts in some of the newspapers said a
bomb was suspected. Later editions, like with political assassinations,
cleaned up the messy details. Further stories dismissed the crash as
merely some kind of "accident".

One night a diver went down to the wreckage and apparently stole one of
the "black boxes", that records various parameters of the plane's
operations or records voices in the cockpit. Also removed were
apparently certain items in the wreckage. What was that all about?
According to some news reports, it was some kind of an unsolved mystery.
Left out of reports in the monopoly press were that one of the
passengers was a disgruntled top official of the American CIA. He was on
the way to meeting a prominent journalist in Chicago. He was going to
turn over documents showing that there had been a high-level cabal
implicated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.
[Not the only time key witnesses were snuffed out on the way to meet
with reporters. Example, the Karen Silkwood case. AND, see our details
in an earlier story, about Reporters and Assassins(they sleep

These details I had confirmed to me from two reliable sources. One of
them was federal aircrash inspector. Unlike some of his colleagues, he
had several times endangered his job and career demanding the truth be
told about some crashes. BUT, his superiors always told him to "shut

The facts were simple. To silence a top espionage official an entire
plane was put in the drink killing all onboard.

In December, 1972, one month after President Nixon was re-elected, a
commercial plane was headed from Washington's National Airport, set for
a stop in Chicago. Among the passengers were twelve WATERGATE figures,
including Mrs. E. Howard Hunt, wife of the Watergate burglar. She was
nervous about her luggage. So, she bought an additional first class seat
ticket for her baggage right near her. Why? Well, contained there was
two million dollars of "hush" money, that her husband reportedly
blackmailed out of Nixon. Both Mr. and Mrs. E. Howard Hunt were
long-time CIA officials. Both reportedly knew about the role of Tricky
Dick implicated in the political assassination of President Kennedy. The
two million dollars in valuables were to be "parked" apparently with her
Chicago-area relatives, one of whom reportedly owns a sizeable
accounting and motel operation some say is tied to the "boys", the
traditional mafia.

Some of the passengers perished when the United Air Lines plane pancaked
just short of Midway Airport. Sooner than the police and fire
departments, 150 FBI agents were already in the crash zone keeping local
authorities away from the smouldering plane. The FBI headquarters is 12
miles away. How did that many FBI get there that soon, ahead of the fire
and police? The FBI apparently were already in the vicinity of the
airport waiting to take Mrs. Hunt and some of the other Watergators into
custody, to be charged with extortion, that is, shaking down a federal
official, namely President Nixon. It was supposed to result in a secret
"national security" federal criminal prosecution with the court records

>From all the details we uncovered, we knew Mrs. Hunt and some of her
confederates survived the pancaked air plane and were poisoned later by
the FBI.

We arranged to "liberate" the entire 1300 pages of documents and
pictures of the National Transportation Safety Board, showing sabotage.
The NTSB did NOT intend to release THOSE documents in the form they had
them. Without telling the NTSB we had their file, we sued the NTSB,
claiming sabotage cover up. A local crooked judge, however, put us out
of Court without any formal hearing. Because of the lawsuit, the NTSB
re-opened their public investigation later. Because of talk radio at the
time we had caused a commotion and United Air Lines, likewise unaware we
had the complete suppressed file, demanded we be questioned and silenced
by the NTSB.

At the start of two full days of special public hearings, I grilled the
NTSB panel members on their conflicts of interest, because they were
financially tied to the airline industry and United Air Lines. They
refused to answer my questions and threatened to remove me from the
special hearing where dozens of Establishment reporters had gathered
from all over.

I opened up several suitcases containing THEIR records. In front of
numerous national reporters and spectators, about 250 in all, I defied
the NTSB panel to then and there arrest me for having THEIR file. They
ordered me as the subpoenaed witness together with my other witnesseses
to proceed. I demonstrated it was most likely a fraud that the NTSB
claimed the "black box" from the rear of the plane, the Flight Recorder,
had been supposedly "jammed" and no recording made of the technical
features of the flight. I showed THEIR transcript of the Cockpit Voice
Recorder, proving the airport "Outer Marker", a key navigation
instrument, had been turned off ONLY for the Watergate plane. Another
key landing instrument device, according to the documents, was turned
off for this flight as well. Result: the plane was falsely steered into
the ground, and the plane pancaked short of the airport.

