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----- Original Message ----- From: Mike Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc:
<recipient list not shown: ;> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 12:02 AM
Subject: 60% of Abductees are GAY!(not that there's anything wrong with

The Keith Basterfield Network Australasia -

_______________________________________________ Greetings Abduction
Researchers and Therapists,

"It has also been noted by a number of researchers that gay men and women
are overwhelmingly represented in the abduction population.  One estimate
suggests that as many as 60 percent of those claiming abduction are also
gay." (pg.292-The Abduction Enigma)

Did that arouse your curiosity?  Then read what follows!

______________________ "The Abduction Enigma" The Truth behind the mass
alien abductions of the late 20th century. by Kevin D.  Randle, Russ Estes,
and William P.  Cone, PHD.

"This is an important book that everyone concerned with the alien abduction
phenomenon should read.  This book deserves a careful reading by all who are
concerned with abduction research and the victims involved ~ especially
those who are willing to re-examine some of their basic assumptions and put
them to the test.  The skeptical case against the physical reality of alien
abduction has never been made more brilliantly or powerfully." (by Michael
Miley from UFO MAG-USA-Dec'99)

I have to agree with the above recommendation.  I actually found this book
at our modest public library, so look for it at your library first.  This is
the kind of book that "cries out" for someone more qualified and more
knowledgeable than me to review and respond to it.  I can only say that
after collecting and reading just about every book, magazine, article and
video from just about every "alien abduction" researcher, therapist,
abductee and/or experiencer, this new skeptical book challenges just about
everything I thought I knew about the alien abduction phenomena.

Here are a few random quotes that jumped out at me from this new book: (my
comments & questions follow in parenthesis)

1) "Most abduction researchers routinely withhold specific information from
the public as a way of cross-checking the validity of an abduction story.
These 'secret clues', when mentioned by someone claiming abduction, provide
some validation for the new tale." (pg.59)

(for example, I've heard that the "grays" as described by Whitley Strieber
and featured on the cover of his infamous book, "Communion" are not exactly
what they appear to be.  I've heard that those "grays" were not bald, but
had fine wispy white hair. So the popular image of the "big-bald-headed"
alien is not true but has come to be accepted worldwide.  It makes you
wonder how much information published on abductions is either incorrect or
misleading from the researchers we have come to rely on. So how can we in
the public domain ever hope to know what's really going on if every
researcher and witness is hiding "secret clues"?)

2) "The sexual component of the abductions has been reduced to reproductive
experimentation or genetic research, but when examined carefully, it is
little more than sexual intercourse. This is an important aspect that has
been generally ignored by those conducting abduction research.  A very high
percentage of both male and female abductees that we interviewed openly
stated a sexual preference of homosexuality or bisexuality.  An equally high
number were hypersexual and highly promiscuous in their human sex lives.  Of
the remaining abductees at least half of them claimed they had no sex drive
whatsoever.  That leaves us with a very low number of abductees who claim to
have what would be considered a 'normal' sex life.  Beyond that, however, as
many as
90 percent of the abductees have some kind of sexual dysfunction. Their
tales of rape and sexual activity on board the UFO are evidences of these
sexual problems." (pg.97-100)

(The sex issue raises it's ugly head here, but take for example the case of
Jesse Long, as profiled on my "ALIEN UPDATE-DEC'99 videotape, featuring
clips from "Confirmation" and the "Roseanne Files".  This lifelong abductee
has been forced to give up his "precious fluids" to aliens during hundreds
of encounters. And he is also "gay" (not that there's anything wrong with
that!:->) Yet nowhere in the abduction literature or from the accounts of
"gay abductees" like Jesse Long do we find any descriptions of "gay sexual
activity or fantasies" taking place during these alien encounters.  So after
all these years and literally millions of abductions, and subsequent
invasive examinations and mindscans, these single-minded aliens have
seemingly failed to grasp that humans have different sexual orientations.
Why don't these aliens use "gay" imagery and activity to excite and extract
bodily "precious fluids" and emotional bonding from "gay" abductees? I guess
there's no such thing as a "gay alien" or we would have heard something
about that by now!  So it would appear that Mars really does need

3) "There are those who remember their abduction without the aid of
hypnosis, but many of those 'conscious' memories first surfaced in dreams.
These witnesses are later convinced that the dreams are real and not
fantasy." (pg.142)

(This has always been a big bone of contention.  Could we ever get accurate
figures on how many abductees remembered their "encounter" without hypnosis,
how many with hypnosis only, how many were actually conscious during the
whole or parts of it, and how many remembered only after reporting their
dreams? According to these skeptics, no abductee can establish the reality
of a genuine alien abduction without the aid of an well-intentioned but
misinformed abduction hypno-therapist, and the reinforcement of the popular
media and culture.  They also say that there's "something" in the human mind
that creates these kinds of tales on a regular basis, as shown by
traditional folklore, satanic ritual abuse, multiple personalities, and now
with "alien abductions" and spacecraft. Are we unknowingly helping to create
the very phenomenon that we are trying to understand?)

4) "Not one study has ever shown the existence of screen memories, or that
the mind can produce them.  There is no evidence that people use sexual
abuse as a screen memory to protect themselves from the trauma of being
abducted.  The only evidence eof this has come from 'abduction researchers'
repeatedly using hypnosis.  A well-trained therapist knows that traumatic
memories are not repressed, and that screen memories do not exist, according
to current psychological thought.  What is not addressed here is that if, in
fact, aliens can instill memories, how can one be sure that the entire
abduction event doesn't consist of these sorts of memories?  Maybe people
aren't actually undergoing any of the procedures they recall. The whole
experience could be instilled, and not necessarily by alien abductors."

