-Caveat Lector-

Earth Rising ? The Revolution:
Toward a Thousand Years of Peace

ISBN: 1-890693-43-X   5.5"x8.5" Softcover, $17.95 List, 300 pages

By Dr. Nick Begich and James Roderick

Earth Rising ? The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace is about
technology and its impact on humanity. This book is about the basis of
freedom, human dignity, sovereign individuality and self-determination. The
material will be shocking to all. This is an exposé on technological
advances which may reshape the destiny of mankind in the next millennium.
This book covers a number of separate areas with extensive documentation
from government, academic and major media reports including:

o The Revolution in Military Affairs and its impact on freedom.

o Mind control and the manipulation of human health through the use of
drugs, electromagnetic weapons and other means.

o Non-lethal weapons and their use and impact on people.

o Environmental and weather control.

o New technologies which will virtually eliminate privacy from the world

o Militarization of law enforcement around the country.

o The HAARP story is updated, showing additional evidence of the military's
plans to manipulate the environment.

The book concludes with solutions that could be initiated in the next few
years which could change the implications of these technologies from
negative to positive. This book carries a message about our humanity and our
reach toward higher purposes.

We are spirit, energy, atoms, molecules, chemicals, cells, body organs and
components and then we are body. These new technologies attack the very
essence of who we are ? they attack the very foundation of our being by
wounding the human spirit.

The computer problems which have captured the attention of the world as we
leave this millennium have made us all question technology and its impact on
the world. We will not know the results for a few weeks of what the
transition means and it is not the subject of this book ? technology is the
subject. In each potential disaster there are even greater possibilities for
solutions which redeem the human spirit and will help propel us into the
next century.

This book is about those solutions.

Earthpulse Press, Inc.; PO Box 201393; Anchorage, Alaska, 99520, USA
Voice: 1-888-690-1277; International 1-907-249-9111: Fax Orders:

Web: www.earthpulse.com

About the Authors

     Dr. Nick Begich is the eldest son of the late United States Congressman
from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr., and political activist Pegge Begich. He is
well known in Alaska for his own political activities. He was twice elected
President of both the Alaska Federation of Teachers and the Anchorage
Council of Education. He has been pursuing independent research in the
sciences and politics for most of his adult life. Begich received his
doctorate in traditional medicine from The Open International University for
Complementary Medicines in November, 1994.

He co-authored the book Angels Don't Play This HAARP; Advances in Tesla
Technology, and wrote Towards a New Alchemy: The Millennium Science. His
latest book Earth Rising ? The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace
was co-authored with James Roderick in December, 1999. He is also the editor
of Earthpulse Flashpoints, a continuing new-science book series. Begich has
published articles in science, politics and education and is a well known
lecturer, having presented throughout the United States and in nineteen
countries. He has been featured as a guest on thousands of radio broadcasts
reporting on his research activities including new technologies, health and
earth science related issues. He has also appeared on dozens of television
documentaries and other programs throughout the world including BBC-TV,
CBC-TV, TeleMundo, and others.

Begich has served as an expert witness and speaker before the European
Parliament. He has spoken on various issues for groups representing citizen
concerns, statesmen and elected officials, scientists and others. He is the
publisher and co-owner of Earthpulse Press and is also under contract as
Tribal Administrator for the Chickaloon Village Council, a federally
recognized American Indian Tribe of the Athabascan Indian Nation.

Dr. Begich is married to Shelah Begich-Slade and has five children. He
resides just north of Anchorage in the community of Eagle River, Alaska,

James Roderick is a 30-year resident of Alaska, working variously as a
fisherman, gold-miner and trapper. His investigations into military toxics
in Alaska led to stories in the press about chemical weapons disposal in
Alaska's waters, nuclear power plant contamination in central Alaska and the
military's illegal  testing of Alaska natives and Eskimos with radioactive
Iodine. His investigations continue.

