-Caveat Lector-

Mistrial declared in case of failed BCCI bank

NEW YORK, Dec. 14 (Reuters) - For the second time this year, jurors could not
reach a verdict and a judge declared a mistrial on Tuesday in the case of a
British lawyer accused of evidence tampering at the bankrupt Bank of Credit
and Commerce International.

``Our positions have hardened. We are irrevocably deadlocked, not
withstanding readbacks of testimony and looking at exhibits,'' the note to
Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Ronald Zweibel said.

David Sandy, 44, a partner of Simmons & Simmons, among London's largest law
firms, was charged with concealing the business diary of the chief executive
at BCCI. He was also accused of conspiracy for allegedly trying to keep the
CEO's business diary from a grand jury investigating the bank.

BCCI was charged with massive fraud, drug money laundering, bribery and
illegally acquiring U.S. banks. Losses to depositors and creditors were
estimated at $10 billion. The bank pleaded guilty to laundering drug money in
1990. A year later, regulators shut the bank down.

The bank had operations in 70 countries with major centres in London, Abu
Dhabi and the Caribbean banking haven of the Cayman Islands.

Sandy represented the bank's majority shareholders in London, including
members of the royal family of the United Arab Emirate of Abu Dhabi and Abu
Dhabi government agencies.

In April, after a seven week trial, jurors deadlocked after three days of
contentious deliberations and a mistrial was declared. The retrial began Oct.
25. Jurors got the case on Dec. 8 and deliberated four days. The final vote
was 11 to 1 for conviction.

``We expect to retry the case,'' a spokeswoman for Manhattan District
Attorney Robert Morgenthau said.

Prosecutors charged that Sandy hid the computer business diary of BCCI chief
executive Zafar Iqbal and ordered it copied and destroyed. But Sandy's lawyer
told jurors his client neither saw or touched the computer.

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