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                                              The Insanity of Psychiatry

                                                        by Jim Peron

                             In our secular age psychiatry has become
the new religion and the psychiatrist has
                             become the new priest. Psychiatry is
mystical in that the lay person can’t understand it
                             and in that it claims to be able to explain
life to us. Let anything unusual happen and the
                             media seeks out some psychiatrist who can
“explain” it. In the past a tragedy would bring
                             out priests and ministers. Today such
events are plagued with hordes of counselors and
                             therapists. We have instant analysis at our
fingertips — not even the oracles of Delphi
                             worked this efficiently. If man is a
religious being torn between mysticism and reason, then
                             psychiatry is his attempt to fuse the two.

                             Psychiatry is a powerful entity in our
legal and social system. It can be used to exonerate
                             those guilty of committing crimes, and it
can be used to incarcerate those who have
                             committed no crime. It can persuade judges
to grant or deny child custody, etc. In his
                             book The Power of Psychiatry, Jonas
Robitscher, who is both a lawyer and a
                             psychiatrist, listed 51 ways that
psychiatrists can exert power. And, no doubt, since the
                             book’s publication new powers have been
granted. But psychiatric power is based on
                             myths. What power psychiatry has, comes
from our belief in those myths. A closer look
                             reveals how silly these myths can be.

                                                 Psychiatrists Study

                             For years adolescents were warned of the
dangers of masturbation. Hairy hands,
                             blindness, and a host of infirmities, would
strike the practitioner of “solitary vice.” These
                             attitudes came from the anti-sexual side of
religion and they seem rather foolish to today’s
                             more enlightened mind. But what is often
forgotten is that psychiatry picked up these
                             Victorian attitudes about sex — lock,
stock, and chastity belt. One can make the case
                             that psychiatry disguised Victorian
religion by dressing it in scientific drag.

                             One of the most interesting examples of
this appeared in the New Orleans Medical and
                             Surgical Journal from just over a century
ago. An editorial in this respected medical
                             journal warned that “neither plague, nor
war, nor smallpox, nor a crowd of similar evils,
                             have resulted more disastrously for
humanity than the habit of masturbation: it is the
                             destroying element of civilized humanity.”
The clergy picked up on “scientific” warnings of
                             this kind to bolster their own
anti-pleasure beliefs. So, first psychiatry took its clues from
                             the clergy and then the clergy quoted
psychiatry. Thus, using each other for support, they
                             set up a system difficult for the layman of
that day to crack.

                             Of course, we know that enlightenment was
to come. Didn’t Freud appear on the scene
                             and redeem us from this insanity? No! Freud
remystified (falsely approached) morality by
                             adding the concept of the subconscious. Now
the evil still existed, but we didn’t know
                             why we were evil. Instead of demons and
devils driving the wicked, the force was in their
                             mind and called the subconscious.
Psychoanalysis, therefore, would serve as the great

                             There has been some progress among
psychiatrists in the way they view masturbation. At
                             the beginning it was said to cause all
sorts of “mental illnesses.” Then Freud tied it only to
                             neurosis. Later, the eminent psychiatrist
Karl Menninger proclaimed that it wasn’t a
                             mental illness at all. However, his
revision claimed that “masturbation occasions a heavy
                             burden of guilt, because in the unconscious
mind it always represents aggression against
                             someone.” According to this well-known
psychiatrist people masturbate because they are
                             angry, not because they are horny.

                                             From 'Sin', to 'Mental
Illness', to 'Therapy'

                             The issue of masturbation shows clearly the
confusion inherent in psychiatric theory.
                             When the general moral climate declared
masturbation sinful the psychiatrist called it
                             mental illness. He could do that because
mental illness is created by a psychiatrist
                             labeling an act as “mental illness.”
Psychiatrists create the diseases they pretend to
                             cure by an act of rhetorical fiat. When the
moral climate changed so did the
                             nomenclature. In fact, today masturbation
is no longer called a mental illness — now it is
                             considered a therapy. “Sexperts” Masters
and Johnson have proclaimed a lack of
                             masturbation to be a problem. This new
illness is called “masturbatory orgasmic
                             inadequacy.” It is found in women who have
“not achieved orgasmic release by partner or
                             self-stimulation in either homosexual or
heterosexual experience."

