-Caveat Lector-


While I certainly respect your disparate opinion on this, I do have a few

>That is, if you aren't mugged by all the savvy crooks who know how
>foolish people will follow this advice and be carrying large amounts of
>cash on themselves when they leave the bank...

Do you find that people in general are not smart enough to take this into
account when visiting the banks or are we all just sheep, ripe for the
pickings of governments, banks, and other criminals?

>And then sit back in your barcolounger, secure in the fact that your
>actions -- along with a million or so other Chicken Littles, -- will help
>bring about the very thing you fear...

Why should I be concerned with banks when it is MY butt that will be out in
the cold IF something does happen?

>The rest of us know that banks, as an industry, were one of the first to
>become compliant, and even in a worse-case scenario, we will be able to
>physically walk into the local branch of our bank on January 3rd and
>present a demand deposit writ to the teller, and walk out with cash in

Oh, do "the rest of us" really know this? Do the rest of us place the same
trust in bank and government propaganda that you do? Do we all accept as
gospel the garbage pumped out by the media machine in this country?

>Again, if everyone follows this advice, they will actually bring about
>the very thing they fear...

Again, my concern is NOT for the freaking ponzi scheme market. Those who
lose money in the market should try earning their own money as opposed to
extracting the profits from the efforts and production of others.

>Wall Street, like banks, has been compliant for a long time...

Do you believe in the tooth fairy too :-)?

Edward   ><+>
WARNING!  Stay OUT of America's cities on 1/1/2,000!!
Edward   Britton   ><+>
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