-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: jean hudon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 5:42 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: Food Safety Files 5: Beware of Canola Oil + Canola oil poison +
Plastics As A Food Group? + Fluoride: The Silent Killer

Hello again everyone

As part of my continued interest for the safety of our food supply, I found
the following particularly alarming. As a result, I'm trying to phase out
all products containing canola oil from what I eat - certainly not an easy
task because it is now part of so many products! As for plastic wrapping in
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), this is another thing that is hard to avoid
today. But no problem with the fluoride in water as I drink only spring

Eating healthy, organic and truly natural food more and more appears to be
the only sensible alternative to playing Russian roulette with unsafe food.
This is what more and more people also understand. For instance, I heard on
the news this week that so many people now want to buy organically grown
food in Switzerland (a 25% annual increase!) that the organic growers there
cannot keep up with the demand and the supermarkets that now sell organic
food must import it from France where the Agricultural Minister, following
the Mad Cow Disease crisis, has pledged that his country will soon be a
world leader in organic food production!...

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator

Beware of Canola Oil  By Jim Lynn - Editor EOO

Canola Oil is an Industrial Oil Not Fit For Human Consumption.

(Reprinted from Essential Oils Online)

It's amazing to me...The more research I do, the more I see a relationship
between the food we eat and fatal diseases. Canola oil is no exception.
Readers of EOO are familiar with the meat industry practice of feeding
rendered meat "by-products" to cattle and poultry (EOO #015), and the
suspected relationship of Mad Cow Disease to CJD and Alzheimer's Disease
(EOO #016). Now comes information that Canola Oil is the suspected
causative agent for Scrapie, a viral disease transmitted to cattle who were
fed rendered sheep infected with Scrapie. Both Scrapie and Mad Cow Disease
destroy the brain's ability to function. They literally eat the brain away,
causing blindness, loss of mind and erratic behaviour.

Canola oil's real name is "LEAR" oil (Low Erucic Acid Rape). it is more
commonly known as "rape oil," a semi-drying oil that is used as a
lubricant, fuel, soap and synthetic rubber base, and as an illuminant to
give color pages in magazines their slick look. In short it is an
industrial oil that does not belong in the human body. It is typically
referred to in light industry as a penetrating oil.

Back in the 1980's, rape oil was widely used in animal feeds in England and
throughout Europe. It was banned in 1991. Since then, Scrapie in sheep has
totally disappeared.

While that's good for Europeans, it is bad for Americans because the
problem is now ours. Rape seed oil (Canola oil) is widely used in thousands
of processed foods...with the blessings of our own government.

Canola oil was first developed in Canada. It's proponents claim that due to
genetic engineering and irradiation, it is no longer rape oil, but "canola"
(Canadian oil). They also claim it is completely safe, pointing to it's
unsaturated structure and digestibility. Although, I could not verify it,
it is claimed the Canadian government paid the FDA the sum of $50 million
dollars to have canola oil placed on the GRAS list (Generally Recognized As
Safe). However it was done, a new industry was created.

The truth is, however, that rape is the most toxic of all food oil plants.
Not even insects will eat it. No wonder farmers like growing it. It turns
out that rape is a member of the mustard family of plants, and is the
source for the chemical agent, mustard gas, which causes blistering on skin
and lungs when inhaled. Mustard Gas was banned after WWI for this very

Studies of canola oil done on rats indicate many problems. Rats developed
fatty degeneration of heart, kidney, adrenals and thyroid gland. When the
canola oil was withdrawn from their diet, the deposits dissolved, but scar
tissue remained on the organs. Why were no studies done on humans before
the FDA placed it on the GRAS list?

Consumed in food, Canola oil depresses the immune system, causing it to "go
to sleep." Canola oil is high in glycosides which cause health problems by
blocking (inhibiting) enzyme function. It's effects are accumulative,
taking years to show up. One possible effect of long term use is the
destruction of the protective coating surrounding nerves called the mylin
sheath. When this protective sheath is gone, our nerves short-circuit
causing erratic, uncontrollable movements.

