-Caveat Lector-

Greek Gods Group Threatens Plans


ATHENS, Greece (AP) - Mythology recounts how the goddess Athena defeated the
sea king Poseidon for possession of this city. The modern followers of the
Greek gods are ready for another showdown.

This time it's against a force that could make even Zeus quiver: the hype and
pageantry of welcoming the millennium.

A small but passionate group of devotees to the 12 Olympian gods claim it's
sacrilegious to mix the ancient temples with celebrations marking 2,000 years
of Christianity, and have threatened to take the Culture Ministry to court if
it allows Christian hymns to be sung inside the Parthenon on New Year's Eve.

``The Parthenon, temple to Athena, is a sacred place of Greek religion,''
said Nikolaos Tziotis, secretary of the Committee for the Recognition of the
Greek Religion of the 12 Gods. ``It is the greatest blasphemy for songs of
another religion to be heard there and we will not allow it.''

Tziotis and others also have denounced plans for a light show that will
include beams radiating from the 2,500-year-old Parthenon.

``It wants to turn the sacred temple of Athena into a Christmas tree,'' said
screenwriter Manolis Tsamis, who drafted a protest letter.

The Culture Ministry says it is aware of the objections, but does not plan to
cancel or significantly alter the extravaganza. It did, however, shift plans
for a Byzantine choir from outside the Parthenon to the entrance to the

``The decision satisfies us,'' Panaghiotis Marinis, president of the Greek
Society of the Friends of the Ancients, said Friday.

Christianity took hold in Greece in the 4th century after Roman Emperor
Constantine's conversion. Emperor Theodosius wiped out the last vestige of
the Olympian gods when he abolished the Olympic Games in 394. The revival of
the Olympiad maintains a thin - albeit commercialized - link to ancient

A core of about 1,000 people in Greece try to maintain a spiritual connection
with the ancients. Modern followers say they seek to build a general outlook
drawn from Greek philosophers and a love of nature.

``We don't walk down the street in togas,'' said Tsamis. ``We gather in
philosophical companies and associations.''

But the powerful Greek Orthodox Christian Church dismisses them as a ``New
Age'' clan. The government has put on hold their application to become an
officially recognized religion because they don't have a formal place of

Ironically, the ancient ones won't do.

``They don't belong to us,'' Marinis said. ``They belong to the archeological

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