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On genetic shifting, possibilities and problems
by Mokele-mbembe

 One of the longest running questions on AHWW has been the origin and cause
of therianthropy. There have been several theories over time, some physical,
some psychological, others spiritual. In this essay I shall address the
former two, as the spiritual is beyond the realm of science. Because of
this, I will be unable to prove anything, due to the fact that spiritual
explanations can rarely be proven or disproven. I can, however, expose the
merits and shortcomings of the other two, primarily the first, on various
topics relating to inheritance and physical shapeshifting.

Part I - Physical shapeshifting.

The ability to physically shapeshift has long been the dream of many a
therianthrope, but, unfortunately, one which has been mostly unattainable. A
few weres report that certain physical characteristics, such a eye color,
will change when they have an exceptional mental shift, but by and large
physical shifting is at the very best extremely difficult, at worst all but

Many facets of perceived physical shifting can be explained by physiological
changes, often hormonal. If indeed hormonal factors did play a part, I would
chiefly suspect adrenaline or other similar hormones. For instance, in a
post to AHWW one were wrote that when he experienced physical shapeshifting
in his dreams, the feelings would last after he woke up. These sensations
included increased body temperature, an unusual feeling in his head, teeth,
and skin. These could be a result of the body pumping out adrenaline during
an exceptionally vivid dream. However I am more inclined to pursue a mental
cause. While in the dream, the individual experienced sensations that were
totally realistic. When awakened, the individual experienced some residual

It is possible that there are biological mechanisms for the production of
such hormones in the level necessary to cause the above listed effects.
Hence, this particular aspect of therianthropy may or may not be genetically

There has been considerable discussion on the possibility of using genetic
engineering and gene therapy to induce an artificial shift. Although this is
possible, it is very unlikely and very complicated. The main complication is
that the shift is artificial in nature, hence the body is not designed to
accommodate the process.

To be direct, it is possible, with current genetic engineering technology,
to induce an artificial shift into a certain phenotype. This is enabled by
the fact that most living things are very similar in genetic structure. A
human has 92% the same DNA as a bacteria, because all this is needed to
maintain life at the biochemical and cellular levels. This is the genetic
template for a living thing, without which no life can exist. Mutations to
this code cause cancer or the death of the mutated cell. The remaining 8% is
what makes a wolf different from a human and a human different from a

The mechanics of the artificial shift are relatively complex but I will
discuss them in brief to contrast them to a natural or biological shift. The
most likely way to induce an artificial shift is to create a RNA retrovirus
to implant the genes necessary for the other phenotype. A RNA retrovirus
works by entering the cell, and releasing a RNA fragment along with the
enzyme reverse transcriptase. Normally messenger RNA, mRNA, is produced in
the nucleus of the cell by transcribing itself from the section of DNA
needed to produce a protein. It is then read by translational RNA, tRNA,
with the aid of ribosomal RNA, rRNA. These work together in the cell
structures known as ribosomes to produce a sequence of amino acids that form
a protein. The viral RNA fragment and reverse transcriptase reverse the
first step, altering the cell's DNA in the nucleus to conform with the code
on the viral RNA. Now the cell will produce the proteins that were coded for
in the viral RNA, rather than the normal cellular proteins. These viri are
present naturally, and include the HIV virus. Modern geneticists are able to
collect or grow RNA retroviri and alter them so they deliver a specialized
genetic payload to replace another section of DNA. This has been tried only
with small sections of RNA, only a few genes at a time. It is usually used
to repair damaged genes that do not produce a certain hormone that they
should. To my knowledge, nobody has ever tried to use gene therapy to induce
a morphological change in an animal.

In contrast, animals like butterflies are able to shapeshift, or, as it is
more commonly called, metamorphose. This is done relatively simply. The
organism contains all the genes for all the proteins of each form, some are
simply "switched off". As the organism grows, the level of certain hormones
increase, and eventually reach the concentration which signals that the
animal is ready to change. When this happens, special proteins activate the
genetic switches on the genes, causing the organism to stop the production
of certain proteins and start making others. However, the change is a
gradual process, taking days or even weeks, depending on the size of the
organism and the magnitude of the change.

