-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: David Goldman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 8:27 PM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Al Gore and Drugs (II)

From: David Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

               John C. Warnecke
               Exclusive to The Week Online
               By Adam J. Smith

               John C. Warnecke worked as a reporter for the
               Nashville Tennessean and was a close personal
               friend of the Gores. Warnecke is the son of John Carl
               Warnecke, architect for the John F. Kennedy
               gravesite. The Week Online spoke with Mr. Warnecke
               by phone this week.

               The Week Online: Mr. Warnecke, Vice President Gore
               has said that he used marijuana 'on several
               occasions' and 'not since he was twenty-four.' But
               you say that you have first-hand knowledge that his
               use was more extensive than he has previously

               John C. Warnecke: Yes, I do. I have first hand
               knowledge that he has not told the truth about his drug
               use. Al Gore and I smoked regularly, as buddies.
               Marijuana, hash. I was his regular supplier. I didn't deal
               dope, I just gave it to him. We smoked more than once,
               more than a few times, we smoked a lot. We smoked in
               his car, in his house, we smoked in his parents' house,
               in my house… we smoked on weekends. We smoked a

               Al Gore and I were smoking marijuana together right up
               to the time that he ran for Congress in 1976. Right up
               through the week he declared for that race, in fact.

               WOL: And after that?

               JCW: After that he began to distance himself from me. I
               was bad for his political career.

               WOL: During the course of the 1988 campaign, you
               told the New York Times and the Nashville
               Tennessean that you had smoked marijuana with Al

               JCW: A few times. And I told them that he didn't like it.

               WOL: Why didn't you tell the truth at that time?

               JCW: I was put under a lot of pressure to lie.

               WOL: Who was pressuring you?

               JCW: The answer to that question is in the excerpt that
               Newsweek decided not to run. It's in the Turque book.
               Right now, I'm going to leave it at that.

               WOL: So what made you decide to come forward

               JCW: It's because I've been under a lot of stress. My
               conscience has been killing me ever since then. I
               actually came forward months ago when Bill (Turque)
               interviewed me for the book. I had been told that this
               story would come out, that the public would know this
               by now. But then the book date was pushed back, and
               Newsweek pulled the story. The only thing that I can
               assume is that Newsweek is covering this up, protecting
               the Gore campaign by refusing to run this before the
               primaries. I decided that I had to go ahead and tell it. I
               really feel that the public has a right to know this at
               this time, and I was having trouble living with myself
               being part of the hypocrisy and the lies.

               WOL: Hypocrisy?

               JCW: Yes. The drug laws in this country are ruining the
               lives of hundreds of thousands of young people, mostly
               poor young people, people who don't come from
               privileged backgrounds and wealthy families. It just
               doesn't make sense that we have a war on drugs. It
               doesn't work, and the politicians refuse to talk about it.
               That suffering and that hypocrisy has weighed very
               heavily on my conscience. I have a saying that I use,
               and that is: "who raised you?" In other words, were you
               raised with a conscience? Mine has made my life very
               difficult ever since I became part of the hypocrisy. I
               couldn't live with the lie anymore. Not and stay sober.

               WOL: How long have you been sober?

               JCW: Twenty-one years.

               WOL: Congratulations. So, after twenty-one years of
               sobriety, do you consider Al Gore a criminal for his
               drug use?

               JCW: I don't consider drug use a criminal act. Is drug
               use a poor choice? Yes. Is it risky behavior? Yes. Does
               it make any sense -- has it gotten us anywhere as a
               society to criminalize it? Absolutely not. Unless you
               consider it progress that we're spending more on prisons
               than on higher education, and still the drugs are
               everywhere. But politicians refuse to talk about this
               issue honestly.

               WOL: And what would you have Al Gore say about it?

               JCW: I wish Al would come clean. I wish that all
               politicians would come clean and deal with this in a
               rational manner. Look at all the damage the silence is

               WOL: And Newsweek?

               JCW: Newsweek cut off information that the American
               people should have had in order to make an informed
               decision. Knowing that Al Gore used drugs considerably
               more than he has admitted is important. Let the
               American people draw their own conclusions about it, let
               them decide how important it is.

               We need to quit lying about it. Quit hiding it. To my
               mind, Newsweek censored this, they covered it up. And
               I think that the perpetuation of that silence over time
               has allowed us to go on jailing kids. Kids who are much
               younger and less equipped to deal with life than Al Gore
               was when we were using drugs together.

               I want any candidate that is running for president to be
               honest about their drug use. And then we can start
               being honest with ourselves about how best to deal
               with society's drug problem.

               WOL: So you don't think that his past drug use, even
               his extensive drug use, should disqualify Al Gore from
               the nomination?

               JCW: I'm going to vote for Al Gore.

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               Tel. (202) 293-8340
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