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Dave Hartley

>From Parry's website: www.consortium.com

        December 14, 1999
        Hyde’s Blind Eye: Contras &

       By Dennis Bernstein & Leslie Kean

       Henry Hyde, who starred as chief House
       manager in President Clinton's impeachment,
       played a very different role a decade earlier.

       In 1987, instead of the grim prosecutor set on punishing
       Clinton for his sex-and-lies offenses, Hyde was the glib
       defense attorney searching for reasons to spare
       President Reagan from possible impeachment over the
       Iran-contra scandal and related drug crimes implicating
       the Nicaraguan contra army.

       As a member of the congressional Iran-contra
       committee, Hyde vigorously defended Reagan’s
       Iran-contra activities and steered the panel away from
       any serious investigation of the contra-cocaine

       The suppression of that contra-cocaine probe, in
       particular, proved crucial in shielding Reagan and his vice
       president, George Bush, from blame for a policy that
       fueled America's cocaine pandemic and wreaked havoc
       on cities across the nation.

       While it is not clear exactly what Hyde knew about the
       contra-cocaine corruption in 1987, government
       investigators already had collected strong evidence of
       widespread criminality.

       The contra-cocaine issue had surfaced publicly in 1985
       and had become the subject of a Senate inquiry in 1986.
       Even earlier, the CIA and the Drug Enforcement
       Administration were aware of the contra-cocaine

       Those early suspicions have now been proved out. Last
       year, CIA inspector general Frederick Hitz issued a
       lengthy report admitting that drug traffickers permeated
       the contra movement from its inception in the early
       1980s and that contra-cocaine smuggling continued
       throughout the decade. [For details on Hitz’s report, see
       Robert Parry's Lost History.]

       According to the CIA inspector general's report, the
       evidence showed that from the start, the CIA knew the
       contras were involved in "criminal activities," including
       terrorist bombings, hijackings and narcotics trafficking.

       By 1981, contra operatives had delivered their first
       shipment of cocaine to the United States, the report
       revealed. The inspector general also confirmed that drug
       traffickers from the Medellin cartel secretly collaborated
       with contra operatives to pump money into the contra

       We now know, too, that in 1982, Reagan's first attorney
       general, William French Smith, gave the CIA legal
       clearance to work with drug traffickers without a
       requirement to report on their criminal activities.

       This so-called "memorandum of understanding" was
       effectively a carte blanche for the CIA to ignore drug
       operatives working in the contra movement as well as
       other CIA-backed projects.

       Though now confirmed by the CIA’s inspector general
       and other investigators, the contra-cocaine charges
       were a matter of heated denials in the mid-1980s --
       when the drug smuggling actually was taking place.

       "The government made a secret decision to sacrifice a
       part of the American population for the contra effort,"
       testified Washington attorney Jack Blum before the
       Senate Intelligence Committee in 1996. Blum had been
       special counsel to Sen. John Kerry's Senate Foreign
       Relations subcommittee on terrorism and narcotics.

       Reagan administration officials also were "quietly
       undercutting law enforcement and human-rights agencies
       that might have caused them difficulty," Blum stated.
       "Policy makers absolutely closed their eyes to the
       criminal behavior of the contras."

       From his twin perch on the House Intelligence
       Committee and the congressional Iran-contra panel,
       Henry Hyde was especially well positioned to stop
       potential threats to the contras from law-enforcement
       officials and congressional investigators who were
       compiling the evidence.

       Hyde’s spot at the nexus of information made him one of
       President Reagan’s most important defenders.

       One of the Illinois Republican’s principal contributions to
       the contra-cocaine cover-up was his championing of a
       bogus 1987 investigative report largely clearing the
       contras of drug-trafficking suspicion.

       The 900-word memo, drafted by Iran-contra committee
       staff member Robert A. Bermingham, claimed that a
       thorough investigation into the drug-trafficking charges
       had found no evidence that the contra leadership was
       implicated in narco-trafficking. Bermingham submitted
       the memo to Iran-contra committee chairman, Rep. Lee
       Hamilton, on July 23, 1987.

       "During the course of our investigation, the role of U.S.
       government officials who supported the contras and the
       private resupply effort, as well as the role of private
       individuals in resupply, were exhaustively examined,"
       Bermingham wrote.

       "Hundreds of persons, including U.S. government
       employees, contra leaders, representatives of foreign
       governments, U.S. and foreign law enforcement officials,
       military personnel, private pilots and crews involved in
       actual operations were questioned and their files and
       records examined. …

       “There was no information developed indicating any U.S.
       government agency or organization condoned drug
       trafficking by the contras or anyone else.”

