-Caveat Lector-

JANUARY 07, 11:07 EST

IMF Head Urges More Reforms

Michel Camdessus
AP/ [17K]

PARIS (AP) — Michel Camdessus, the outgoing managing director of the
International Monetary Fund, said today that the IMF should be given
better-defined responsibilities and more political weight.

``I believe in the political responsibility of multilateral institutions,''
Camdessus said in an interview with the French financial daily Les Echos.

Camdessus said that the IMF's interim committee — currently a consultative
grouping with no executive powers — should be transformed into a full-fledged
decision-making body.

He also said that he would like to turn the G7 summit into a wider gathering
every two years by including the IMF's 24 board member countries, the World
Bank and the secretary-general of the United Nations.

``This would, at last, enable us to establish a coordination of strategies,''
he said.

The G7, or Group of Seven major industrial nations, gathers the political
leaders of the United States, Canada, Japan, Britain, France, Germany and
Italy for periodic meetings.

Camdessus, who has made it clear he will resign in mid-February, said he is
proud of the support the IMF provided during his tenure to countries such as

``Today Poland can hope to join not only the European Union, but also the
euro,'' Camdessus said, referring to the single European currency. ``They are
aiming for a balanced budget in 2003, inflation below 4 percent and, by that
date, they should have completed privatization.''

He warned that the dispute between the IMF and Russia was yet to be resolved.

He said that although Russia has met economic criteria set by the IMF, the
Russian Parliament has failed to adopt two key pieces of legislation. One
covers financial institution bankruptcies and the other, transfers to state
coffers from government-owned monopolies.

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