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Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 9:20 AM

COMMUNIQUE  #2247  http://TeamInfinity.com/~ralph/church


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passed on from a fellow netizen...


There are TWO articles here dealing with the nearly
Drugs [prosac ritalen etc] and MASS SHOOTINGS.  The
second article, below the first, deals specifically
with the NRA's ALLEGED complicity in this coverup.

   Prescription Drugs -

          The Reason Behind
          The Madness
          By Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D.

   Health and Healing: Tomorrow's

   Medicine Today - November, 1999


        As I was writing last month's issue of Health
                & Healing, Buford O'Neal Furrow Jr.
                walked into the North Valley Jewish
                Community Center in Los Angeles and,
                without a word, fired 70 rounds with a
                Uzi-type gun, wounding five people. A
                month earlier, Mark Barton murdered
                his wife and two children and then
                methodically and dispassionately
                gunned down 21 people in two brokerage
                firms in Atlanta, killing nine.

        These and virtually all of the gun-related
                massacres that have made headlines
                over the past decade have had one
                thing in common: THEY WERE PERPETRATED
                LUVOX, PAXIL OR A RELATED
                ANTI-DEPRESSANT DRUG.

        Last month, I warned you about the dangers of
                these selective serotonin reuptake
                inhibitors (SSRIs) and detailed a few
                of the scores of murders, suicides,
                and other acts of violence committed
                by people taking Prozac-like drugs.
                BEHAVIOR.  They can also induce
                dissociative reactions, making those
                who take the drugs INSENSITIVE TO THE

        This is the type of drug that Eric Harris was
                taking when he walked into Columbine
                High School and massacred his fellow
                students. Kip Kinkel, who killed his
                parents, then went to his high school
                in Oregon, killed two students and
                wounded 22 others, was taking PROZAC.
                Joseph Wesbecker was taking Prozac
                when he killed seven people with an
                AK-47 at a printing plant in Kentucky,
                before taking his own life. It's Not
                Guns And It's Not Movies

        Atrocities such as these have become
                disturbingly common over the past few
                years. We as a society are searching
                for reasons to explain these grizzly
                murders, which have torn at the heart
                and soul of the American culture. In a
                desperate effort to stave off future
                catastrophes, we've been instituting
                stringent gun control measures and
                considering censorship of movies.

        Folks, guns and movies don't cause these
                tragically frequent episodes of
                inexplicable violence. The real reason
                is written out on a prescription pad
                by psychiatrists and doctors all over
                the country--these monstrous acts were
                done not by criminals, but ordinary
                people high on prescription drugs.

        Yet the overuse of PROZAC-LIKE DRUGS is not
                even a part of the national debate,
                and those who sound the warning
                against them are ignored. I can only
                surmise that the reason the FDA
                continues to disregard these mounting
                SSRI-related casualties is because of
                this agency's close alliance with the
                multi-billion-dollar drug companies.
                Just imagine what the FDA would do if
                there were evidence that these
                massacres were performed by people
                taking natural antidepressants.


This guy RAMBLES a tad, but he makes some great points
and he used to work for NRA he, claims, which gives
him good access to the subject he speaks of.

From: Doug Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject:
Ritilin/Prosac, Gun Control, and School Shootings
Date: Thursday, December 09, 1999 2:29 PM

8 Dec 99 Gun Clinton adopts NRA corruption

     This NRA action will cost NRA dearly, after it
costs your gun owner rights.

     As you may know, Clinton organized a national
conference of all the related organization and
institution leaders, including gun industry sorts, to
determine how the nation can stop the increasingly
popular school shootings.

     But he pointedly refused to allow any legitimate
mental health institutions to participate, because
they are attempting to blow the whistle on the nearly,
if not precisely, 100% connection between school (and
other mass) shootings, and the ritilin/prosac group of
prescription psychotropic drugs used by the shooters.
It seems that certain Clinton insiders include
appointees directly connected to the US pharmaceutical
industry which contributed heavily to Clinton, if you
can imagine such a thing.  Power corrupts.

     That class of prescription psychotropic drugs
alone (powerful anti-depressants and anti-stimulants
sold under several names) is a multi-billion dollar
industry.  It largely supports the high profit ratio,
central corporations of the pharmaceutical industry.
Learning the real results of the use of those
particular drugs is protected from effective
investigation through stonewalling by the politically
powerful pharmaceutical industry and the client-doctor
privilege laws.