       More broadly, Bermingham disparaged the
       contra-cocaine allegations as self-serving claims coming
       from disreputable individuals.

       "During the course of our investigation, we examined
       files of State, DOD, NSC, CIA, DEA, Justice, Customs
       and FBI, especially those reportedly involving newspaper
       allegations of contra drug trafficking,” he said. “We have
       discovered that almost all of these allegations originate
       from persons indicted or convicted of drug smuggling."

       Bermingham also reported that "contra leaders have
       been interviewed and their bank records examined. They
       denied any connection with or knowledge of drug
       trafficking. Examination of contra financial records,
       private enterprise business records, and income tax
       returns of several individuals failed to find any indication
       of drug trafficking."

       Bermingham then concluded, "additional investigation of
       these allegations is unwarranted in view of the negative
       results to date."

       While Bermingham's description of his investigation
       sounded impressive, the memo offered virtually no
       documentation from -- or even identification of -- the
       "hundreds" of witnesses supposedly questioned.

       There were no excerpts from depositions, no quotes
       from the files, no references to specific records
       examined, no citation of which foreign governments had
       cooperated or how, no detailing of the witness accounts
       alleging contra-drug trafficking and how those stories
       were debunked.

       Though the Democrats soon realized that Bermingham’s
       sweeping claims were not supported by the evidence,
       Hyde signed off on it and used the memo to disparage
       anti-contra evidence coming from other investigators.

       Hyde cited the memo as proof that the Democrats had
       “left no stone unturned” in efforts to hurt the contras, but
       still had come up empty.

       With Hyde’s backing, the Bermingham memo galvanized
       a Washington conventional wisdom that the
       contra-cocaine charges had been thoroughly investigated
       and discredited.

       What is now even more troubling about the memo --
       and Hyde’s endorsement -- is that recent internal
       investigations by the CIA and the Justice Department
       have revealed that the agencies and the groups cited by
       Bermingham actually possessed significant proof of
       contra-connected drug trafficking in their files.

       The agencies also knew that criminal investigations had
       been sidetracked for political reasons. For example, the
       CIA and Justice Department acknowledged that
       investigative leads into a 1983 drug-smuggling case in
       San Francisco were dropped after CIA officials
       expressed concerns that contra leaders in Costa Rica
       could be implicated.

       Consider also what was going on at the NSC and the
       State Department in 1985-86: NSC aide Oliver North had
       teamed up with four companies owned and operated by
       drug traffickers -- and North helped arrange State
       Department contracts to pay all four for shipping
       non-lethal supplies to the contras.

       According to government documents, the companies

           --SETCO Air, owned and operated by the
           notorious Honduran drug trafficker Ramon
           Matta Ballesteros.

           --DIACSA, the Miami-based headquarters for
           major traffickers, Floyd Carlton and Alfredo

           --Vortex, an air service partly owned by drug
           trafficker Michael Palmer, descibed in court
           records as "working for the largest marijuana
           cartel in the history of the country."

           --Frigorificos de Puntarenas, a Costa Rican
           seafood exporter established by the Medellin
           cartel and operated by Cuban-American

       Months before the Bermingham memo -- on March 25,
       1987 -- the CIA also had interviewed Cuban-American
       Moises "Dagoberto" Nunez about his role in Frigorificos,
       according to the CIA inspector general’s report.

       Nunez "revealed that since 1985 he had engaged in a
       clandestine relationship with the National Security
       Council," the CIA report stated, adding: "Nunez …
       indicated that it was difficult to answer questions relating
       to his involvement in narcotics trafficking because of the
       specific tasks he performed at the direction of the NSC."

       The Reagan administration also knew that Felipe Vidal,
       another Cuban-American working for the CIA and
       Frigorificos, had a criminal record as a drug trafficker,
       according to the inspector general’s report.

       Defenders of Hyde and the Bermingham memo could
       argue that the CIA withheld much of this evidence from
       Congress, that Hyde and Bermingham were more dupes
       than conscious participants in a cover-up.

       But there still was a significant body of incriminating
       evidence before the Iran-contra committees in 1987.
       Senior CIA officials, Alan Fiers and Joe Fernandez, had
       told the Iran-contra investigators that drugs were a
       significant problem on the so-called Southern Front in
       Costa Rica.

       Also, by the time of Bermingham's memo, Robert Owen,
       a North intermediary and an early congressional witness,
       had turned over contra files that referred to drug

       When one of Palmer's planes crash-landed in 1986,
       Owen had written to North, "no doubt you know that the
       DC4 … was used at one time to run drugs and part of
       the crew had criminal records. Nice group the boys

       Contrary to Bermingham’s "exhaustively" researched
       memo, too, some contra leaders were acknowledging
       financial and material support from drug traffickers.