(Obviously, there is a considerable gap between popular and professional
opinions on critical subjects like recovered and false memory, the value and
misuse of hypnosis, and the psychology of sleep disorders and sexual
dysfunction.  How can we pop the balloons of misconception and get at the
truth of how the human mind really works during these life-altering
"encounters" with the unknown?)

5) "According to the experts and scientific evidence, there is no difference
between a real memory and an induced memory. The scientific data and
findings bear this out in study after study. In fact, even the psychologists
who do the research have been surprised by the results because facts we
thought to be true about memory turn out to be myths.  These myths provide
what most of us believe about memory.  We have been told by various
'authorities', that memory is the storehouse of everything we have ever
seen, felt, experienced, or done.  We are told that memory is like a giant
videotape on which everything we have ever see, done, or participated in is
recorded with the accuracy of videotape. And while that point has been
strongly contested by psychologists and scientific evidence, we learn that
the real purpose of memory is not to store data (that's a computer's job),
but to allow us to function on a day-to-day basis.  Memory is not meant to
be an accurate record of our past or even a storehouse of our experience but
rather an inner representation of who we are and how we feel.  More
important, it does not have to be very accurate to carry out these everyday
functions.  Most people do not realize just how bad their memory really is."
(pg 286-7)

(It would seem to me that our understanding of human "memory" is a crucial
aspect to the research and validation of alien abductions. So how can we get
an accurate consensus on how memory really works? This also reminds me of a
spoken sample from the Monkees movie soundtrack album: "The central nervous
system, which feeds its impulses directly to the brain, both conscious and
subconscious, cannot distinquish between the real experience and the vividly
imagined experience.")

6) "The desire to be an abductee or the victim of abuse is not a conscious
choice.  It's actually the combination of a weak sense of self and desperate
need to fit in somewhere.  Many abductees wear their experience like a badge
of honor.  It is the strongest sense of identity they have ever had.  And
contrary to the opinion of most researchers, it is, in fact, a club that
people will fight to belong to." (pg.291)

(In addition to all the books, magazine articles, and videos, we now see
websites from just about every researcher and abductee in every country.
Contamination of witness accounts is at an all-time high.  It's like trying
to see the stars on a cloudy night.)

7) "Support group members are no longer people with problems; instead they
are "abductees", multiples, survivors of incest, and codependents.  Instead
of people moving towards resolving their problems, they now learn to
incorporate them into the very core of their identity.  The recovery support
groups of today are based on the premises.  (1) All psychopathology is
caused by abuse. (2) Most abused memories are repressed.  (3) The path to
healing is to remember the abuse, and often to attack the abusers.  (4) The
person is forever to be labeled as "recovering".  (5) Recovering people need
group support in order to function in society. And instead of being a short
span of time in which a person recovers from a negative experience, recovery
has now been redefined as a never-ending, lifelong process." (pg.308)

(So a good question for researchers and abductees would be; how long should
one remain in therapy or a support group to overcome the negative effects of
an alien abduction and yet avoid allowing the experience to define one's
life and identity?

8) "Keith Basterfield, in the International UFO Reporter, wrote 'Given that
alien implants are said to have been introduced into us, for what purpose
are they placed there?  A fairly consistent, small range of options exists.'
He expands on the idea of a tracking device, writing that others have
speculated that the devices might not only be for tracking but for
monitoring, communications, or even control." (pg.318)

(This was the only reference I found to an Australian Abduction researcher.)

9) "But how many alien beings, how many ships, and how much equipment is
necessary to abduct so many people?  A group of American researchers,
looking only at the numbers for American abductions, postulated a fleet of
75 ships, each with a crew of 16.  It defies logic, but the researchers are
still crunching the numbers to prove that alien abduction is not only real
but common." (pg.344)

(It appears that the authors of this book have not seen the formidable
report by Australia's own abduction researchers such as Robert Marx, Rocco
Delillo, and Mathew Favloro, who also made an admirable attempt to estimate
the logistics of abduction in their
1988 release of "UFOs~ The Conveyor Belt ~ The Real Size of the Problem."
Look it up on the Australian Encounters website:
http://www.flex.com.au/~eagle1/ or go to direct link:

10) "The whole concept, in the vast majority of abduction cases, was the
belief of the researcher.  If we look at the history of psychology we see no
case in which someone undergoing hypnosis for something else such as to lose
weight or stop smoking spontaneously came up with an abduction story.  In
other words, as demonstrated time and time again, if the researcher believed
in something other than alien abduction, then the subject manifested those
symptoms. The abductee sought out someone doing abduction research, so it
should be no surprise that the researcher found the tale of alien abduction.
The theory of researcher manipulation, though subtle and sometimes
unconscious, explains how and why some people believe they have been
abducted by aliens. For too long, we have been persuaded by 'authorities'
who tell us that alien abduction is real.  They present case after case,
demanding that we prove that the abduction isn't real. But that isn't the
way science is supposed to work. The researchers who claim the abnormality
are required to prove that it exists.  They have failed to do so."

(This is how the book concludes.  The largest share of it's skeptical
arguments are against the "abduction researcher and therapist". In fact,
about a third of the book is aimed directly at the abduction researcher and
the role they may play in manufacturing the "alien abduction scenario".  I
for one, would sure like to see some rational responses and healthy debate
from researchers and abductees to the detailed and well presented skeptical
arguments in this book. At the very least, reading this thought-provoking
book should "rustle some feathers" out there! Give it a fair go!  You might
even learn something new!)

___________________________ THINK GLOBALLY~ACT LOCALLY
Mike Farrell PO Box 2526 Port Macquarie New South Wales Australia 2444

Director of Project GUFONE 2000 (Global UFO News/video Exchange)

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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