To test the industrial penetrating strength of canola oil, soak a towel in
both canola oil and regular vegetable oil. Pre-treat and wash the towel in
your clothes washer and compare the area the two oils occupied...you will
notice an oil stain remains on the area soaked in canola oil. It is so
durable, it could take several washings to completely remove. Now if this
is how canola oil penetrates the fabric of a towel, what damage can it do
in our body?

Because canola oil is so cheap, it is now widely used in the food industry.
If you are curious, just read a few food labels the next time you are in
the grocery store. A good example can be found with commercially prepared
peanut butter. In order to give peanut butter it's spreadability, Jiffy,
Peter Pan and Skippy brands remove ALL of the natural peanut oil and
replace it with canola oil. Natural peanut butter should only have peanuts
and salt listed in the ingredients.

If you want to use natural peanut butter, it's available in most stores
next to the canola peanut butter. Stir the contents to mix the oil and
peanuts together then store in the refrigerator. The cold temperature will
prevent the peanut oil from separating. Best of all, you will have
eliminated at least one source of a potential food hazard.

Food consumers have headaches enough, without worrying about a toxic plant
oil being added to their food. The problem is you will find canola oil in
bread, margarines, and all manner of processed foods. But the consumer is
king. Be informed and make it a practice to read what goes into your food.
Avoid using canola as a cooking oil and salad oil. It is not a healthy oil.



Perceptions, Aug/Sep 96 issue,  The Great Canola Debate Perceptions,
Nov/Dec 95 issue,  The Devil's Bargain Book,  Fats That Heal and Fats That
Kill, by Udo Erasmus

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Canola oil poison

Millions of people have suffered the loss of thelr vision from glaucoma, a
disease involving atrophy (deterioration) of the optic nerve. For years,
"experts" have been telling us that glaucoma results from fluid-pressure
buildup in the eye that causes the optic nerve to deteriorate. This theory
was based on  an incorrect medical model: They were wrong!

Now, the experts have admitted that this is not true and have given birth
to a new theory. According to it, glaucoma is instead caused by a
deficiency of of oxygen and blood flow. Finally they are on the right
trail. In the end, they will discover that glaucoma is the result of
insufficient blood flow due to agglutination (clumping together) of the red
blood cells and waste buildup in the cells and intercellular fluids.

These blood-corpuscle clusters cannot squeeze through the extremely tiny
capillaries in the posterior of the eye, so cannot deliver oxygen to the
mitochondria*1*. This is what the problem has been all along, and if people
continue to eat soy*2* and canola oils, a lot more of them are going to
experience vision irregularities - like retinitis and macula lutea*3*

 Death of the mitochondria in the cells in the posterior of the eye is due
to oxygen starvation, sodium toxicity and waste accumulation. When the
mitochondria die, the cells die and the posterior eye tissues atrophy. In
this respect, glaucoma has much in common with hair loss, Alzheimer's
disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and hearing problems.

There are several things a person can do to reverse these debilitating
conditions. Biologically friendly water*4* is basic to all rejuvenation, as
is fresh, viable food. Detoxification of the tissues and body fluids is
accomplished with yucca extract, Kombucha tea,5 PACs*6* and colon therapy.

Rape Seed Oil or "Canola"?

Canola is a coined word. It appeared out of nowhere and is not listed in
any but the most recent reference sources.

The flip side of the canola coin reads: "rape"! You must admit that canola
sounds better than rape. The name canola disguised the introduction of rape
oil to America.

Canola oil comes from the rape seed, which is part of the mustard family of
plants. Rape is the most toxic of all food-oil plants. Like soy, rape is a
weed. Insects will not eat it; it is deadly poisonous! The oil from the
rape seed is a hundred times more toxic than soy oil.

Canola is a semi-drying oil that is used as lubricant, fuel, soap and
synthetic rubber base, and as an illuminant for the slick color pages you
see in magazines. It is an industrial oil and does not belong in the body!

