-Caveat Lector-

 Jumbo jet blown out of sky?
Details of crash in England
kept secret from public


By David M. Bresnahan
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

A 747 cargo jet was blown from the sky by an apparent terrorist bomb,
but details of the crash have been largely kept secret from the public,
according to intelligence and military sources.
A Korean Air 747 cargo plane crashed into a field Dec. 22 just after
takeoff from Stansted Airport in Essex, killing a crew of four.
Witnesses reported that it exploded violently in mid-air only minutes
after rising into the air.

Intelligence sources confirmed to WorldNetDaily that a terrorist bomb is
the most likely cause of the crash, and Osama bin Laden's forces are the
key suspects.

"There was a large flash followed by a large bang," eyewitness Neil
Foster told the BBC.

"There was a big explosion and huge flames in the sky," Annette Brooke-
Taylor described. "It was a sort of mushroom shape. An incredible sight.
It lit up the sky. There was a tremendous noise. There were lots of
flaming particles in the sky and then it went very quiet and then we
realized something terrible had happened."

The crash took place only hours after the 11th anniversary of the
downing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, with the loss of
270 people. Using the Jewish calendar, the dates of the two crashes were
exactly 11 years apart -- 13 Tevet.

"Dates are very important to these people. You have to believe there is
a message here," said the intelligence source.

The cargo plane is said to have contained NATO military equipment headed
for Italy, but official sources have not confirmed what freight was
contained on the plane.

Military and intelligence officials say the attack may be an indication
bin Laden is making good on his pledge to mount "pitiless and violent"
attacks against U.S. and other targets worldwide.

The hijacking of India Air flight 814 with 160 passengers on board was
cited as "just the beginning of bin Laden's plans," according to several
foreign papers attributing a U.S. intelligence source. The reports have
not linked the two events, but there appears to be evidence which ties
the two events to bin Laden.

Media around the world have given significant attention to the hijacking
of India Air flight 814, but virtually no coverage has been given to the
crash of the Korean cargo plane.

Hijackers said to be tied to bin Laden took control of the India Air
passenger plane and demanded the release from prison in India of Malauna
Masood Azghar, the leader of a Kashmiri militant group, Harkat al
Mujahideen. He was convicted for the kidnap and murder of five western
tourists in 1995.

Azghar has camps in eastern Afghanistan near bin Laden's base of
operations. He receives training and funding from bin Laden, just as
many similar groups receive assistance from him.

The hijacked jet arrived first in the southern Afghan City of Kandahar.
It sat on the runway for many hours, just a short distance from one of
bin Laden's hideouts, according to the intelligence source.

The terrorists appealed for asylum, but Afghanistan declined. They were
provided with food and fuel but still refused to leave for many hours
while still negotiating to stay in Afghanistan. They threatened to crash
the plane if a safe landing was not permitted elsewhere.

If the ties to bin Laden are true, the terrorists may have expected
those ties to help them with their agenda to free Azghar. They did not

The downing of the Korean Air cargo flight and the hijacking of Indian
Air flight 814 are seen by some U.S. intelligence and FBI sources as
possible first strikes in a long-expected assault as part of bin Laden's
declared jihad (holy war) against the U.S., Israel, and India.

The FBI has ordered a security crackdown at all international air and
seaports. FBI spokesmen have confirmed to the media that they are
concerned a hostile group may try to bomb U.S. power plants, including
nuclear plants.

Police in New York City have been reported checking the extensive sewer
system below Times Square where a major New Years Eve celebration will
take place.

The FBI recently issued a warning to Americans to be cautious of
packages mailed from Frankfurt, Germany.

Ahmed Ressam, a suspected terrorist trained by bin Laden, was captured
driving a car loaded with explosives into Washington state.

The State Department has issued warnings to Americans that it is
dangerous to attend large events during the holiday period. It also
evacuated over 800 U.S. diplomats from foreign assignments as a
precaution. Very tight security and a red alert have been placed in
effect at all U.S. embassies around the world.

Another suspected terrorist, Lucia Garofalo, was stopped at the Vermont
border. The FBI claims she has ties to Algerian Islamic groups supported
by bin Laden. Her car did not contain explosives, but it did test
positive for traces of explosive materials.

Various news reports, including NBC television, have reported that the
FBI is watching at least six terrorist cells already operating within
the U.S.

"I can't confirm how many there are because it's not my assignment, but
you're right. There are far more than six that are being watched very
carefully," said one FBI source who spoke with WorldNetDaily. "You can't
quote me directly because I'm not a spokesman. It's not my assignment
and I can't talk about it officially," he added.

Planning for the current terrorist strikes may have begun in August 1996
at a "terrorist summit" in Tehran. Syria, Libya and Iran sent surrogates
to the meeting and formed the "Movement for Islamic Change," according
to published reports at the time. Since then the Hezbollah terrorist
organization in Lebanon, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been
admitted to the group.

The meeting took place shortly after the attack on U.S. barracks in
Dhahran, and the downing of TWA Flight 800. The New York Times reported
that it was this very group that claimed responsibility for both events,
quoting a State Department source July 19, 1996, just after the TWA

The Movement for Islamic Change is tied to bin Laden's organization, The
International Islamic Front for Holy War Against Jews and Crusaders --
an alliance of extremist organizations dedicated to the destruction of
the U.S., or "the Great Satan."

Bin Laden claims as many as 5,000 followers who are members of various
militant, religious extremist organizations. They are said to operate in
all parts of the world in small cells.

Those 5,000 agents were ordered by bin Laden in August 1998 to prepare
for "the great war." A fax sent to the London support group al-
Muhajiroun was leaked to the press and contained bin Laden's orders to
his forces.

The fax said that some forces had already been mobilized to act against
their enemies and others would soon be called upon to do the same.
Recipients were told to prepare to "bring down their airliners, prevent
the safe passage of their ships, occupy their embassies, and force the
closure of their companies and banks."

The faxed orders did not specify how to achieve the objectives, nor did
it state when the attacks would take place. It did say the attacks would
be "pitiless and violent."

The orders were leaked to the press in London and Jerusalem just after
the failed attempt by President Clinton to bomb a bin Laden training

Abu Haq, who acted as a spokesman for bin Laden, was quoted in a London
paper, the Al-Quds al-Arabi, as confirming that bin Laden was tipped off
before the missile attack and evacuated his forces.

"Bin Laden knew a raid was being planned by the Americans. He called it
off," said the report.

The FBI source described the challenge as a dike springing new leaks
every day. Asked if the U.S. had enough little Dutch boys to keep
plugging all the holes in the dike he said, "Sooner or later we'll run
out. That's my greatest fear."


David M. Bresnahan is an investigative journalist for WorldNetDaily.com

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