       One leader, Octaviano Cesar, admitted receiving help
       from notorious drug trafficker George Morales. Cesar
       justified the arrangements as necessary for "the security
       of my country."

       Bermingham’s tarring of “almost all” the witnesses as
       convicted or charged criminals did not turn out to true,
       either. Indeed, many of the witnesses who described
       contra-drug activity worked for the DEA or the FBI.

       Throughout 1986, the Kerry investigation was forwarding
       contra-drug evidence to the Justice Department,
       including the testimony of one FBI informant named
       Wanda Palacio.

       Palacio gave an eyewitness account of Colombian drug
       traffickers loading cocaine onto planes belonging to the
       CIA-connected airline, Southern Air Transport, in 1983
       and 1985.

       She identified one of the SAT pilots as contra fly-boy
       Wallace "Buzz" Sawyer and placed him at the airport in
       Barranquilla, Colombia, in early October 1985.

       Sawyer died when his contra plane was shot down in
       Nicaragua on Oct. 5, 1986, but his flight logs were
       recovered and revealed that he had flown SAT planes
       into Barranquilla on several days in early October 1985.

       Palacio was one of the many corroborated witnesses
       who was not a convicted criminal, but whose information
       was nonetheless rejected by Reagan’s Justice
       Department and, presumably, by Bermingham’s study.

       Indeed, from a review of the evidence available just in
       1987, it seems like Bermingham must have been
       interviewing a different set of government officials and
       contra leaders than those who had caught the attention
       of Kerry and other investigators.

       As Kerry's final report summarized: "It is clear that
       individuals who provided support for the contras were
       involved in drug trafficking. It is also clear that the supply
       network of the contras was used by drug trafficking
       organizations, and elements of the contras themselves
       knowingly received financial and material assistance
       from drug traffickers.

       “In each case, one or another agency of the U.S.
       government had information regarding the involvement
       either while it was occurring or immediately thereafter."

       Though Bermingham's memo now appears to have
       been a sham report based on a selective reading of the
       record, it dealt a powerful blow to those who favored a
       broader Iran-contra investigation in 1987.

       In particular, Hyde seized on the document as proof that
       critics were falsely maligning the contras. Hyde also
       scolded the Democrats for not highlighting the
       exculpatory memo in their final Iran-contra report when it
       was released in November 1987.

       "The fact is that the committees' staff left no stone
       unturned in its efforts to obtain information that might be
       politically damaging to the Resistance," the contras,
       declared Hyde and other committee Republicans in a
       footnote to the final report.

       "The committees' investigators reviewed major portions,
       if not all, of the contras' financial records; met with
       witnesses who alleged the Resistance was involved in
       terrorism or drug-running; investigated the financial
       conduct of the [State Department's non-lethal contra aid
       program, and] received no credible evidence of
       misconduct by the Resistance.

       "It came as little surprise, of course, that the
       committees' majority does not explicitly acknowledge
       this. … For this reason, suggestions that the committees
       have not investigated such matters, and other
       committees of Congress should, ought to be seen for
       what they are: political harassment by congressional
       opponents of the Resistance."

       In the years that followed, some of those most troubled
       by Hyde's protection of the drug-tainted contra operation
       have been agents of the Drug Enforcement

       Michael Levine, a former undercover DEA agent, has
       reviewed the evidence of the Reagan administration’s
       complicity in the contra-cocaine operations and asserted
       that he has put corrupt police officers in prison for much

       "Imagine this, here you have Oliver North, a high-level
       official in the National Security Council running a covert
       action in collaboration with a drug cartel," Levine said.

       "That's what I call treason [and] we'll never know how
       many kids died because these so-called patriots were
       so hot to support the contras that they risked several
       generations of our young people to do it."

       Levine still fumes when he reviews the incriminating
       entries in North's notebooks that were turned over to the
       congressional committees. On July 12, 1985, for
       instance, North wrote about one contra arms warehouse
       in Honduras: "Fourteen million to finance came from

       "What the hell does that mean, and where does
       Congressman Hyde think the drugs went that paid for
       the contras' weapons? Into kids' bodies," Levine said.

       Levine viewed Hyde as a protector of the dirty secrets,
       even if he did not participate directly in the
       contra-cocaine operations. "As a key member of the joint
       committees, he certainly played a major role in keeping
       the American people blindfolded about this story," Levine
       said. "There was plenty of hard evidence. … The totality
       of the whole picture is very compelling. This is very
       damning evidence. ...