Canola oil has some very interesting characteristics and effects on living
systems. For example, it forms latex-like substances that agglutinate the
red blood corpuscles, as does soy, but much more pronounced. Loss of vision
is a known, characteristic side effect of rape oil which antagonizes the
central and peripheral nervous systems - again like soy oil, again worse.
The deterioration takes years, however. Rape (canola) oil causes emphysema
respiratory distress, anemia, constipation, irritability and blindness in
animals - and humans.  Rape oil was widely used in animal feeds in England
and Europe between 1986 and 1991 when it was thrown out. You may remember
reading about the cows, pigs and sheep that went blind, lost their minds,
attacked people and had to be shot.

A woman called me from Chicago to tell me that she had been in England when
the "Mad Cow Disease" had been at its peak. She said that she had seen a
television news report that told people not to panic if they had been using
rape oil in their diet and were over 65 years of age. The "experts" added
that the effects of rape oil ingestion takes at least 10 years to manifest,
and in all likelihood, most of these people would be dead by then anyway.

In the reports I read, the "experts" blamed the behavior on a viral disease
called scrapie. However, when rape oil was removed from animal feed,
"scrapie" disappeared.

No longer a European livestock problem; now it is ours. U.S. farmers grow
rape seed, and manufacturers use its oil (canola) in thousands of processed
foods, with the blessings of government watchdog agencies, of course.

Officially, canola oil is known as LEAR oil - Low Erucic Acid, Rape.
Industry experts love to tell how canola was developed in Canada and that
it is safe to use. They admit it was developed from the rape seed, but that
through genetic engineering, i.e. irradiation, it is no longer rape seed,
but "canola" instead. ["Canadian oil", get it?] They love to talk about
canola's qualities - its unsaturated structure(Omega 3, 6, 12), its
wonderful digestibility and its fatty acid makeup. They turn us against
naturally saturated oils and fats, while they come to the rescue with
canola oil. They even tell us how Asia has warmly embraced canola due to
its distinctive flavor. Isn't it wonderful how internationalists brokers
"help" third-world peoples? Reminds me of the introduction of the microwave

An earthly expression from the Old West sums up the flimflam accompanying
rape oil's rebirth and promotion worldwide: "horseshit and gun smoke!". Its
new name provided the perfect cover for commercial interests wanting to
make billions in the United States. The euphemism is still very much in
use, but is no longer needed. Look at the ingredients list on peanut butter
labels. The peanut oil has been removed and replaced with rape oil.

Chemical Warfare

Rape oil is also the source of the infamous chemical-warfare agent, mustard
gas, which was banned after blistering the lungs and skin of hundreds of
thousands of solders and civilians during WWI. Recent French reports
indicate that it was again used during the gulf war.

Between 1950 and 1953, white mustard(rape) seed was irradiated in Sweden to
increase seed production and oil content. Irradiation is the process the
experts want use to make our food "safe" to eat. Genetically engineered
fruits and vegetables - which will soon have innocent things like
hepatitis-B spliced into their DNA  - are another example of man's misuses
of technology and abuse of public trust by powerful interests and
"head-in-the-sand" watchdog agencies.*8*

Canola oil contains large amounts of *isothiocyanates* - cyanide-containing
compounds. Cyanide inhibits mitochondrial production of adenosine
triphosphate(ATP), which is the energy molecule that fuels the
mitochondria. ATP energy powers the body and keeps us healthy and young!

Canola Oil and the Metabolism

Many substances can bind metabolic enzymes and block their activity in the
body. In biochemistry, theses substances are called inhibitors.

Toxic substances in canola and soy oils encourage the formation of
molecules with covalent bonds which are normally irreversible: They cannot
be broken by the body once they have formed.

For example, consider the pesticide malathion.*9* It binds to the active
site of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase and stops this enzyme from doing
its job, which is to divide acetylcholine into choline andacetate.

Nerve Function


Acetylcholine is critical to nerve-impulse transmission. When
acetylcholinesterase is inhibited, as by pesticide residues, nerve fibers
do not function normally, and muscles do not respond.

For example, think of a garage door opener: If its signal is not received,
the door does not open. worth one's body, the hand or leg is ordered to
move, but does not respond. Recently there has been a tremendous increase
in disorders like systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy,
"Myelinoma"*10* pulmonary hypertension and neuropathy. Soy and canola oils
are players in the outbreak of these Mdisease conditions. So are the
organophosphates, insecticides such as malathion used in food production in
the name of efficiency.

