-Caveat Lector-

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 14:03:38 -0500
From: John Hammell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Lynn Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Will ADS Limit Sales of Its Injectable Trackable
Microchip By Being Genuinely Responsive to Concerns Expressed by
Mike Adams- Or Is ADS Merely Engaging in PR Rhetoric? ADS Reponds
to IAHF Questions by Denigrating Mike Adams Rather Than Directly
Addressing His Concerns. ADS Should Consider the PR Implications
of Their Device in Light of Growing Tide of Public Opinion
Against the WTO and Corporate Control of Our Lives.

IAHF LIST:[ADS responds to IAHF below] Applied Digital Solutions
(ADS) has acquired the patent rights to an injectable microchip
which is powered by muscular contractions, and which is trackable
via Global Positioning System satellite technology. They've sent
out a press release, are seeking investors, and are loudly
touting the device as having a vast multibillion dollar global
market. They sneer at the notion that they might have "The Mark
of the Beast" in their hands.

Mike Adams, Editor of http://www.y2knewswire.com published an
article about ADS's device, along with 2 interviews with the
company (which you can see if you scroll down). Sharing Adam's
concern that ADS should establish an ethics board which can
interface with the public in an effort to keep the device from
being misused, I emailed Lynn Anderson of ADS and also Dick
Sullivan, their PR guy.

Anderson's response below does nothing to allay my concerns, in
fact, I am far MORE concerned than I was before because of how
she has denigrated Mike Adams, whose questions are quite fair and
deserve honest answers- not the "PR shuffle". If you share my
contention that Adam's questions deserve more than just "the PR
shuffle" please join me in expressing your views to Lynn Anderson
of ADS at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and ask her to forward your message
to Dick Sullivan, who has yet to reply to me. (I just tried
calling him again, to no avail, and don't have his email

ADS would be smart if they sought a truly open dialogue with
civil libertarians,Christians, anarchists,greens and others
opposed to corporate domination of the planet and our lives. ADS
should dispense with the PR rhetoric, which seems designed merely
to "pave the way for investors." Our concerns are justified, and
talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words, wouldn't you
agree? ADS sneers at the notion that they may hold in their hands
"The Mark of the Beast", but this really is no laughing matter,
especially as coporate interests are pushing through the World
Trade Organization to force world government upon us, whether we
like it or not.

If ADS were smart, they'd take notice of the public sentiments so
clearly expressed by more than 70,000 demonstrators in Seattle
who shut down the WTO Ministerial Conference, and who make it
very clear that the people of the world will not tolerate the
intrusion of corporate control into our lives. We just don't WANT
satellites monitoring our whereabouts OR our purchases!

ADS should take a close look at this website http://Indymedia.org
and should realize that a very broad based coalition cutting
across the political spectrum has joined forces against corporate
repression and control (all of which is made far more possible
via the injectable, trackable microchip technology now owned by
ADS). Rather than act negatively towards questions posed by Mike
Adams, ADS should be greatful for this sort of information and
should encourage an open, honest dialogue with the public,
including me, and anyone on the IAHF email distribution list who
might share these concerns.

At 09:26 AM 12/27/1999 -0500, you wrote:

> Dear Mr. Hammell:
> First of all, ADS has acquired the Patent to this
> technology--it is

> not even developed yet.  We will start the development at the
> beginning of year 2000 and expect a prototype by the end of
> the year.  All serious questions and uses will be addressed
> as we go forward in the development of the device.

Judging from your website, and from your conversation with Mike
Adams, you already have some detailed plans regarding how your
implantable trackable microchip device will be used. Calling it
the "Digital Angel", in your press release you are touting it as
a device which will have a vast multibillion dollar global
market, and you are already pitching to investors. The fact that
you have acquired the technology for an injectable microchip that
can be tracked via the Global Positioning System Satellite poses
a very legitimate concern for millions of people world wide,
especially for Christians and other civil libertarians who fear
that its use could be forced upon us as Mike Adams clearly
indicated to you. (See his article and interviews with ADS

While it is good to know that "all serious questions and uses
will be addressed" as you go forward in the development of the
device, I would appreciate it if you would please address the
specific concerns detailed by Mike Adams in the article which he
posted on y2knewswire.com, and which I have forwarded to you.
People reading about this for the first time can view Mike's
article below, along with two interviews which he conducted, one
with you, and another with some other ADS spokesman.

