-Caveat Lector-

"Imagine if the post office could read the contents of your letter and take
a snapshot before sending it on its way. Or what if the shopping mall could
hire someone to follow you secretly from store to store, recording
everything you stopped to look at?
Privacy threats just like these are commonplace on the Internet."

Dave Hartley

I have no personal financial interest in this info.
Check it out at www.zeroknowledge.com/
< Zero-Knowledge Systems Inc. is dedicated to providing our customers with
the tools to protect their privacy and freedom while on the Internet. The
nature of the Internet and the diverse international make up of its
citizens dictates that protecting privacy with multi-jurisdictional
legislation and mediocre security will not provide true privacy nor
security. True privacy and security on the Internet can only be assured
with mathematics, cryptography and source code.

Our goal is to redefine identity on the Internet. Our customers will
control their identities and the amount of information that is created,
collected, and profiled about those identities. Our solution is to create
authenticated digital pseudonyms that bear no necessary relation to the
actual person behind them. This allows our users total freedom to express
ideas, communicate and live in cyberspace.

We believe in the concept of digital citizens who exist in cyberspace and
transcend the physical location to which they may be bound. Cyberspace has
no borders and, as such, must be freed from traditional concepts of
passports and credential systems. We are working to provide that
credential and identity management system to the digital citizens of
cyberspace and to protect their identity and freedoms while online.>



-- Technology Gives Internet Users Freedom From Online Surveillance and
Profiling --

Montreal - Dec. 13, 1999 -

Zero-Knowledge Systems today announced the limited commercial release of
Freedom 1.0 - the world's first total Internet privacy solution. Freedom
is the only technology available today that gives users absolute online
privacy without requiring that they trust a third party with their
personal information. A powerful yet easy-to-use application, Freedom lets
users associate their online activities with digital personas called
pseudonyms or "nyms," preventing the unwanted collection of information
about their true identities.

"Freedom is about promoting online consumer privacy, empowering people to
understand and control what happens to their personal information when
they venture onto the Internet," said Austin Hill, president of
Zero-Knowledge Systems. "When you use the Internet, your personal
information is routinely recorded, archived and sold without your
knowledge. With Freedom, you can browse the Web, take part in newsgroup
discussions, send email and chat online without leaking out any of your
personal information."

Using top-strength encryption, Freedom reroutes user data through multiple
servers, operated by partnering ISPs around the world, to provide a
completely private Internet experience for web, email, newsgroup and IRC
chat activities.

"Creating a privacy infrastructure for the Internet was an incredible
challenge," said Ian Goldberg, chief scientist for Zero-Knowledge Systems.
"Created against almost impossible technical odds, Freedom is by far the
easiest-to-use encryption-based technology ever made. Freedom will correct
many of the Internet's privacy deficiencies by empowering users to control
who gets access to their personal information."


Freedom will be available to a maximum of 100,000 users through
mid-February. The complete package, including five Freedom nyms, can be
downloaded at www.freedom.net for US $49.95. A 30-day free trial version
is also available for download. Freedom is fully compatible with Microsoft
Explorer, Netscape Communicator and most other Internet applications.

About Zero-Knowledge Systems, Inc.

Founded in 1997, Zero-Knowledge Systems (www.zeroknowledge.com) is the
first and only company providing a total privacy solution for Internet
users. Based in Montreal, the company employs 100 people and is rapidly
expanding its operations. Journalists can visit the Zero-Knowledge
pressroom at www.zeroknowledge.com/pressroom. Consumers can buy or
download a free trial version of Freedom at www.freedom.net.

FreedomTM is a trademark of Zero-Knowledge Systems, Inc. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

For additional information or for referral to industry analysts or privacy
organizations, contact:

Dov Smith Director of Public Relations 514.287.7447 x 248

Kristy Jarosh The Weber Group 415.616.6037 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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