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors cause paralysis of the striated(skeletal)
muscles and spasms of the respiratory system. That is why malathion is the
pesticide of choice by the experts; it kills insects by paralysis - just
like rotenone from soy beans does! It inhibits the insect's enzymes and
those of humans, too!

Agents Orange and Blue that were used in Viet Nam to defoliate jungle cover
are also organophosphorus compounds. The Viet Nam vets and the Vietnamese
people know about them firsthand. Government experts who okayed their use
and chemical companies that manufactured them have finally owned up to
their toxic effects on people and the environment. Nonetheless, present-day
experts in academia and government continue to bamboozle the public with
stories of "safe" science and cheap food through the use of poisons.

Canola oil is also high in glycosides that cause serious problems by
blocking enzyme function and deprive us of our life force - chi, qi, prana,
call it what you like.

Glycosides interfere with the biochemistry of humans and animals. Their
presence in rattlesnake venom inhibits muscle enzymes and causes instant
immobilization of the victim.

Canola Oil, HIV, AIDS

Soy canola oil glycosides also depress the immune system - the T cells- to
go into a stupor and fall asleep on the job. These oils alter the
bioelectric *terrain* and promote disease.

The Cancer/Trans-Fatty Acid Connection - Known in 1949!

In orthodox cancer research, renowned cancer researchers, among them, Nobel
Prize winner, V. Euler of Stockholm, wrote and published a book in 1949 in
which they concluded that if the numerous and diverse symptoms associated
with various types of cancer were reduced to one common denominator, it
would be that "the fat lacks the ability to integrate in the living
tissue". "Trans-Fatty acid is the name of the fat that lacks this ability -
it is bad fat.

Non-Spoiling, "Spreadable" Oils Are Destroying Our Health

Since 1902, Western countries have resorted to chemical process to destroy
the "unsaturatedness" of vegetable oils. It is done to make them easier to
handle; easier to market; and to preserve them so they will not spoil so
quickly. In the early 1900s, clever advertisements hailed its
"spreadability" - exclaiming that what everyone was waiting for was "a
spreadable fat"! Although the destruction of the essential elements of the
fat was originally well intended - to prevent it from spoiling - the
methods of processing fats are destroying our health. Avoid any vegetable
oil that is labeled "hydrogenated", or "partially hydrogenated", as this
oil contains 100% Trans-fatty acid!

Why Are We Still Being "Sold" Trans-Fatty Acid?

Food manufacturing is a big, profitable business and employs many highly
skilled lobbyists. The new U.S. labeling laws do not list "Trans-Fatty
acid" because the large food manufacturers spent billions of dollars to pay
for lobbyists to keep "Trans-fatty acid" off the labels.

"Cold Pressed" labeling means nothing in the U.S. All commercial oils and
nut butters sold in U.S. Supermarkets contain Trans-fatty acid - this is
because the U.S. government allows heat treated and high pressure squeezed
vegetable oil to be used and even labeled "Cold Processed". The Italian
government passed a law that olive oil must be protected from heat and high
pressure. The U.S. government could save many lives if it passed a similar
law to include all vegetable oil(and banned cotton seed oil - it is

Figure The Amount of Trans-Fatty Acid In Packaged Food By Using The New
U.S. Labels

1) Find the amount of "Total Fat" on the label. 2) Find the amounts of
"Saturated Fat", "Polyunsaturated Fat" and "Monosaturated Fat". (These are
found on the label, listed directly under "Total Fat" and slightly
indented. If one or the other is not listed, that particular food does not
contain it.) 3) Add theses three together. If there are only two listed,
add them together or use one amount if only one is listed. 4) Subtract the
total amount of #3 from the amount of #1. 5) The answer is the amount of
Trans-fatty Acid in that product.

Fats That Can Be Safely Heated

Butter and tropical fats - coconut, palm, palm kernel, cocoa, and shea nut
- are safest for frying, because they contain only small quantities of
Essential Fatty-Acids(EFAs). The saturated fatty acids contained in these
fats/oils are inert and therefore heat stable. Heat does not destroy them
in the same way it destroys EFAs. Butter and tropical fats are best used
unhydrogenated. Only small amounts should be eaten, as they are sticky,
hard, saturated fatty acid-containing fats.

