-Caveat Lector-

'part two' of:
<a href="http://www.sirius.com/~holy/mushroom2.html">MUSHROOMS and
MANKIND</a> Ethno-Mycology 2, by James Arthur

Mithraism, a forerunner to Christianity, source for many of the borrowed

[Image] Figure 33.   Mithras, as a Lion-headed God
Many of the ancient gods transcend their respective periods of local
worship. Observing their attributes, such as having a miraculous virgin
birth, divine manifestation, purpose etc., it is possible to conclude that
a certain deity in one culture is the same deity in another. The icon may
have a different name, but was most certainly a new incarnation of a
previous god. Cultural adaptation of myth is the norm, not the exception.
This brings up threads connecting gods from one period of time, to another.
Also at any given time there could be several gods, all of whom had
metamorphosed out of the same previous god. Such is the time of the
inception of Christianity. When the new god Jesus had a rival in the
personification of Mithra. A careful examination of these two gods, clearly
reveals so many similarities, that in descriptive terms alone they must
have been different adaptations of a previous deity. Mithra is the same
mythic being as Sol Invictus (Roman), Ra (Egyptian), and Surya (Indian),
all of which are sun gods. The similarities between Horus (Egypt), Mithra
(Persia), Chrishna (India) and Jesus number in the hundreds. It can be
argued that if you trace all of the gods back through time it may be
possible to find the original. This original resides in the myths of the
gods themselves, as those aspects that remain the same. "Take and eat, This
is my body" is THE central theme. All of the ancient god myths contain some
sort of a sacramental food, and anthropomorphically this food becomes, at
some point, a personification of the god itself.

[Image] Figure 34.   Snakes and Stones
This picture demonstrates the button (first) state, as well as the
intermediary stages, of the mushroom's growth .

Transforming out of the button/egg infantile state, the mushroom's
appearance becomes more like that of a snake. Once the mushroom has fully
grown, decayed, and dissolved it leaves behind a hole. This is due to it's
pushing the Pine needles or earth outward, as it expands. Around the hole
is a white powdery substance, actually the many spores it left behind. This
hole resembles a snake's hole, or lair, which is another reasoning for the
mushroom's being symbolized as a snake. Most certainly, the depiction of
the snake, in the garden of eden, which revealed to humans secret knowledge
that the fruit of the tree would make them as god, is a grand myth
regarding this association.

[Image] Figure 35.   Born from a Stone
The stone, small rock, and egg, are symbols for the mushroom in its button
state. Snakes hatch from eggs, and as the mushroom pushes upward, out of
the bulbous base, it is like a snake hatching, shedding its skin, and being
born anew. Here we see that Mithra was born out of a stone, entwined with
the serpent. This is purely symbolic, as no-one would be literally born out
of a stone. Instead this reveales, the god is the mushroom, which in turn
is the god. This is the symbolic form representing the birth into the
spiritual realm, through the sacred meal and prescribed ceremonies, again,
a god birthing scenario showing the god and the mushroom are one.

[Image] Figure 36.   The Temples of Mithra
Mithra initiates would partake of a Sacred Meal in their ceremonies,
invoking The Out Of Body experience. An ritually designed sacramental,
Shamanic, and communal GNOSIS.

The Mithraic temples of worship, known as Mithraeum, are designed like few
other temples on earth. Typically inside the place of worship would be rows
of bathtubs (TUBS) along the two side walls, or lined in two parallel rows
from the rear wall to the front of the main room. Providing places where
many initiates could lie down during ceremonies. The TUBS were tools in the
mechanics of producing a communal experience. The purpose being, the
joining together of the minds of the participants with the universal mind.
The next phase being, to exit the planet (physical realm) in a spiritual
flight to the heavens (stars). This is a bold expectation to perceive, let
alone one you can convince someone they have had, especially if after the
ceremony they have not. Filled with salt water these TUBS would become
instant sensory-deprivation-tanks. Much like those depicted in the movie
"Altered States". A group of scientist's Amanita muscaria experimentation
tale. In this movie the experiencer digresses into a primordial state of
existence. The plot is clear that this consciousness was exactly what the
scientist was expecting to find. The quest is all important in this
viewpoint, as the answers can only be given to the questions that are

  The ancients had a strangely discomforting experience, upon viewing a
human body, at death, being consumed by worms (maggots). Their fascination,
with the process, was symbolized within many religious pantheon. The worm
is associated as the snake, as an easily recognizable serpent, of some
kind. The mushrooms go through the same disintegration process, as they
expire they fill with worms and dissolve. Crocodiles were also
mythologized, as another recognizable cohort in their pantheon of animals.
Dragons too, are a product of this elaborated genera. This may very well be
the reason for embalming bodies in Egypt, and elsewhere. An attempt to
prevent the disintegration of the body, and the resultant putrefication by
the worms. If there is something to mummification's preventing the body
from being eaten by the worms, it might be, if you preserve the body, maybe
you really preserve the soul. At least your DNA might withstand millennia
of time, waiting for science to be able to reincarnate any person in the
world that they had DNA samples from. But could they have been thinking
about this back then? To preserve or putrefy, an option afforded to the
wealthy, may be a choice reflecting a primitive knowledge of this
possibility. Today there are companies which will freeze your brain, or
even your whole body, with a similar purpose in mind. I like the idea of
worms eating my flesh when I'm dead. I like thinking that the worms then
carry my DNA within them, as they metamorphose into flies or gnats and
spread my genetic material across the planet, distributing it, eventually,
back into the earth. Then again, if somehow, preservation is necessary for
the science of the future to ressurrect my long dead self, I wonder what
all of this theology stuff is really all about. Just food for thought...