>       Next, regarding Mike Adams, he is a very passionate person on the
> subject. In the very beginning of my conversation with him, I
> suggested that he talk with our media people who are 100%
> more informed than I and also the official spokesmen for our
> company on this subject.  He just kept talking and asking
> questions on a device that is not even developed. Not once
> did he say he was recording the conversation he had with me
> or anyone else at ADS or representing our corporation.  I
> don't particularly find this 'ethical', a word that he seemed
> to like to use.  So when you want to know if ADS will create
> an Ethics Board, our company is and has always been and
> always will be, ethical.
> Lynn Anderson
> Applied Digital Solutions
> 400 Royal Palm Way, Ste 410
> Palm Beach, Florida  33480
> 561/366-4800
> 561/366-0002 fax
> http://www.adsx.com

Lynn- Given the press releases you have sent out, it is most
disengenuous of you to denigrate Mike as you have. His concerns
are quite justified, and I would appreciate it very much if
rather than run him down as you have chosen to do, either you or
your "media people" would please simply address his expressed
concerns in a forthright manner. Is that too much to ask?

Your response to me seems less than honest, and you should be
concerned about how it will be perceived by millions of other
people world wide for I am not only sending it to Mike Adams, but
also to my own email distribution list which reaches thousands of
people world wide, many of whom have their OWN distribution lists
and websites, so things have a way of snowballing.

So, if your "media people" who are "100 percent more informed" on
this matter than you are and who apparently are the "official"
representatives of ADS on this subject would please address
Adam's concerns (which I and many other people share), and email
a detailed response to Adam's expressed concerns, I will relay
that information out to my email distribution list.

You and your PR people must realize that people on the IAHF email
distribution list are highly educated, well informed, they think
outside the box, and not easily snowed by the sort of PR conjobs
which many greed driven companies attempt to devise as they seek
to "pave the way" for investors. People on the internet who will
read your words, Mike Adams and mine seek to engage in an open
and honest dialogue about this entire matter because we feel that
this device carries enormous potential for abuse. Actions speak
louder than words. You claim that your company is, has always
been, and will always be ethical. Great. You can PROVE that this
is true by forthrightly addressing Mike Adam's questions, and by
naming the members of your ethics board and how we may contact
them for the sake of an ongoing honest, open dialogue. Don't
expect us to be content with anything we're told by your PR
department, especially when they don't even respond. I agree with
Adam's contention that most companies put profits over ethics.
Will ADS be any exception?

>-----Original Message-----
> From: John Hammell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 1:59 PM
> To: Investor Relations
> Subject: Is It WRONG to Track People VIA Implanted Microchips?
> Close
> Look at So Called "Digital Angel"Implications of Human
> Implant Technology Analyzed in Two Interviews With A.D.S.
> Company Spokesmen by Mike Adams from Y2K Newswire- Oversight
> Badly Needed Join Me

> IAHF Webmaster: Post under "population control", "y2k", and
> "breaking news."
> Applied Digital Solutions: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Please forward to Dick Sullivan- PR Guy Re the so called
> "Digital
> Angel"603-672-3236
> Dick Sullivan: Please email me back if ADS has any plans to
> create an Ethics Board to prevent abuses of their "digital
> angel" technology. This is of concern to millions of people
> world wide who value their freedom and who don't trust the
> elements of coersion: aka the government, anywhere,
> especially not the UN or the WTO. (70,000 Demonstrators in
> Seattle Clearly Indicate Concern)

> IAHF LIST: [See 2 Interviews Below My Comments- Mike Adams,
> editor of Y2K NEWSWIRE Interviewed Company Spokesmen from
> Applied Digital
> Solutions- Manufacturers of the So Called "Digital Angel"
> Implanted Chip that can be used to track us by satellite and
> monitor our purchases.]