     Those drugs have been shown to produce adverse
reactions in 5% of the victims using them, including
the increasingly prevalent and documented reaction of
homicidal/suicidal tendencies.  All the mass shooters
of recent years have been shown or indicated to be, or
have prior been, using said prescription drugs.
Concerned organizations are slowly cracking the
intense efforts of the pharmaceutical industry to
cover-up this lucrative and deadly scam.

     Concurrently, persons directly associated with
the pharmaceutical industry were the primary "experts"
the news media used to discuss the psychological
foundation for the mass shootings.  Those "expert
psychologists" on radio and TV pointedly blamed the
availability of guns for the shootings, and routinely
disparaged NRA.  Any originally impartial journalists
inherently came to believe the "expert psychologists"
whom the pharmaceutical industry made convenient for
journalists.  The reason for the shootings is
obviously the guns, since nothing else is common to
all these diverse shooters, that is, nothing else
seriously questioned.

     In 1994, after guns and gun owner rights became
the news media (pharmaceutical industry) central
target to blame for the mass-shooting phenomenon, the
NRA Board was formally appraised of the ritilin/prosac
type prescription drug connection to the mass
shooters.  The issue was of such importance that a
knowledgeable speaker was allowed to speak before the
full Board at an NRA Board meeting.  The intriguing
history and evidence implicating those drugs was
profoundly unsettling.

     What followed, illuminated the corruption
saturating the powerful National Rifle Association
Board of Directors, and only one of the
corruption-based series of reasons you are losing your
gun owner rights.

     Scientific, political and decency-based logic
dictated that NRA formally and vocally call for a
national investigation of the prescription
psychotropic drug connection to the mass shooters.
NRA held newsworthy credibility and effectiveness for
such a public request since guns and NRA were the
recognized target for the blame.  Instead of raising
the issue for public question, the LaPierre central
clique appointed a classic, do-nothing committee of
the most useless NRA Directors available, and that is
really useless.  I was specifically denied the
opportunity to be on that committee, much to my
amusement.  I was an NRA Director at that time, but
uniquely outside the central clique because I did not
mindlessly parrot the central clique's self-serving
lies never effectively questioned by other Directors.
The NRA central clique's intent with its new committee
was glaring from the outset.

     The committee promptly buried the issue, and used
the most trite excuses to dodge follow-up inquiries.
The actions were stereotyped.  Instead of impartially
questioning the introduced data and concepts to
discover truth, certain NRA Directors attacked the
credibility of the messenger who spoke to the Board.
That is the standard political process when a
messenger brings truth that corrupt leaders cannot
defeat with fact.  It seems that the central clique of
the NRA Board includes an entrenched Director and past
officer who is also directly connected to the top of
the pharmaceutical industry.  It seems that the
pharmaceutical industry which contributes to Clinton,
contributes to LaPierre/NRA, and other anti-gun
organizations.  For what reward to whom is NRA selling
your gun owner rights in the back rooms, and how much
money is LaPierre/AcMac putting into their offshore
accounts ?

     The humor is illuminated in the self-set trap
that NRA, its Directors, and gun owners cannot escape.
The pharmaceutical industry is making billions of
dollars each year as long as they and NRA
RepublicratDemocan insiders can stave off a threshold
public reaction against the prescription drug
connection to mass shooters, and keep blaming guns.
But the word is getting out.

     The reason it cannot be hidden is that X% of yet
increasing millions of children permanently
brain-damaged by said group of prescription drugs, are
going to casually shoot up more schools, their
parents, their friends, and then shoot themselves,
perhaps next by the time your next newspaper arrives.
Only imbeciles cannot recognize the pattern and the
inherent questions not asked in public by institution
leaders.  No human can stop the phenomenon, for a
reason beyond that illuminated in these few words.

     Since 1994, when NRA was handed the open
opportunity to nip the wrongful blame in the bud, the
blame on guns for mass shootings has become so
entrenched that no revelation of the real cause can
stop the now socially entrenched, news
media-manufactured anti-gun tide with a life of its

     You were permanently and willfully screwed,
betrayed, stabbed in the back and undercut by NRA
Directors, sold out to a typical power-entity common
to the game of power-plays.  When I say that the NRA
Directors are stupid, dishonest, corrupt and cowardice
to the very core of their soul, with no regard for the
lives of the school children lost by the continued
silence of said Directors, my words only echo the
substance increasingly spoken by more and more gun

     Each day more gun owners discover that the NRA
publications and mail-outs just offer diversions from
truth, like other power-based entity propaganda
designed to scam money from lucrative rhetorical
illusions.  Eventual public knowledge of the
referenced prescription drug cover-up is made certain
by the inherently increasing number of bodies that are
yet to be gunned down, many in schools, the blame on
guns, and the questions of who knew the whole time.

