-Caveat Lector-

Thanks deeply for posting the Legally Piggily series Bob. I've heard a lot about
Bucky, but never had the pleasure of reading any of his works. I've only read the
first few parts so far, (look forward to reading the rest after I send this), anyway
what I read so far reminded of the following:

The Great Voting Hoax!
by David T. Freeman (1997)

Part 2.

A very long time ago, some people used to openly mislead, oppress, and exploit
others. There was no doubt in anyone's mind at the time, that they were misleading,
oppressing, and exploiting. It was usually done in such a savage, barbaric way, that
there was no possibility of misunderstanding or delusion. Those that submitted to
this oppression and exploitation, typically to avoid being killed, were called

As the slaves became used to being slaves, and they had children who were also made
slaves; they would sometimes be misled into believing that overall, they were better
off simply being slaves, so they resisted their masters less and less. But they
always knew they were being oppressed and exploited. They were never truly happy with
their situation, and would often yearn for freedom and a better way of life. They
were easily aroused to regain their freedom, whenever sufficient numbers of them
organised themselves to do this, knowing that most or all of the others would also
fight back, and they would succeed.

However, as time passed, the misleaders, oppressors, and exploiters, learnt better
and less obvious ways to mislead, oppress, and exploit. They became better organised,
and more efficient in their ways. They realised that by co-operating with each other,
in large numbers, that their efforts were much more effective. They also discovered
ways to hide many of the bad things they do - such as by making up many extra words,
which supposedly meant entirely different things - where really they didn't, but most
people unquestionably accepted their words/concepts as "valid" and "appropriate".
They organised themselves into a hierarchy of "power" and "authority", with the
"head" of this arrangement calling himself by a name of "king" or "emperor". The
others had names of "queen", "duke", "prince", "princess", "lord", "archbishop",
"bishop", "earl", "viscount", "count", "baron", "knight", etc. Anyone who had one of
these "titles" was somehow perceived to be "special" and "important" - their "status"
was "elevated" in the minds of "lesser humans" - who "lowered" themselves when in the
presence of someone "important". They defined which areas of land were "their
territories", "realms", etc. The general belief was that the "king" had a "Divine
Right from God" to "rule over" everyone in "his realm". An extensive religious system
was established in support of all this, which also served to "educate" everyone about
these ways. They also instituted great systems to administer all their slaves - who
were no longer called slaves - they were now called: "vassal", "serf", or "subject".
The "king's" will was "law" - which "must" be obeyed by everyone else - or they would
be clubbed, hung, tortured, slain, burnt, etc. (or at least that's what was

But this "system" was often severely and openly abused, above what the "subjects"
were willing to tolerate, and above what those "in power" had promised to do, or not
to do; so the "subjects" would often revolt against their misleaders, oppressors and
exploiters. Even so, this "system" proved to be more useful to the oppressors and
exploiters, and was used for a long time.

Then, not so long ago, the misleaders, oppressors, and exploiters (many of whom were
descendants of previous generations of same), discovered even better ways to mislead,
oppress, and exploit. They even managed to hide almost all of the bad, and at the
same time, exaggerate the good, so much so, that most people believed that they were
finally rid of the old, bad ways.

They instituted a system whereby their male "subjects" - now usually called
"citizens", could "vote" on who was to be the "head" of the "power" and "authority"
arrangement (out of various "candidates" offered to them), and sometimes on who was
to administer parts of the "system". They called this new "system" the "government".
They also changed most of the other names of their hierarchy of "power" and
"authority" to: "president" or "prime-minister", "minister", "senator",
"representative", "secretary", "judge", "general", "governor", "attorney", "police",
"lawyer", etc.

Some of the "lawyers" and others in this new "system" wrote up a pretended "contract"
which they called the "constitution". In this "constitution", they (the thirty or so
people out of millions) claimed to be "We the people", or "Whereas the people have
agreed", or similar absurd and fraudulent claims. This "constitution" supposedly
"bound" the "government" and all the "citizens" - even though none of the "citizens"
had ever signed it, and few may have ever read it, let alone agreed to it, and many
of them never even knew it existed. But this was overlooked by the "citizens" - who
didn't know any better anyway, and so the "government" bureaucrats got away with it
too easily. The "constitution" purportedly "authorised" the "government" bureaucrats
to take the property/money of the "citizens" (by force if necessary - when the
"citizens" didn't "volunteer"), amongst many other things. This "constitution" was
declared to be the foundation of the "government", and the "supreme law", which also
purportedly "authorised" the "government" bureaucrats to "make" the "laws" which all
"citizens", then existing and born afterwards, "must" obey - or be "fined", or
"jailed", or both. (or at least that's what was threatened!)

This method proved to be so effective in misleading people, that almost everyone,
including most of those "in government", eventually also believed that it was mostly
or all "good". Those "in government" perceived themselves as part of, and the cause
of that "good".

Eventually, most "countries" copied this "system" - and they all had a "government" -
because, after all, they were "convinced" that if they didn't have a "government",
then there'd be people trying to mislead, oppress, and exploit them, and how else
could they stop it if they didn't have a "government" to "protect" them!? -- Well
this is what their "government" bureaucrats tell them anyway!

Eventually, every type of "citizen" - men, women, white, black - all wanted to be
able to "vote"; and this "right" was "granted" to them.

Some "government" bureaucrats saw how "powerful" the belief in "voting" was in their
"good citizens", so they made the act of "voting" - previously voluntary - to be
"compulsory" on all "citizens" aged 18 or over.

Thus, we have arrived at the situation, approximately, as it is today.

"In countries" where "voting" is "compulsory"; when the subject of "compulsory
voting" comes up in conversation, many people quickly respond with something like:
"but if voting wasn't compulsory, then most people wouldn't bother to vote!" This is
exactly the point! "Government" bureaucrats and politicians know this.

One could reply: "So what! Who cares if most people don't vote?" This is one of the
things I'd like to explore with you, as there are many people who care a great deal
about it - they happen to be the same people who have the most to lose from
"citizens" not "voting"; but the major thing I'll be demonstrating here is the huge
myth (and hoax) being hidden by the entire "voting" system ("compulsory" or not)
itself. For now though, it shall suffice to say that the "voting" system plays a
major part in "politics" - this is why I have specially prepared this information,
written specifically about these and related issues.

This booklet reveals some of the many bad traits of "government" bureaucrats - like
them or not, they are there, and I believe that you need to inform yourself of them.
Personally, I don't know of any good things about the masses of pretended "helper"
"government" bureaucrats around the world today.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen, but by those who resist it." - John Hay,
Castilian Days, II, 1872

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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