Tropical oils got a bad reputation for increasing cholesterol and
triglyceride levels that supposedly cause cardiovascular disease. An
unconfirmed rumor suggests that the soy bean industry financed the
successful campaign against tropical fats to kill imports and increase soy
bean sales. Tropical oils used in their country of origin have been shown
in several studies to decrease cholesterol levels. The difference in
results may be due to several causes: deterioration in tropical oils during
storage n(oxidation; processing (hydrogenation); differing experimental
design; or a combination of the above. Raw tropical oils are rich sources
of vitamin E and tocotrienols, which help protect arteries from damage
leading to cardiovascular disease(CVD). Olive oil imported from Italy is
safe for baking but not for frying or deep frying. But only imported
Italian olive oil as it is cold processed by law.

Liver and Gall Bladder Problems Improved

The metabolism of fat affects each and every organ. Anyone with liver and
gall bladder problems is quite aware of how fats affect them. In medicine
they say "Eat less fat", because it was observed that fats do not agree
with the sick person. However, if this person with liver and gall bladder
problems is given "good fat", i.e. live, highly unsaturated fat, it will
agree with him or her very well. It is best to use the threefold
unsaturated fat from flax seed oil or hemp seed oil, together with a
substance that makes it soluble (mix it with plain, low fat cottage cheese
or emulsify it with 2 or more ounces of low fat milk) before you take it.

Many serious medical problems can be solved on the simple basis of taking
flax seed oil or hemp seed oil and a sulfur containing protein.

Diseased organs react very favorably to this remedy. [Ed. Note: Also
Recommended: EPA capsules(fish oil) and Evening Primrose Oil capsules]. A
Special Report from The Road To Health . . . Using "The Clark Method"

Alcohols and glycosidcs in canola and soy oils shut down our protective
grid - the immune system. Fluoride, immunizations, antibiotics and bio-junk
food play a similar role in immune system collapse. An alcohol is a
chemistry term for the "reactive" chemical group on an organic molecule.
Those "R" groups are what make organic compounds work - for good and bad!
Canola alcohols and glycosides are very reactive. They are as toxic as
fermented alcohols, but their effects manifest differently. The damage
takes years to show up. In a future article, I will discuss the sweet
proteins in soy.

When the medical experts check your blood for the presence of the HIV
virus, they are looking at your white blood cell "count". If the numbers
are normal, they will tell you that you do not have HIV. What they don't
see is that the T cells are in a stupor. This opportunistic condition
causes life forms in the blood and nymph to metamorphose, manifest as
hepatitis, pneumonia and HIV, bypass the body's immune-system defenses(the
T cells) and get a foothold. As Claude Berard said, "The terrain is

Once inside the cells, HIV takes over the RNA and DNA. It uses the
mitochondria to produce energy for its own use. Quietly it multiplies, then
one day - BANG! - you wake up dying of AIDS.

Aids and Green Monkeys

In his earth-shaking book, "AIDS: The End of Civilization", Dr. William
Campbell Douglass asked, "Do you really think some green monkey all of a
sudden bit some guy in the ass and presto, AIDS all over the world?"

Dr. Douglass was examining the hype that the Centers for Disease Control in
Atlanta have been peddling to the public about the AIDS virus, HIV.
Douglas's book tells the "whole" story of the development of HIV at the Ft.
Detrick(Maryland) military installation. His story is well documented and
confirms the theme of the futuristic movie "Outbreak".

Lorenzo's Oil

Another film, "Lorenzo's Oil", offers a good example of how far off course
medical science has strayed and how muddled is the scientific mind. Early
on in the movie, the experts say the problem with the dying child is not in
the "math", i.e., pH. They are wrong.

Had the experts determined the pH of the saliva, urine and blood they would
have instantly known what they were up against: That the dying boy had a
chronically low total-body pH - so low that his fluids were dissolving the
myelin sheathing protecting his nerve fibers. This caused his nervous
system to disintegrate. Does this description sound like the dozens of
degenerative nerve-related disorders plaguing people today?