     Others have said that if your kids are in a
school with ritilin kids, get them out.  And if your
children are ritilin kids, lock your bedroom door at
night, get rid of your guns and get your local
government to confiscate guns in your local school
district.  For a few years now the Army and many
police agencies have refused to accept those who were
previously ritilin kids.  They are considered unstable
and unpredictable, especially during bouts of
prescription drug induced homicidal/suicidal thoughts,
especially around guns.  The problem occurs when an
otherwise perfectly normal-acting person's mind begins
short-cycle, exponentially increasing mood shifts as a
result of accumulated prescription drug impact
(referenced drugs), and then what is not
distinguishable as unusual stimuli to a normal mind.
The brain was not designed to handle such strong,
sudden and contradicting chemical imbalances.  Natural
sources of those drug complexes are not even remotely
close to such concentrations of the specific
derivatives prescribed.

     But you have a problem.  The millions of highly
profitable prescriptions for those psychotropic drugs
are increasing, and being given to younger and younger
children.  It is easier to get rid of the guns,
because you can't get rid of the kids, and their
combination creates certain death, by random mass
shootings, and that is fact.  You can't distinguish
between the 95% of the kids whose body and brain could
successfully fight against those prescription drugs
without critical damage, and the X% of the 5% who are
going to go ballistic on a clear calm day in school,
perhaps in your town.

     If you outlawed those drugs today, destroying a
multi-billion dollar annual scam by wealthy people who
own Republicrat/ Democans, the results of the prior
use will continue until the last ritilin kid retires
from his postal service job.  You are playing a power
game in the arena of the pharmaceutical industry that
defines power, leaving you a pawn at best, and which
functionally owns the gun organization leadership as a
minor aside.  That is only a portion of the concept at

     Keep in mind, those drugs are a just a highly
lucrative, artificial craze, like pogo sticks.  They
were not needed before they were recently invented and
pushed by the real drug pushers in this nation, the
pharmaceutical industry and its pocket Republicans in
Congress.  Those drugs have not yet invaded many
international societies under more crowding and
"social stress", and those societies seem to do well
without said drugs.  Under modern pharmaceutical
industry flimflam, most of your parents would have put
most of you on ritilin.  How did you survive without
your mind being intensely drugged, surging with
powerful, artificial mood-colliding chemicals most of
your childhood ?

     If you are missing the humor and obvious balance
in the NRA-Republican-supported/protected "drugs",
albeit prescription drugs vastly worse than illegal
drugs, being the ultimate excuse for the disarming of
America, after NRA built its Republicrat political
foundation on the attack of "drugs", you are missing
everything.  No mere human escapes the balance, least
we could not exist.

     The reason the Republicrats are taking NRA's
money to only compromise-away gun owner rights, is the
same reason NRA and its RepublicratDemocans retaking
pharmaceutical industry money to only hush-up the real
cause of the mass shootings.  Notice that both actions
originate from a power-based concept, and serve the
same result of eliminating individual rights, that is,
serve centralized power.  Notice that an individual
without any power to defend, would immediately want
the related knowledge openly exposed, to solve the
deadly problem.

      Why was the NRA committee used to bury knowledge
instead of bring it to light ?  Why ?  What concept
prevailed over individual logic ?  Why is the general
public now discussing what NRA Directors and other
power-based entities knew but refused to discuss in
1994 ?  It is the concept that is consistently
controlling, regardless of the people or issues.  The
people conform to the concepts they do not prior
understand, just as you would defend the
pharmaceutical industry and the NRA Board if you were
them, by design and existing proof.  And not even one
gun organization leader can figure it out, even from
these words, as is consistently proven.  Learn how to
use concepts, not their useless pawns who cannot alter
the concepts to which they already sold their mind's
ability to question.