> The Ruling Elite has a nasty habit of creating crises, then
> consolidating their power afterwards by ushering in the
> alleged "solution". Right now they deliberately aren't
> warning us to prepare for y2k. They're downplaying it on
> purpose even as they ready their plans to implement martial
> law. See http://investigativejournal.com/urban.htm (Articles
> re Military Urban Warfare Training All Over U.S.)
> Once they have people BEGGING for them to "Do Something!
> Anything! Of Course those of you who don't prepare will have
> no choice but to take the injectable microchip! You want
> food? Water? Shelter?
> (Better plan ahead...)
> I agree with y2knewswire editor Mike Adams that the ruling
> elite are lying to us about y2k in order to precipitate a
> crisis. Their end goal besides killing off a lot of us? They
> intend to force a world government upon us, and unless we
> DEMAND OVERSIGHT they MAY ATTEMPT to track us all by
> satellite, and monitor everything we buy via Applied Digital
> Solution's injectable micrchip.
> Mike Adams of y2knewswire conducted two very good interviews
> with ADS' spokespeople, (see below) and I dug up the number
> of the last guy he interviewed, so we can call him en masse,
> and also email our demand that the company create a publicly
> accessable Ethics Panel in order to explore the moral issues
> which clearly accompany their product.  Please forward this
> to more people, and post in your website!
> I downloaded this for you from the members only section of
> http://www.y2knewswire.com which references this news story:
> http://www.adsx.com/news/releases/1999/12-15-99.htm
> It's no longer just a theory:
> human implants have now been
> developed that allow GPS
> tracking of individuals. The
> vision, so far, only has good
> intentions, but so did the
> splitting of the atom. Y2K
> Newswire learns that the
> company behind the
> technology currently has no
> plans to limit sales to countries
> where human rights abuses are
> common. More details inside..
> The headline brags, "Implantable in humans." "Multi-billion
> dollar potential." It's a new technology, they say, that can
> track human beings via GPS signals, with a maintenance-free
> power supply and a miniature digital transceiver. And they
> even gave it a name:  "Digital Angel."
> The company, Applied Digital Solutions, Inc., thinks this is
> great stuff. A company spokesperson, in a conversation with
> Y2K Newswire, described all the good things they can do with
> it.  Those included reducing crime, tracking lost children,
> tracking lost Alzheimer's patients, tracking lost items, and
> so on. But when Y2K Newswire posed the question, "What about
> the Mark of the Beast?" the ADS spokesperson laughed in
> disgust and refused to answer the question. Her story? We're
> in a "free"  society, and nobody will ever be forced to wear
> the "Digital Angel" in a free society.
> The ADS press release says the Digital Angel can be used to
> identify people during business transactions, track them down
> or even monitor medical conditions. Applications include
> identification and law enforcement. It goes on to say, "The
> implantable transceiver sends and receives data and can be
> continuously tracked by GPS (Global Positioning Satellite)
> technology. The transceiver's power supply and actuation
> system are unlike anything ever created. When implanted
> within a body, the device is powered electromechanically
> through the movement of muscles, and it can be activated
> either by the 'wearer' or by the monitoring facility."
> What kind of monitoring facility? Who is doing the monitoring
> and under what circumstances? The press release doesn't
> explain that... It does, however, explain that a prototype
> may be available by the end of 2000. It also provides a whole
> series of innocent-sounding applications while avoiding the
> mention of abusive applications that will inevitably be
> considered. For example, the description of the device says
> it can be used to, "...determine the location or the
> authenticity of valuable property;  track the whereabouts of
> wilderness sports enthusiasts (mountain climbers, hikers,
> skiers, etc.)." It does not, however, mention that the same
> device can be used to determine the location of people who
> hold "radical" beliefs (like believing in God) or who
> publicly speak out against government tyranny in the many
> non-free countries of the world.
> The future arguments aren't hard to imagine here. All public
> protestors, for example, might some day be required to
> receive such implants for "safety purposes." The
> justification will be "to make sure where know where
> dangerous protestors are at all times."
> Children will certainly be given the implants after their
> parents are