Table Of Contents


Prologue Earth Rising ? The Revolution........................2

Chapter 1 Awakening to the Change...............................5

Where it all Began       6
Traditional Values & The Roots of Peace  11
The Tip of the Iceberg     12
The Mind Has No Firewall    16
Earth War?       19
Star Trek & Star Wars     20
Disturbing Advances     21
The Revolution Begins      23

Chapter 2 HAARP & The ABM Treaty........................25

What Ever Happened to Star Wars?  25
HAARP       26
What are the Risks?     31
Fly by Wire      33
Liquid Mirrors      34
Wireless Energy      35
Totally Open Project?     35
SuperDARN      36
The ABM Unraveling     37
Russia and China Scream    40
The Plan Advances Regardless   42
The Debate Continues     44

Chapter 3 Beam Wars Speed of Light Weapons.......45

Power for the Lasers     46
Particle Beams      47
The Big Lasers      48
High-Power Microwave     49
Blinding Lasers      50
Electromagnetic Pulse Guns     51

Chapter 4 Lies and Experimentation.............................53

The Basic Rationale for the Big Lie   54
Medical Ethics?      55
Human Experiments     55
The Big Test Pool ? The U.S. Military  59
>From Investigator to Aggregator   60
Creating Public Prejudice through Media  61
When Government Abuses Secrecy
Hiding Behind Power     62
WACO & Civil Rights?    69
Civil Rights and Harmless Errors   71
The Rule of Law The Ethics of the Unethical 71
Special Access Programs    73

Chapter 5 Non?ionizing Radiation ? The Debate.....75

Scientific research into the biological and
health effects of electromagnetic fields.  76
Gene Crime      79
The DNA Switch      81
The Pulse Of Life      82
The Weapon Revolution    84
Cloning from Pigs to Humans?   84
The EMF Effect      85
Human Photons      90
Bio?Terrorists      90

Chapter 6 Non?Lethal Weapons?
The RMA? Revolution in Military Affairs...................92

Nonlethal and Nondestructive?   95
What to do with the "Peace Dividend?"  96
The Future of War     97
Hiding Behind the Curtain    98
Special Operations Forces in 2025   99
Special Operations Forces in 2025           103
The European Concern Rises
The Technology of Political Control        104
Black Budgets            108
RF Weapons            109
The New Weapons Mix           113

The Merging of the Justice Department and
Military Technology           117
Fear in the Ranks           118
Not Just for the Military
Police Like Them Too!                120
Deadly Force and Fleeing Felons         126
Slower than a Speeding Bullet         126
Acoustic Weapons           127
Stun Guns              129
Frozen in Their Tracks           130
Holography            132
Sticky Foam and More           132

Chapter 7 Mind Control
The Ultimate "Brave New World"................................134

MK-ULTRA            136
Mind Wars             138
Subliminal Messages and Commercial Uses     143
New Standards for What is a Memory?        145
Auditory Effect?            145
Brain to Computer Connections         150
What's on Your Mind?           151
Dancing to the Tune of an
Unknown Drummer           153
Control of the Mind and Body         155
Weapons of the Mind                   158
Beamers?             162

Chapter 8 The End of Privacy........................................163

The Militarization of the Police         166
In The Name of the Drug War         170
Communications            172
Motion Detection            173
The Movement Police           174
Government Snoops           179
Company Snoops            182
Who's Listening            184
You're on Camera           186
Eyes in the Sky            191
BIOMETRICS            192
666 ? The Mark?            193
Fingerprints            194
Faceprints             197
Eye Scans             198
Thermal Imaging            199
Voice Recognition           200
Regulation and Control          200
Internet Control            201
Encryption & Security           203
Executive Intrusion           206
Government Break-ins?          208
Wiretap Dancing            208
Roving Wiretaps            210
Echelon ? Big Brother Goes Global         211
European Perspectives on Surveillance        217
You Might Do It Again ? Jail Forever        223
What do you have Under Your Skin?         224
Electronic Control of Your Assets         225
Remote Body Surveillance          226
DNA Dog Tag            226
Drug Wars                     231
Lock Down             232
Computers Cry for Help          233
Other Strange Engagements          233
Smart Guns?            234
New World Order           235

