-Caveat Lector-

Its not just non indian that is iteresting but also the early inhabitation.
This almost seems to fit in with the work of Hancock about early habitation.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tatman, Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 09 December 1999 12:37
Subject: Re: [CTRL] People in America early

 -Caveat Lector-

Most of the hard scientific evidence for "non-Indian" or "non-Native
American" origins has been discovered quite recently. Yes, there are many
anomalous sites throughout North America, but there is also an amazing mass
of pure nonsense put out over the past two centuries by people seemingly
determined to prove that the "Indians" were not the true possessors of the
Americas before the European conquests. Even borderline researchers such as
Barry Fell, for all their good intentions, often wind up using arguments
which originated with white racists. Now, I do believe very strongly in
pre-Columbian intercultural contacts, especially in Mesoamerica (Aztec,
Maya, Toltec, Olmec)...but the efforts of a lot of so-called scholars, even
today (including many New Age types), to find European or Egyptian (or
Atlantean) roots for American high civilizations purely disgust me. That
line of reasoning does a huge disservice to the creative abilities of the
Native American peoples.

With that said, I am equally aghast at the political games being played with
finds such as the Kennewick Man, games played both by Washington and by the
Indian tribes themselves. The "folk memories" many Indians and other
aboriginal peoples are so proud of, the meticulously chronicled lineages,
are in many cases either guesswork or fiction. In most cases, I suspect,
they have no more idea of where they came from than we (Anglo America) do.
Aboriginal cultures have changed as much over the millennia as have
"civilized" ones, and have suffered the same kinds of Dark Ages where
teachings and knowledge vanished and had to be recreated or reimagined. The
Pueblo and Hopi have no more idea of who the Hohokam ("Anasazi" is a Navaho
word and is considered an insult) were than do the archaeologists at Penn or

At this point, I'd be very interested to see Judith ABR's comments on this
whole controversy; she has been very helpful in past discussions on CTRL
involving Native American cultures. Judith, any thoughts?

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Taylor, John (JH) [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                Sent:   Wednesday, December 08, 1999 9:41 AM
                To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Subject:        [CTRL] People in America early


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