The boy was given Lorenzo's oil to boost energy output and act as a
detoxifier of metabolic poisons. The oil shocked his body into a less acid
condition. Lorenzo's oil is olive oil! When given in large quantities,
olive oil shocks the body and causes it to adjust its pH. It will also
safely purge the body of gall and liver stones, thus removing the need for
gall bladder surgery. (Yucca extract and PACs must precede the "flush")

Shortly after Lorenzo's oil was released, my brother saw an "expert" on a
TV talk show claim that Lorenzo's oil was rape seed oil. This was a lie.
Give rape oil to a sick person and you seal his or her doom. Here is
another good example of "disinformation" in the public domain. These
falsehoods should cause every thinking person to question the molding of
public opinion by the powerful commercial interests behind the scenes.

Blood Oils

By now it should be obvious that congested blood and lymph flow negatively
affect every part of the body. Moreover, using processed foods containing
canola oil, soy oil and chemical additives confuses the body and weakens
the immune system. It should come as no surprise that anyone wanting to
enjoy peak health and longevity must take personal control and
responsibility for his or her health and life. There is no other way!
"Health care industry" is an oxymoron; it protects its own health and
economic interests. Learn to protect your health and economic interests by
learning  how to take care of yourself. Then act on that knowledge. This
excerpt from John  Thomas' new book, Young again: How to Reverse the Aging
Process, published by Promotion Publishing, San Diego, has been edited
especially for Perceptions.


1) Bacteria inhabiting the cells of all animals. They produce and burn the
energy-carrying molecule adenosine triphosphate(ATP)
2) Soy contains phytohemaglutinin(PHG), a toxic biochemical that causes
blood to clot and combines with impurities to form plaque, obstructing
capillaries. PHG numbs immune system T cells, alters hormonal activity and
slows vital organ function. Its effects are cumulative.
) An area in the eye near the center of the retina in which visual
perception is most acute.
4) Water resonant a: 78 hertz, or earth frequency, pure, highly charged and
magnetic in its strong right-spin molecular charge.
5) A revitalizing tea made from a fungus-like organism
6) Proanthocyanidins, plant-derived antioxidants, free-radical scavengers.
7) A solid fatty acid, a nomologue of olaic acid, derived from oils of
mustard seeds and rape seeds.
8) See "The Devil's Bargain" Gene-altered food, Perceptions Nov/Dec/ 1995,
9) Any organic compound containing phosphorus, specifically one used as an
insecticide. eg. malathion, the "harmless" pesticide spray used to kill the
Med fly and blanket every living thing in California a few years ago and
again in 1994 and 1995, and in Texas in April, 1995.
10) A catch-all term used by doctors for the deterioration of the myelin
sheathing around the nerves, "-ova" means "tumor", but the condition could
as easily be "myelinosis". It is also often "Walking Legs Syndrome", and
causes its sufferers intense burning sensations they must walk off.
Perceptions  March/April 1996 (310) 313-5185 29.
11. "The Clark Method" Newsletter, Bonnie O'Sullivan, Editor/Publisher,
1547 Palos Verdes, #314, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Ph. 510-932-1293, FAX

Your Health produced by WORLDNEWSSTAND at

Copyright 1999. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Plastics As A Food Group?

"Plastics. An Important Part of Your Healthy Diet," boasts a flashy ad from
the American Plastics Council, adding "You could think of them as the
sixth  basic food group."

While this at first seems merely outrageous, a Consumers Union (CU) study
on  the migration of chemicals in plastic wrap into cheese reveals how
dangerously misleading this ad really is. CU scientists found that out of
19  cheddar cheese samples, the seven packed in clear polyvinyl chloride
(PVC)  plastic cling wrap, such as Reynolds or Saran wrap, contained the
plasticizer  DEHA at an average of 153 parts per million (PPM). This far
exceeds the 18  ppm limit on food migration set by the Commission of the
European Communities  for DEHA, which causes birth defects, reproductive
effects, and liver cancer  in lab animals.