Chapter 9 Strange Technology.......................................236

Special Operations and
Military Operations Other Than War        236
Micro Machines            239
Macro Machines            240
Urban War             241
Geographical Positioning Systems         242
New Biological Weapons and the
Food Supply                  242
EMP ? Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons        243
ELF Impacts on Marine Life           244
Owning the Weather           245
The Politics of the Weather          248
Weather War            248
Stop the Tornadoes & Lightning         250
New Weapons of Mass Destruction         251
Clean Up The Environment With What?        251
Natural Power Surges                   252

Chapter 10 Earth Rising ? The Revolution...............253

Chapter 11  Where is the End?......................................263

Is this the Beginning of the Police State?        263
Modern  Technical Gladiators             265
Vietnam             267
International Law           268
Science in the USSR           271
Future Possibilities           273
Solutions in Innovative Science            273
>From Control to Power           274
Individual Empowerment          276
A Philosophy of Change          276
A Path To Freedom           277
The Chaos Theory of Human Interaction        279
Tolerance             280
Accountability and Transparency         280
Walls Of Secrecy            281
To Change             282
Justice                     283
The Current Fallacy of Justice           284

The Earthpulse


Earthpulse Press Incorporated
Dr. Nick Begich
P. O. Box 201393
Anchorage, Alaska 99520  USA
Voice:1-907-694-1277 Fax:1-907-696-1277
Web: www.earthpulse.com

December 17, 1999

Dear Friends,

This book will generate incredible debate. During the last five years I
have had the opportunity  to travel to over twenty countries lecturing in
the areas of science, technology and the environment. We have been guests on
hundreds of radio programs for our earlier work on HAARP and other subjects.
Our newest book represents the best of our research materials and will
awaken even the most skeptical. We look forward to great interviews and
getting this information out. I am sure you will be pleased with the well
referenced and extraordinary material.

We are announcing my newest book, Earth Rising - The Revolution: Toward a
Thousand Years of Peace. This book is the most extensive written work on new
weapons technology, technologies which impact the environment and privacy
issues and technologies which can change the very way we think. This book by
Dr. Nick Begich with researcher and co-author James Roderick not only proves
the existence of these technologies with its extensive documentation but,
more importantly, raises the moral, ethical and legal questions which must
form the foundation of the public debate that this book will ignite.

The book will begin shipping from our warehouse in early January. In the
mean time, if you are interested in this topic, we can provide some
additional information in advance of release or a review copy when released.
Please let us know. The printer has advised is to expect the book at the end
of the first week in January.

The Earthpulse Institute. Over the last ten years Earthpulse has grown from
a small, quiet research group to a quickly expanding publishing and news
organization. Our desire has been to invigorate discussion and develop
solutions to some of the problems we see around us. We have had a great
beginning in achieving success in several projects and have much waiting to
be completed. Our effort started from the point of personal curiosity
leading to early publishing successes. We believed that an activist
publisher could make a difference. We are forming the Earthpulse Institute
for the purpose of initiating a number of research projects in science,
health, technology and politics.

The first significant project is to finish cataloging over 4000 documents
on new technologies, scanning the documents and providing the research base
to political leaders, organizations and researchers needing this material in
order to solve the problems related to the technologies. Our past successes
in our areas of activism are at a turning point, with this new title
encapsulating our work over the last ten years.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Always In Service,

Dr. Nick Begich


[fwd by:]

David Crockett Williams  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Vision of Paradise on Earth

Global Peace Walk 2000

Urge your Congressperson to support H.R. 2545
Global Nuclear Disarmament & Economic Conversion Act
Details & Sample Email:  http://prop1.org/prop1/letter.htm

Easy indexed site to email Congresspeople & Media
(copy & paste email letters to media and Congress)

An Agenda for Peace

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