> scared into submission by the widespread coverage of child
> abduction stories (kind of like today's ABA strategy of scaring
> little old ladies into not taking their cash out of the bank).
> Once
> children grow up with these devices, they'll be used to them.
> That will allow even broader acceptance.
> Another argument will be "convenience." Imagine if you didn't
> have to carry cash or a credit card, they'll say. Your implant
> is
> your financial ID, your smart-card. It's really, really
> convenient!
> (Convenient for global authorities, of course, who want to
> track
> the whereabouts and spending habits of every world citizen).
> ADS spokespeople say the use of the implants would be
> voluntary-only. But their own application examples call this
> into question: they say that children or the elderly might
> receive the implants to be track-able. But can children
> legally give their consent? Can Alzheimer's patients give
> their consent? And if not, will these devices be implanted in
> them "for their own good?"
> That's really the issue. At some point, one group of people
> may decide that another group of people should have these
> devices implanted "for their own good." If all children are
> implanted, for example, then the abducted children can be
> easily found. Soon thereafter, any parent who refuses to
> subject their child to the implants is treated as a criminal
> -- similar to the treatment given today to parents who refuse
> to subject their children to vaccinations (or who wish to
> home-school their children).
> But that's only half the story: what about forced implants
> into populations of other countries? China, for example, has
> a long history of exercising tyrannical control over its
> population.  Running over protestors with tanks, a la
> Tiananman Square, is hardly a nice thing to do. What if China
> decides to implant these tracking devices in all Falun-Gong
> members, for example? Or in all protestors? Or perhaps the
> entire population?
> If China wanted to pursue this, would ADS sell them the
> technology? ADS said, remember, that the device had
> "multi-billion dollar global potential." But will ADS
> practice self-restraint and only sell these devices to
> countries that don't have a well-established pattern of
> population abuse and human rights violations?
> We asked ADS this question, and a spokesperson told us he
> wasn't aware of any such plan or policy that existed.
> So far, it appears that ADS has technology, but not
> perspective.
> Scientists have, for thousands of years, made serious
> lack-of-vision mistakes, of course. The scientists who first
> figured
> out how to split the atom probably didn't have nuclear warheads
> in mind. They were thinking about limitless, clean energy. They
> thought they were saving, not endangering, the world.
> ADS scientists may be making the same mistakes. The company
> is so focused on the positive applications, they haven't yet
> considered how the technology might be abused. There are
> serious human rights questions that need to be asked with the
> introduction of any technology like this. And so far, from
> all indications, ADS isn't asking any of them. That's not
> just socially irresponsible, it's historically dangerous.
> It isn't too late, however. ADS has an opportunity to get on
> top of
> these issues and do the right thing. But this will cost money,
> and it may limit their sales. So the question really comes down
> to money vs. integrity. Unfortunately, in the business world,
> money almost always wins. Will ADS prove to be any different?
> Only time will tell.
>Y2K Newswire's Mike Adams interviewed spokespeople from
>ADS. Here's the exchange from the first interview:
>ADS: [Answering the phone] Applied Digital Solutions...
>Adams: Hello, this is Mike Adams, editor of Y2K Newswire, I'm
>trying to reach your press relations person.
>ADS: Thank you, just a moment... Lynn Anderson, can I help
>Adams: Hello, Lynn, this is Mike Adams, I'm the editor of Y2K
>Newswire. Are you the right person to handle press questions?
>Anderson: Well, is this on the Digital Angel?
>Adams: Yes it is.
>Anderson: Actually, probably the media people should be the
>ones you should be talking to.
>Adams: You getting a lot of calls today?
>Anderson: We had a lot of calls the other day when the release
>came out. You know, particularly yesterday. Did you just have
>questions on the device itself?
>Adams: Well first I just wanted to make sure this was a
>legitimate press release.
>Anderson: Oh yeah, it's a press release all right.
>Adams: And yes, I did have questions about the intent behind
>the device. But, as you can probably tell from the questions
>you've already received about this, a lot of people are viewing the
>technology with some suspicion.