I showed THEIR own documents proving the electrical system of the plane
had been sabotaged. I put into their faces THEIR own report showing the
bodies of Mrs. E.Howard Hunt and her group had an unexplained high-level
of cyanide.

I put on the witness stand two witnesses regarding a federal espionage
operative who, in a jumpsuit, escaped from the tail of the plane. In an
interview, he had blurted out that it was NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN,
meaning the pancaking of the plane was not to have occurred. Mrs. Hunt
and the others with her were supposed to have been arrested by the FBI
when they were to have gotten off the plane at Midway Airport.

I had the documents and pictures all spread out on a large table in
front of the NTSB panel. During a recess, a reporter for the Hearst
Newspaper chain said to me, "You have not proved, Mr. Skolnick, there
was a bomb on that plane. Without that, you don't have anything." Angry,
I replied, "Look, friend, not every plane put down by sabotage is
because of a bomb onboard." He said, "I don't care. I am not reporting
anything from here unless you prove there was a bomb."

The Chicago Tribune photographer and a reporter took a picture of me at
the huge table full of suppressed NTSB documents and pictures. In their
newspaper, however, they chopped off part of the picture showing the
table with the pictures and documents laid out there, and only showed a
picture of me. Their story alongside their phony picture, said "Skolnick
has no documents of any kind to prove his charges of sabotage."

After a long, full day of testimony, I made a joke. "I do categorically
admit that I have no proof whatever that President Nixon and his crony
the President of United Air Lines got on that plane and ever shot Mrs.
E.Howard Hunt with a 38 caliber gun." In a screaming headline, the
Chicago Sun-Times blasted me, turning my joke against me, stating
"Skolnick admits No Proof Whatever of Sabotage". I was sore and when I
again saw the reporter I said to him, "Friend, this wheelchair is an
uninsured, unlicensed vehicle. So if I run you over and put YOU in a
wheelchair, well, it is perfectly legal."

To their credit, Associated Press, AP,on their national wire, ran a
story, "Chicago legal researcher Sherman H. Skolnick today has presented
to a special hearing of the National Transportation Safety Board a
heavily documented case of sabotage in a plane crash in which Mrs. E.
Howard Hunt and others perished." Only one newspaper, being in the State
of Washington, used the AP story. The rest, catering to United Air
Lines' owners, the Rockefeller Family, were silent. The Rockefellers own
all three major news networks, then and now.

Later, in the so-called "Final Report", the NTSB said it was "pilot
error" that caused the crash. As part of the whitewash, they released a
falsified version of the transcript of the Cockpit Voice Record er,
covering up details tied to the other documents we had showing sabotage.
Since I had the transcript before it was falsified by them, I had proof
they were rotten liars. If the documents and pictures were widely
publicized, which they were not, United Air Lines, then the largest U.S.
airline, would have or could have lost their certificate to fly, putting
them out of business for covering up airplane sabotage killing 12
Watergate figures, among other passengers.

Soon thereafter, I wrote a book, "The Secret History of Airplane
Sabotage". It was a favorite device, I noted, for Adolph Hitler to get
rid of his opponents. The book was stopped in the printing cycle by the
Rockefeller Family lawyers. Alas, no copies are available.

Later in the 1970s I spoke on college lecture platforms demonstrating
the suppressed 1300 documents and pictures of the NTSB. The result of
all my efforts? The monopoly press which had once reported some of my
crusading efforts in voting cases and judicial corruption, started a
total news blackout. Mentioning anything about Skolnick was forbidden.
Until I became part of a non-commercial, public access Cable TV Show in
1991, and in 1995 became the moderator/producer of the same----until
then, people would stop me and ask, "I don't see you anymore on TV, Mr.
Skolnick. I thought you quit, were dead, or left the country."

I mention all this because it seems we are to suffer more of the fraud
by the commercial-airline-dominated National Transportation Safety

In 1996 Vice President Albert Gore, Jr., returned from Europe reportedly
with a complete list of airplanes shot down by missiles, whether by
terrorists or by "friendly fire" mistakes. Most of those on the list
apparently had not been mentioned in the monopoly press. Once part of
the Senate Intelligence Subcommittee. Gore has been in a position to
understand these things from the standpoint of espionage agencies and
their dirty work. Is it just because of "national security" excuses that
the list has not been made public?