[Image] Figure 37.   The Stargate
Here is an incredible artifact, one that is know as the "Mithraic
Stargate". If anyone happened to see the movie "Stargate", note how this
looks remarkably like the stargate in the movie, right down to the symbols
around the circular gate. In this case, the symbols are Astrological signs.
In the movie, they were replaced by anomalous, somewhat heiroglyphical,
symbols, location points in the stars. The religion of Mithra centered
around the initiate's ability to communally, astral-travel. Of course the
out-of-body experience was fascilitated through the eating of the sacred
meal. After consumption, the initiates could traverse the galaxies,
witnessing, as the ancient Egyptians, first hand, the reality that the
spirit of the human being is not restricted to the physical universe, or
the physical body for that matter. This is the true revelation of the
immortality of the soul, or at least the realization of such. This concept
is so similar to the Egyptian initiatory rites, that it is solid evidence
some of the hidden traditions of the ancients did migrate into later
incarnations of various religious orders.

More To Come :o) Check back soon.  :
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 -- end page 2 --

        In the midst of this endless variety of opinion, what man, or what
        body of men, has the right to say, in regard to any particular
        action, or course of action, "we have tried this experiment, and
        determined every question involved in it? We have determined it,
        not only for ourselves, but for all others? And, as to all those
        who are weaker than we, we will coerce them to act in obedience
        to our conclusions? We will suffer no further experiment or
        inquiry by any one, and, consequently, no further acquisition
        of knowledge by anybody?"

        Who are the men who have the right to say this? Certainly there
        are none such. The men who really do say it are either shameless
        impostors and tyrants, who would stop the progress of knowledge,
        and usurp absolute control over the minds and bodies of their
        fellow men; and are therefore to be resisted instantly, and to
        the last extent; or they are themselves too ignorant of their
        own weaknesses, and of their true relations to other men, to be
        entitled to any other consideration then sheer pity or contempt.

        We know, however, that there are such men as these in the world.
        Some of them attempt to exercise their power only within a small
        sphere, to wit, upon their children, their neighbors, their
        townsmen, and their countrymen. Others attempt to exercise it
        on a larger scale. For example, an old man at Rome, aided by a
        few subordinates, attempts to decide all questions of virtue and
        vice; that is, of truth or falsehood, especially in matters of
        religion. He claims to know and teach what religious ideas and
        practices are conducive, or fatal, to a man's happiness, not only
        in this world, but in that which is to come. He claims to be
        miraculously inspired for the performance of this work; thus
        virtually acknowledging, like a sensible man, that nothing
        short of miraculous inspiration would qualify him for it.
        This miraculous inspiration, however, has been ineffectual
        to enable him to settle more than a very few questions.
        The most important to which common mortals can attain, is
        an implicit belief in his (the pope's) infallibility! and,
        secondly, that the blackest vices of which they can be
        guilty are to believe and declare that he is only a man
        like the rest of them!

        It required some fifteen or eighteen hundred years to enable
        him to reach definite conclusions on these two vital points.
        Yet it would seem that the first of these must necessarily be
        preliminary to his settlement of any other questions; because,
        until his own infallibility is determined, he can authoritatively
        decide nothing else. He has, however, heretofore attempted or
        pretended to settle a few others. And he may, perhaps, attempt
        or pretend to settle a few more in the future, if he shall
        continue to find anybody to listen to him. But his success,
        thus far, certainly does not encourage the belief that he
        will be able to settle all questions of virtue and vice,
        even in his peculiar department of religion, in time to
        meet the necessities of mankind. He, or his successors,
        will undoubtedly be compelled, at no distant day, to
        acknowledge that he has undertaken a task to which all
        his miraculous inspiration was inadequate; and that, of
        necessity, each human being must be left to settle all
        questions of this kind for himself. And it is not
        unreasonable to expect that all other popes, in other
        and lesser spheres, will some time have cause to come
        to the same conclusion. No one, certainly, not claiming
        supernatural inspiration, should undertake a task to
        which obviously nothing less than such inspiration is
        adequate. And, clearly, no one should surrender his own
        judgement to the teachings of others, unless he be first
        convinced that these others have something more than
        ordinary human knowledge on this subject.

        If those persons, who fancy themselves gifted with both the power
        and the right to define and punish other men's vices, would but
        turn their thoughts inwardly, they would probably find that they
        have a great work to do at home; and that, when that shall have
        been completed, they will be little disposed to do more towards
        correcting the vices of others, than simply to give to others
        the results of their experience and observation. In this sphere
        their labors may possibly be useful; but, in the sphere of
        infallibility and coercion, they will probably, for well-known
        reasons, meet with even less success in the future than such men
        have met with in the past. -- Lysander Spooner, "Vices Are Not
        Crimes; A Vindication of Moral Liberty" (1875)


        Psychedelics often produce psychotic and even violent behaviour
        in those that have never used them". -- Timothy Leary

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