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Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: MichaelP [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2000 7:15 AM
To: unlikely suspects: ;
Subject: U$ Senator Helms tells UN ( and everybody else) how to behave


Friday, January 21 1:44 AM SGT

Do not encroach on sovereignty, Helms tells UN


The most prominent US critic of the United Nations, Senator Jesse Helms,
came here Thursday and said he wanted "a new beginning" in the US-UN
relationship but warned the world body not to encroach on American

Helms, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, also said that
if the United Nations on full payment of US contributions it would be "the
beginning of the end" of American support for the UN.

He told the Security Council that it had "a mixed record" in countering

The speech was heard in silence. There was no applause at the end.

Some of his fiercest comments were directed at the International Criminal
Court (ICC), established by treaty in Rome in 1998 but yet to take form.
Helms led efforts to exempt US soldiers from the provisions of the court.

The first US legislator to address the council, Helms said he wanted "to
extend the hand of friendship."

It was important, he said, "that this body have greater contact with the
elected representatives of the American people, and that we have greater
contact with you."

His speech was described as "historic" by US Ambassador Richard Holbrooke,
who holds the rotating monthly presidency of the council.

The permanent representatives of all 15 council members were present in
the council chamber.

Ambassadors representing many other UN countries were in the public
gallery to hear Helms express "our desire for a new beginning in the US-UN

Earlier, Helms met the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan.

Helms was due to chair a meeting of his committee in New York on Friday to
discuss UN reform and the future of US-UN relations.

He told the council he had received "literally thousands of letters from
Americans all across the country expressing their deep frustration with
this institution."

They had seen the majority in the UN General Assembly vote against the
United States, he said.

They had heard "the raucous cheering" of delegates to the ICC treaty
conference, he said.

"They see the UN aspiring to establish itself as the central authority of
a new international order of global laws and global governance," he said

"This is an international order the American people will not accept," he

"International law did not defeat Hitler, nor did it win the Cold War," he

He told the council that although it had reacted "admirably" to the Iraqi
invasion of Kuwait in 1990, it had since failed to stop Iraqi President
Saddam Hussein from acquiring weapons of mass destruction.

It had been "paralysed" over Kosovo and had failed to protect the people
of Bosnia from genocide, he said.

"No UN institution -- not the Security Council, nor the Yugoslav tribunal,
nor a future ICC -- is competent to judge the foreign policy and national
security decisions of the United States," Helms went on.

"No treaty or law can ever supersede the one document that all Americans
hold sacred: the US constitution," he said.

Helms is the co-author of a bill that set conditions on the part payment
of the United States dues to the United Nations. The bill became law in

The bill, co-authored by Senator Joseph Biden, capped US arrears at 926
million dollars. The UN estimates the arrears at more than 1.5 billion.

The bill, passed by 98 votes to one in the US Senate last year, stipulated
that the United Nations accept the lower figure as one of five
preconditions for payment.

It also insisted on a new scale reducing US contributions to the UN's
general and peacekeeping budgets, and that the UN adopt a zero-growth

The United States was "the single largest investor in the United Nations,"
Helms said, and "the American people rightly expect a return" from their


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