Regarding the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990, the federal secret political
police, the FBI, have caused their media lap dogs to mislead the public
that Flight 990 crashed into the Atlantic Ocean because a relief
co-pilot grabbed hold of the controls and, wanting to commit suicide,
aimed the plane down toward the water. "The liars and Whores of the
Press" went along with the FBI, trumpeting that this co-pilot had
mouthed off some religious words indicating he was about to commit
suicide. Because of the alternative press, postings on Internet, talk
radio, and such, the monopoly press could not quite get away with this
fraudulent explanation.

Without coming right out and saying, "On behalf of the FBI, we lied to
you last week," the Associated Press story started out,"The suspicious
words 'I made my decision now', are not on the cockpit voice recorder of
EgyptAir Flight 990 after all, a government official says." [AP story,
11/20/99.] Since the NTSB policy is never to release the actual tape,
how can we ever independently verify what, if anything, was said in that
ill-fated cockpit? Like the Watergate plane crash in 1972, are the FBI
and NTSB going to fake up a supposed transcript of the Cockpit Voice
Recorder of Flight 990 to release to the sucker public? Like some
crusaders, WHO is prepared to somehow arrange to grab their records and
fling them into the face of the secret political police and the Unsafety
Board fakers?

Some as yet unanswered questions about Flight 990:
1. Was the Cockpit Voice Recorder actually retrieved much earlier than
revealed, altered, and then flung back into the ocean to be "found"
2. Were some of the upwards of 60 Egyptian military officers on that
plane---some already revealed, some not yet---FOR or AGAINST the
Established government in Cairo? [As an example: 8 officials of the
French CIA died in the apparent missile attack on TWA Flight 800. A top
officials of that French spy agency, however, at the last minute,
refused to get on that flight with his colleagues. Sixty French
nationals died in Flight 800 which had been bound for Paris.]
3. Did the American CIA, experts in airplane sabotage, play any role in
the demise of Flight 990?
4. Why do the fakers, in the press, in the FBI, in the NTSB, keep
mouthing off about the sole importance of the "black boxes"? The
super-secret National Reconnaissance Office, NRO, in charge of
satellites and video imaging from satellites, has accurate images
showing whether there was an outburst of an explosive device on Flight
990, or a missile hit or near-hit, which the pilots may have been trying
to evade. Apparently a U.S. Coast guard sub-chaser plane, a P-3,
mentioned only in early reports, was shadowing Flight 990. Why? And why
isn't the public told that foreign submarines, some hostile to the U.S.
and missile-equipped, often lay offshore on the East Coast? The P-3 can
spot submarines at the bottom of the ocean. And what about the several
sub-chasing airplanes in the vicinity of TWA Flight 800?

[Counter-terrorist experts who appeared on one of my TV Shows,
off-camera told me that the best informed believe a former Soviet
submarine, bought and owned by Iran, manned by a Russian mercenary crew,
apparently downed Flight 800 with submarine-based missiles, as known to
the Clinton White House. And Clinton did not and does not want to start
up with Iran, but rather, to divert public attention from his scandals,
by attacking Iran's archenemy, Iraq.]

For national security, the Eastern seaboard is surveilled practically
inch-by-inch by NRO satellites. Until about 1995, it was unlawful and
forbidden to mention in the monopoly press that such an agency as the
NRO even exists. A key official of the NRO, Daniel Potter, was murdered
in March, 1998. He was an expert on video imaging and was aware the
agency had images showing, for example, the missiles attacking TWA
Flight 800. And had images showing Clinton White House Deputy Counsel
Vincent W. Foster, Jr.'s body was removed from near the White House and
parked in Fort Marcy Park, Virginia, as if he committed suicide when he
was,in fact, murdered. The bottom line: Does not the U.S. Government and
the Clinton White House already know what happened to EgyptAir Flight
990? And are they heading off, by leaked lies, a huge airplane sabotage
commotion with international implications? Cynics say the answer for
traveling within the U.S. is to have speedy "bullet" trains like Japan.

Since 1958,Mr. Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, fou.
Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the
Courts, disclosing instances of judicial and other bribery and political
murders. Since 1991, a regular panel member and since 1995,
moderator/producer of "Broadsides", a one hour weekly public access
Cable TV Show cablecast in Chicago. For a heavy packet of our printed
stories, send $5.00[U.S. funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business
sized envelope [#10 size, 4-1/4 x 9-1/2] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to
Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H.
Skolnick,chairman, 9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office:
8 a.m. to midnight, 7 days- (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE no "Just Routine"
calls]. Before sending FAX, call us.

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