Most of the DEHA that was an ingredient in the wrap ended up in the cheese,
CU estimated. In fact, plasticizer molecules can migrate from packaging
into  food until they are depleted. Migration begins immediately: A Danish
study  found that 44 to 58 ppm of DEHA leached into cheese within two hours
of being  packaged in PVC.

It's not just cling wrap we need to worry about. In some cases, packaging
made from PVC contains over 50% plasticizers, added to increase flexibility
of this inherently brittle plastic. PVC packaging for food can include
plastic trays in boxed cookies or chocolates, candy bar wrappers, and
bottles  often identified by the "#3" recycling label on the bottom.

The Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group (MASSPIRG) found that 5%
of  PVC bottles in a Massachusetts grocer stored food. These include
Planters  Peanut Oil and Appalachian Mountain spring water, among others.
"Our unique  container keeps the spring water tasting like spring water,
and not like  plastic," the Appalachian Mountain label proudly proclaims!

Other foods packaged in PVC include meat and poultry in cling wrap; Natural
Milled Cane Sugar (Florida Crystal Refinery); Cafe Tiera (Coffee Bean
International); Peter Pan Smart Choice peanut butter (Hunt Wesson); Borden
and Parade creamers; and Salma and Gourmet Style spices.

What can you do? If you must use cling wrap, buy polyethylene-based
Handi-Wrap and Glad wrap, which contain no PVC and thus no DEHA. For the
MASSPIRG report "It's Perfectly Clear: The Case Against PVC Packaging,"
call  (617) 292-4800. For a list of products packaged in PVC and a sample
letter to  send to manufacturers, send a business-size SASE to Mothers
 Others, PVC  Packaging, 40 W. 20th St., New York, NY 10011-4211.

(From The Green Guide)

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

The following was said by Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, during a real-time
conference event that took place February 4, 1996, in Natural Medicine
forum on CompuServe, entitled, "Fluoride: The Silent Killer".

"In 1990 the Chief Toxicologist of the Office of Drinking Water, whose name
is Dr.  William Marcus, came out and claimed that the results from the US
Public Health Service clearly showed that fluoride caused cancer. But since
1990 the US Public Health Service, who has endorsed fluoridation since
1950, has tried to cover up this link. In 1992, because of his statements,
Dr. Marcus was fired from the US EPA. Thereupon he filed suit, was
reinstated in 1994, with a court finding that the only reason he was fired
was because of pressures brought upon the EPA to shut him up.

"The action continues against us; the more we show the harmful effects, the
more the promoters promote fluoridation. In 1995, the California
legislature, at a time when there's more evidence to show fluoridation's
harmful than ever before, passed a mandatory fluoridation bill for all of

"Needless to say, the worthless politicians in both the Senate and the
House (remember, this was passed overwhelmingly in both houses) along with
their equally worthless governor, Wilson, found it easy -- with the
pressure from organizations like AMA, ADA, American Hospital Association,
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, and their state and local
affiliates, easily went along with the pressures and passed this
fluoridation legislation.

"... Fluoride has an adverse effect on cells which elaborate a protein
called collagen or their type. For example, the discoloration in teeth we
see as a result of fluoride at 1 ppm in the drinking water is due to its
interference with the proper extrusion of collagen-like proteins in the
enamel part of the teeth, which results in over-calcification of some parts
of the tooth and under-calcification of other parts.

"We get the same thing in bone, which leads to over-calcified brittle bone
in some parts, in other parts totally uncalcified bone. And ligaments and
tendons (again made of collagen synthesized by fibroblasts) which should
not be calcified at all, become calcified, leading to problems with
ligaments and tendons -- and, in addition to that, even [fluoride-affected]
protein collagen that is not calcified, since it does not appear to be
normal to the body, elicits an immune response causing auto-immune
reactions, which in turn lead to rheumatoid arthritis -- this, in addition
to the osteoarthritis caused when ligaments and tendons become calcified.

"On an entirely separate issue, fluoride used to be used at the turn of the
century to depress thyroid activity; and those who now live in fluoridated
areas will suffer from Chronic Fatigue, which by the way is listed in the
PDR as one side effect of those people drinking the amount of fluoride
found in a quart of fluoridated water."

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