-Caveat Lector-

Transsexual Mayor Wins in N. Zealand

.c The Associated Press

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - A transsexual former male prostitute was
elected to New Zealand's legislature on Saturday in the vote that swept a new
Labor-led coalition into power.

Georgina Beyer, 42, was elected under the country's complex proportional
representation system under which parties hand out the seats they've won in
elections. She also looked likely to capture the Wairarapa electorate 40
miles north of Wellington.

``It's looking like we are there, but whatever comes we have done an
extraordinarily good job,'' she told cheering supporters in the small rural
town of Carterton, where she is mayor.

Beyer, born George Bertrand in 1957, was more than 2000 votes ahead of her
National opponent.

Beyer, who is part Maori, will be one of a group of 18 Maori legislators in
the 120-member Parliament, the largest representation by Maori this century.
Six of the group were elected to Maori seats, specially set up last century
to give Maori, New Zealand's first inhabitants, a voice in the ruling

In her recently-published biography, Beyer described her life as a stripper
and male prostitute in Wellington and Sydney before she underwent a full sex
change operation.

Since then she has worked as an actor, publicist and mayor.

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