>Anderson: Uh, in what regard? You say suspicion, as they would
>say for a pacemaker or what?
>Adams: No, essentially something that can be planted in
>humans and can be tracked by GPS. That doesn't make some
>people very comfortable.
>Anderson: Well they don't have to do it, do they? It's a voluntary
>Adams: Are you debating with me on this?
>Anderson: I'm just trying to tell you I don't know why people are
>concerned. They don't have to do this, do they?
>Adams: Well today they don't have to do it. Perhaps at some
>point it would become mandatory, that's kind of the issue.
>Anderson: Well, I think this is, like, a free society, I can't
>visualize that ever happening in this Democratic society in which
>we live in...
>Adams: People are required to have social security numbers in
>this "free society," people are required to have drivers licenses,
>people are required to be fingerprinted. This Digital Angel is not
>very far from where we are today. Clearly a lot of people are
>concerned about it, especially given some of the Biblical
>references as well, Mark of the Beast and so on...
>Anderson: [Laughs in disgust] Okay, I really think probably our
>PR company should give you a call and respond to your
>Adams: I'm just describing to you the nature of my questions, I'm
>not -
>Anderson: It's kind of hard to answer questions like that. It's
>going to be developed, it's not, like, a device that's being
>implanted at the moment.
>Adams: But it's intended to be implanted, right?
>Anderson: It can be, it doesn't have to be, I mean, it's going to be
>in automobiles tracking worldwide, cutting down on all the theft,
>which would reduce insurance rates worldwide...
>Adams: Couldn't that same argument be made for humans? That
>we would reduce crime it we knew where all the criminals are?
>Anderson: [Ignoring the question] ...it could also help track
>people who are lost, like Alzheimers patients, we read every day
>about somebody wandering off someplace. There's all kinds of
>ways this device can be used.
>Adams: I guess my main question is, is there anything designed
>into the device that would prevent it from being abused?
>Anderson: Right now, we're going to start developing the device,
>so I don't know if there's any answer to that question, whether
>they're going to look at that aspect. We do have scientists
>coming on board, very top scientists [are] going to be working on
>this project.
>Y2K Newswire also spoke with another company spokesperson
>about this issue. Here's part of the exchange:
>Adams: Hello, this is Mike Adams, editor of Y2K Newswire.
>ADS spokesperson: Yes, you called about the Digital Angel?
>Adams: Yes, I have a lot of readers who are potentially
>concerned about this. Some of the questions and concerns, I'm
>trying to explore these, ...these are some legitimate questions,
>Mark of the Beast and so on. This is the kind of technology that
>enables that. Is this a kind of question you're getting often?
>ADS spokesperson: Let me put this into perspective. The
>company has acquired patent rights, and the person who
>originally developed this was a police officer who was particularly
>concerned about children being kidnapped and they weren't able
>to find them. He said, we gotta do something about that, so why
>don't we develop some sort of technology that can help us find
>kidnapped children? So that's sort of the background that's
>important to keep in mind.
>this in a child after they've been kidnapped. Wouldn't you have to
>implant all the children to cover the ones who are kidnapped?
>ADS spokesperson: Well, not every child is at risk of being
>kidnapped. Some people may voluntarily think they may be at
>risk and they want some added protection here. There is that
>element of people deciding their personal safety is important
>enough that they might want to do that.
>Adams: What about the consent issue? Children are not capable
>of giving their consent. Is this going to be a parent decision? One
>of the examples mentioned in the press release is Alzheimer's
>patients. If they're not of sound mind, will these devices be
>implanted in them without their consent? How would that work?
>ADS spokesperson: The idea is that if there is an at-risk
>individual, that you would like to monitor, and if there's a crisis
>like a heart-attack, an alarm would go to, say, the hospital. Help
>could be dispatched immediately. I guess there are a lot of ways
>to look at it, but there are many extremely beneficial ways. The
>company sees a lot of potential, and some of them are listed in
>the press release, some possibilities. One of them they're
>particularly interested in is this e-commerce.
>Adams: Right. In the press release, they mention multi-billion
>dollar worldwide potential. When I spoke with Anderson, she said