     As I have previously stated, for easily
understood reasons that institutional minds cannot
comprehend because they flee questions, I guarantee
that seemingly illogical mass shootings in schools and
other public places, are going to increase, and guns
will be blamed more loudly each time, and gun owner
rights are going to disappear, piecemeal.  It is you
idiot gun owner organization leaders who have done it
to yourselves and gun owners, inherently including
those who have stupidly supported you, because you
fled the knowledge available with questions and

     But as old George said while rambling-on back in
the latter 1700's, "Truth will ultimately prevail
where there is pains taken to bring it to light." Who
next will Heston/LaPierre attack for daring to speak
truth in NRA, and therefore create yet more who quit
NRA and dare to more openly question the perfidious
corruption of NRA Directors ?  NRA, GOA, SAF, ETC
leaders are going to be credited by name for
destroying gun owner rights.  Covering up the
prescription psychotropic drug scam until it was too
late, will be illuminated as one of the classic
examples of the process.

     The word is out.  It does not matter what issues
or examples illuminate the concept of "corruption",
the results of the concept are pre-determined, by

     The ritilin example, while very real with very
real results, is only one of the many examples.  To
escape, you need only learn the controlling concepts,
and wield them against themselves, regardless of
whether the people are named Clinton or LaPierre, or
the organization is called USA or NRA.  It is just
knowledge.  You cannot successfully utilize power
processes because there will always be several
more-powerful entities, such as undiscussed
pharmaceutical industries, saturating your own
power-group, or you would not have acquired power.
Power will always turn against and defeat the humans
foolishly attempting to use it.

You must instead utilize knowledge.  Learn that
knowledge on your own by seriously questioning every
contradiction you recognize in your actions.  Or let
me know if any gun organization leaders want
assistance.  I cannot force you to do anything you do
not wish to do.  Yes, I could leave you no option, and
thus regain your rights for you while you were kicking
and screaming and scratching and clawing the entire
way, but you are not my enemy, never will be, and
there is no incentive to treat you as such.  To regain
your rights for you while you are avidly destroying
them under your ludicrous rhetorical illusions, I
would inherently have to treat you as an opponent for
awhile, much to your incensed confusion.

     I would instead go mountain climbing, where the
same concepts are at play, without an opponent, since
the mountains are only amused by humans, and I have
already defeated my only enemy, myself.  Ultimately,
you will have to do the latter yourself.  Start.
Question your actions.  Use your answers. I wish you

Douglas Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[who happens to be JEWISH and a friend]

Another very deep, dark secret of the 20th Century, is
how some Chief Rabbis---certainly not all of
them---operated in countries around Nazi Germany. In
Poland, for example, these purported holymen were the
community bankers. The ordinary people not having
local banks available, such as in the U.S., they
entrusted them with their money and valuables. And
these Chief Rabbis, too often, told their people,
after the invasion by the Germans, after 1939, "Shush,
quiet, say nothing, get on the train. The Germans want
you to work on the farm".

The ordinary Jews were fed these fairy tales. The
trains took them to places like Auschwitz where many
perished, having been worked to death as slave
laborers for I.G. Farben and other Nazi indusry. Some
concentration camp survivors I have known in Chicago
have given me eyewitness accounts. They claim the
grandchildren of these Chief Rabbis are big dealers in
real estate and other businesses in the Chicago-area,
with the treasures stolen by their Chief Rabbi
grandfathers from fellow Jews, who naively believed
what they were told, and got on the train "for the

"You know who they are! Sue them! Expose them! The
hour is late. You are 80 years old. What are you
waiting for?" I have pleaded. My offer to volunteer my
expertise on legal research has so far not been
answered or accepted. In vain, I want this particular
Great Secret of the 20th Century to be a matter of
undisputed court record.


sounds like someone needs to RECORD ALL this INFO by
ANY legal means before those in the know take this
knowledge to the tomb. This is CRITICAL INFO
corroborating the dirty secret of jewish creation of
nazism, as in Eichmann being Jewish, Hitler being half
Jewish, Goebbels being 100% Sephardic Jewish etc etc
see webpage:



Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer.
Since 1963, founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to
Clean Up the Courts, disclosing certain instances of
judicial and other bribery and political murders.
Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995,
moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access
Cable TV Show, "Broadsides", Cablecast on Channel 21,
9 p.m. each Monday in Chicago. For a heavy packet of
printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and a
stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4
x 9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to
Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H.
Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South Oglesby Ave., Chicago
IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to midnight,
(773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls].
Before sending FAX, call.


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YOU BE the JUDGE  http://members.tripod.com/ReuchlinA/  <- PISO WEB SITE

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Your comments requested:


----------  END


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<< END COMMUNIQUE  #2247 >>

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