-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Interderdimensional psychic attacks.... Hands up anyone who has had one of
Actually, I think I can put my hand up to that one.
Now, if the supposed technolgy of the elite is 50 to 100 years ahead of us,
sheeple, then I  think IDPA's  would be within their reach. If HAARP was
meant to correct the wrongs of this world, then I think it is failing.
So the point is not whether these attacks comes from reps or gents,
but that they do  come at all. Someone is playing in there.


Jeff Rense Weekly E-News

            1-16-00 thru 1-22-00
Here are some items from this week's email deluge..
Dear Jeff,

Do you know anyone who who has been successful with getting someone out of
trouble from interdimensional psychic attack from reptilian origin but
bringing in other higher dimensional beings than themselves for help when
they are losing?  One of my biggest problems is their constant throwing of
interdimensional possessions into my body at the end of an attack.  When
 happens, it takes a long time to remove it and the body always ends up even
more damaged than it is. About the time the body  starts to come back to
balance,  the next onslaught ensues.
 This has been going on for years.  It has had a disasterous effect on my
life at every level. If you know of any possible
help, please let me know.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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