>this is a free country and those abuses weren't likely to happen
>here. But there are many countries that aren't free, that have a
>strong history of human rights violations, China for example,
>Cuba, other regimes, dictators and so on. Will ADS deny sales
>to those countries that have a history of human rights violations
>who might be abusing this?
>ADS spokesperson: I think you're maybe jumping the gun. What
>they're trying to develop... I think that's a legitimate question,
>Adams: Throughout history, many scientists have come up with
>some neat stuff where they really failed to consider the long-term
>potential. In fact, many scientists who worked on the nuclear
>bomb later had serious regrets. My concern on behalf of my
>used or abused around the world, and even if we are free in the
>United States, what's to stop China from implanting every
>Falun-Gong member, which they consider to be an outlaw sect
>even though it's a meditation group, certainly China can require
>implants there. And if that were the case, ADS would be
>providing the technology used to essentially tyrannize the
>population. That's a serious concern.
>ADS spokesperson: It's certainly, I guess you have to consider
>all aspects of this, all developments that might happen. It's
>difficult for any company to necessarily know where the
>technology could be abused, you just don't know. I would state
>categorically that the whole idea behind this is to provide
>beneficial human services and help people, certainly nothing
>Adams: Yeah, but that was the idea behind splitting the atom,
>too, and now we have a planet full of nuclear warheads. These
>things can go wrong. These things can get out of hand. The one
>question I would like answered is whether ADS has any intention
>of creating a review board to examine the potential uses and
>abuses of their technology, and perhaps to design features into it
>that would prevent abuse. You know, the audio industry does
>that when they come out with a new media standard, they get
>together and think about, is this going to be hack-able, is this
>going to violate copyrights? It's a normal thing for companies to
>do and I'm wondering if ADS is doing it.
>ADS spokesperson: No doubt at all, that's a reasonable
>question. It may be a question that hasn't come up yet because
>they just acquired the patent rights. It's certainly worth asking.
>My guess is that it may be something that hasn't been
>addressed yet.
># End #
>If you wish to join me in asking ADS if they have started implementing
>the above suggestion to establish a "moral oversight" panel in order
>to try to PREVENT their implantable chip from being misused, especially
>to prevent its use from EVER being mandatory, contact ADS at Investor
>                    Applied Digital Solutions
>                    PR Spokesman Dick Sullivan at 603-672-3236
>                    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] tell them to forward to Dick
>IAHF:(International Advocates for Health Freedom)
>PO Box 625 Floyd, Virginia,24091, USA
>800-333-2553, overseas: 540-745-6534, 540-745-6535 fax,
>http://www.iahf.com   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Help Get a Codex Oversight Hearing: Call Beth Clay at 202-225-5074
>House Government Reform and Oversight Committee- See Codex Oversight
>Section of IAHF website for more info. If You Belong to NNFA- Ask
>Them Why They Oppose Having a Codex Oversight Hearing, and Ask Why
>They Don't Enforce Article 14.3 in their Bylaws: (Conflict of Interest)
>Ask why they don't kick Warner Lambert and the rest of the drug cartel
>OUT of NNFA! Ask Why they endorse the NAS paper "A Risk Assessment
>Model For Establishing Upper Levels For Nutrients" when it is
>being used illegally by the FDA to break past the
>consumer generated impasse at Codex. [See Codex Oversight
>Section http://www.iahf.com]


IAHF:(International Advocates for Health Freedom)

PO Box 625 Floyd, Virginia,24091, USA

800-333-2553, overseas: 540-745-6534, 540-745-6535 fax,

http://www.iahf.com   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help Get a Codex Oversight Hearing: Call Beth Clay at

House Government Reform and Oversight Committee- See Codex

Section of IAHF website for more info. If You Belong to NNFA- Ask
Them Why They Oppose Having a Codex Oversight Hearing, and Ask
Why They Don't Enforce Article 14.3 in their Bylaws: (Conflict of

Ask why they don't kick Warner Lambert and the rest of the drug
cartel OUT of NNFA! Ask Why they endorse the NAS paper "A Risk
Assessment Model For Establishing Upper Levels for Nutrients"
when it is being used illegally by the FDA to break past the
consumer generated impasse at Codex. [See Codex Oversight Section

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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