       "In my book, Big White Lie, I [wrote] that the CIA
       stopped us from indicting the Bolivian government at the
       same time contra assets were going down there to pick
       up drugs. When you put it all together, you have much
       more evidence to convict Ollie North, [former senior CIA
       official] Dewey Clarridge and all the way up the line, than
       they had in any John Gotti [Mafia] case."

       Celerino Castillo III was a top DEA agent in El
       Salvador who encountered obstructions in the mid-1980s
       when his undercover work turned up links between the
       contra-supply operation and cocaine trafficking.

       "They were running narcotics and weapons out of
       Ilopango to support the contras," Castillo said in an
       interview. "We're talking about very large quantities of
       cocaine and millions of dollars. … There's no doubt
       about it; we saw the cocaine and the boxes full of

       Castillo said the operation was run out of "Hangars 4
       and 5 controlled by North and the CIA with [former CIA
       officer] Felix Rodriguez. The cocaine was transshipped
       from Costa Rica through El Salvador and into the United

       The DEA agent detailed how known traffickers with
       multiple DEA files used the two hangars and how they
       had obtained U.S. visas with the help of the U.S.

       Castillo said his reports were very thorough and included
       "not only the names of traffickers, but their destinations,
       flight paths, tail numbers and the date and time of each
       flight." According to Castillo, the drug planes flown by
       contra pilots came from Costa Rica and sometimes the
       drugs came on military aircraft from Panama.

       The top drug pilot flying for the contra network then was
       Francisco Guirola Beeche, Castillo said. Guirola's name
       was all over DEA databases, according to Castillo, and
       the aircraft was on a watch list for drug trafficking.

       Guirola, an associate of Salvadoran death squad leader
       Roberto D'Aubuisson, ran afoul of U.S. law on Feb. 6,
       1985, when his plane landed in Texas with nearly $6
       million in suspected drug money on board.

       Authorities seized the money -- which Guirola said was
       going to finance political operations of D’Aubuisson’s
       right-wing ARENA party. But Reagan administration
       prosecutors soon released the plane and offered to free
       Guirola on probation.

       The plea bargain was so lenient that it mystified U.S.
       District Judge Hayden Head Jr., who complained that
       “the punishment doesn’t fit the crime.” But prosecutors
       persuaded the judge to approve the deal. [AP, June 13,

       By letting Guirola go free, the plea bargain prevented a
       thorough examination of the source of Guirola’s money.

       The drug-trafficking evidence at Hangars 4 and 5 might
       have raised suspicions, too, about Cuban-American Felix
       Rodriguez who oversaw the contra-supply operations for
       Oliver North. Rodriguez had been placed in El Salvador
       by Vice President Bush's office.

       During the Iran-contra hearings, the former CIA
       paramilitary expert received laudatory treatment from
       Hyde and other committee Republicans. When
       Rodriguez testified, Hyde showered the former CIA
       officer with praise for battling communism, but Hyde
       avoided questions about the shadowy operations at
       Hangars 4 and 5.

       Hyde also shifted the blame to Congress for the contras’
       need for money. "I know there is a zeal among some to
       confine this inquiry to who did what, and ignore why,"
       Hyde declared.

       "And I just want to make the point that I think why some
       of these things were done contributes to a fuller
       understanding of who and what [was done], and that the
       nonfeasance of Congress may well turn out to be every
       bit as important as the misfeasance or malfeasance of
       certain individuals."

       A mountain of evidence now exists to back up the fact
       that the contras were connected to major cartel
       trafficking operations.

       Yet, because of the aggressive defense played by Hyde
       and other Republicans -- not to mention the timidity of
       senior Democrats -- North and other key officials
       escaped serious investigation on drug charges.

       Indeed, North nearly won a U.S. Senate seat in 1994
       and has emerged since as a national television
       personality on NBC's cable news networks.

       For Hyde, there have been honors, too. On March 4,
       1991, then-CIA director William Webster awarded Hyde
       a CIA Seal Medallion for his "tremendous service" and
       his "sustained outstanding support" for the CIA.

       Without doubt, Hyde performed a “tremendous service”
       for the spy agency and its public reputation. At a pivotal
       moment in the 1980s, Hyde helped keep the lid on some
       of the CIA’s dirtiest secrets.

       Hyde’s performance was in marked contrast to his moral
       zeal in the 1990s when confronting President Clinton’s
       dissembling about sexual peccadillos.

           This article is adapted from a book by Dennis Bernstein and
           Leslie Kean, entitled Henry Hyde’s Moral Universe: Where
           More Than Space and Time Are Warped, published by
           Common Courage Press. The book can be ordered from
           www.commoncouragepress.com or by calling

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