To put it bluntly, unless the organism has the entire genome of its other
form, it cannot change naturally, from a genetic standpoint. Alteration of
the genetic code is a possibility, but the fact remains that the human body
is not meant to metamorphose, and as such the mechanics for such changes are
lacking. True, it is possible to simulate or artificially create the
mechanics and stimuli for a physical shapeshift, but the process would be
uncertain at best, with a distinct possibility that something could go
wrong. If this happened, if just a few cells never were modified or the rate
of change isn't just right, the results would be 100% lethal, and totally
irreversible. Not only that, but this still does not make us therianthropes,
just people who want the gene therapy. Overall, it is possible to use gene
therapy to shift, but it would be expensive, hazardous, and irreversible.

There is, however, another possibility. Perhaps it is not tricks of the mind
or hormones, nor an artificial method. It is entirely possible that we are
genetically different from the rest of the human species, a mutation that
has the biochemical mechanics necessary to shapeshift. Such a thing is well
within the realm of possibility, as I will explain. As I mentioned
previously, the human genome is about 92% basic genes necessary for life.
The remaining genes account for all the diversity of life as we know it, not
only animals, but plants, fungi and microorganisms. There is a less than 3%
difference between all mammal species. However, it is important to remember
that not all of the DNA strand is used, and there are large sections, called
introns, with no known purpose. There are also turned-off genes, unused
relics from our past evolution. It may be possible that in this mostly
useless DNA there is the genome of our alternate form, along with a few
minor genetic changes allowing our bodies to set up the biomechanics
necessary for shapeshifting. However, if this is true, there are several
factors which must be accounted for, not the least of which is time needed
for transformation.

If the ability to physically shapeshift stems from a series of genes, there
are many occurrences, both as causes and effects of the shifting, that would
be noticeable. The most important of these is the time it takes to
transform. As I noted before, insects metamorphose naturally, but it takes
time to complete the change. The time it takes to complete such a change
depends mostly on the number of cells in the organism. The smaller the
organism, the faster the change. There is also the factor of energy. To
shapeshift or metamorphose requires a tremendous amount of energy. Even if
the human or shapeshifter genome carried the mechanics and genes to
physically shapeshift, the metabolic requirements would be enormous. To date
there is no research which would provide hard numbers, as such research
would immediately be recognized as an effort to prove the possibility of
shapeshifting and be reviled by the scientific community. However, to
utilize the caterpillar as an example once again, a caterpillar spends
almost all of its time from hatching to forming a cocoon either eating or
looking for material to eat. Most of these energy stores are used up in the
insect's metamorphosis. The energy requirements for shapeshifting a human
sized organism would be tremendous.

In summary, any form of shapeshifting triggered by genetics, either
artificially or naturally, would either be impossible, unfeasible, or a very
long, metabolically expensive process.

Part 2: hereditary shapeshifting

Also, if therianthropy in any form, P-shifting or not, is a genetic
condition, most weres would have some relatives with therianthropic
tendencies. To determine if this was the case, I conducted a survey of the
populace of AHWW, and gathered a total of 26 replies. The majority of weres
do appear to have one or more relatives that display traits of
therianthropy, however fully a third of them did not. Although there were
more therianthropes with relatives who are also weres, the number of weres
without therianthropic relatives is so high that it is highly doubtful that
therianthropy is a in any way related to genes. If it was a simple dominant
trait, most, if not all weres would have therianthropic relatives, and if it
was simple recessive, most weres would still have 1 or 2 relatives that are
weres. If the trait was polygenic (genes carried on more than one chromosome
with all the chromosomes needed for full expression of the genes) then most
therianthropes would be hard pressed to think of a therianthropic relative.
Because there was both a large number with and without relatives who display
therianthropic traits, I was unable to match the inheritances given to any
configuration of genes. In short, although it cannot be absolutely refuted
without full-scale DNA sequencing of every member of AHWW, it is extremely
unlikely that therianthropy is an inherited trait. It is significantly more
likely that werecreatures are produced by nurture rather than nature.

Part 3: the persistence of faith.

Although my findings may seem to refute the possibility of physical
shapeshifting, it merely narrows the possible causes. In my opinion, it is
most probable that shapeshifting is mostly, if not entirely, a spiritual
occurrence. If this does prove to be the case, then shapeshifting is not a
matter of proof, but one of faith.


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