-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://cannabisculture.com/backissues/cc11/opium.html">CC
11: Opium Wars: The Movie</A>

Opium Wars: The Movie

The Dragon in the Film Can

The most expensive Chinese movie ever made is a recently released
two-and-a-half hour blockbuster drug drama about "The Opium Wars", a true and
important part of world history.

With a budget of $20 million US and a cast of thousands, Chinese film
director Xie Jin pulls no punches telling the long awaited Chinese side of
this first volley of violence that started the global "War on Drugs" a
century and a half ago.

This Chinese government production clearly implicates the white-ghost
foreigners as the bad guys who used opium as a crowbar to knock the Chinese
people senseless as a prelude to snatching Hong-Kong.

Director Jin's cinematic portrayal of this thoroughly rotten aspect of
east/west relations still shows deep scars in the hearts of a billion
Chinese, and it is curious that "The Opium Wars" was released just prior to
the ceremonies that restored Hong Kong to China earlier this year. It is
easily the hit film of the year in China.

Dope... danger... subtitles? How could it miss? Yet it did miss general
distribution in both Europe and America. No doubt the theme of shame is
unfathomable to the cult of victims and cinema fornica devotees in the
western media savanna.

As a rule, Chinese "social message movies" do not find wide acceptance
outside the workers' paradise cinema, unless they are quaint peasant struggle
dramas or kickboxing flicks (note). After all, what could a billion people
know about dope anyway? Maybe we don't have the guts to see and find out for

Movies are the aircraft carriers of culture and the capacity of movies to
impact on social consciousness is taken very seriously by button pushers
whose task it is to introduce films into circulation. Whoever writes the
cheque calls the program and no political system can be easily convinced to
accept criticism from the outside, even if it is true. Maybe they will listen
to the soundtrack, though.

"The Opium Wars" made a rare New World screening with other controversial
cinema from China recently at Trent University, where it was the jewel of a
3-day Asian film festival this summer. Director Jin presented his lavish
production in conjunction with the movie "Face Off" by Hollywood's new
favourite film director John Woo.

As "The Opium Wars" tends to offend community standards on top floors of
mighty office buildings from London to Los Angeles, it is not a likely
candidate for general release in the west in the near future. You will not be
seeing this movie between sips of cappuccino or mitt-fulls of popcorn, as no
big-buck western film distributor will go near this chase the dragon, do not
pass go, do not collect $200 in the monopoly board game offerings on the
silver screen.

By Dr Alexander Sumach

Liason's Note:
There's actually a good film about peasant struggle, kung-fu ("kickboxing")
and the opium war that has had fairly wide release in video stores in North
America, titled "Tai Chi II", but the Chinese/British politics are but a
backdrop to some fine martial arts action. The British "white-ghost
foreigners" can also be seen exploiting the Chinese people and pushing opium
in Jackie Chan's "Drunken Master II", which is widely available in video
stores. (back)


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
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