                             Freud, in his attack on masturbation,
pointed out that young men seduced by women at
                             an early age don’t develop neurasthenia (a
neurotic condition which he claimed resulted
                             from masturbation). On the other hand,
women seduced by men at an early age become
                             frigid. One need not point out that this is
the old double standard medicalized. Sexually
                             active young men avoid mental illness while
similar sexual activity for young women
                             causes it. Freud obviously did not consider
with whom these young men were supposed
                             to be sexually active. Young women have
been ruled out; older women would only raise
                             the mother-figure concept. This did leave
other young men—but homosexuals have long
                             been a favored psychiatric scapegoat.

                             The purpose of psychiatry is to treat
mental illness. The goal of the psychiatrist is to make
                             “sick” people well. That is simple enough.
But the problem compounds when someone
                             has the audacity to ask what is meant by
the term “mental illness.” One psychiatric
                             textbook admitted: “diagnosis is, more or
less, an arbitrary matter.” Even the US
                             Supreme Court admitted that mental illness
“is to a large extent based on medical
                             impressions drawn from subjective analysis
and filtered through the experience of the
                             diagnostician. This process often makes it
very difficult for the expert physician to offer
                             definite conclusions about any particular

                                              Be Careful Whose Voice You
Listen To

                             In one rather well-known experiment, a
group of college students were sent to psychiatric
                             institutions over a period of time. The
students were told to say they heard voices but to
                             be totally truthful in their responses on
everything else. They were also instructed to act
                             normal in every way. The bulk of the
students were admitted for “therapy,” since the
                             psychiatrists couldn’t tell the sane from
the insane. When the nature of the experiment was
                             revealed, the institutions were quite
embarrassed by the incident. The professor who
                             conducted the study then announced that it
would be repeated over the next few months
                             with other subjects. The admission rate at
these institutions dropped dramatically after the
                             announcement. This proved that once again
the psychiatrists were impotent, since in fact
                             no further test subjects had been sent to

                             As mentioned earlier, the psychiatric
establishment has called homosexuality a mental
                             illness for years. Under political pressure
they voted this mental illness out of
                             existence. The psychiatrists, however,
haven’t been willing to surrender one victim unless
                             they can replace him with another. The new
“patient” is the homophobe who
                             contaminated with “homophobia” which is the
dislike of homosexuality and homosexuals.

                             One therapist went so far as to say: “I
would never consider a patient healthy unless he
                             had overcome his prejudice against
homosexuality.” This same psychiatrist wrote an entire
                             book to examine this “disease called
homophobia.” So, here we have one of the great
                             psychiatric reversals (similar to the one
that has taken place regarding masturbation). At
                             one time the homosexual was sick. This
justified psychiatric incarceration, electric shock
                             therapy, frontal lobotomies, and a host of
other tortures. Then gays fought back and now
                             homosexuality per se is no longer a mental
illness — it’s been voted out of existence. Of
                             course psychiatrists now tell us that the
anti-homosexual is mentally ill. This, I assume,
                             would include the 40 per cent of
psychiatrists in the American Psychiatric Association
                             who voted to retain homosexuality as an

                             Don’t get the impression that psychiatry
has retreated from anti-homosexuality. It hasn’t.
                             Today one isn’t necessarily ill if they are
homosexual, but they are if they are gay and
                             don’t like it. There is, of course, no
similar category of mental illness for heterosexuals
                             who don’t want to be heterosexual.
Psychiatry has thus managed to condemn both
                             homophobes and homosexuals alike. They
didn’t actually abolish one "mental illness" ....
                             they simply redrew the lines of demarcation
and in the process created a whole new
                             mental disease. It should be noted how easy
it is for the psychiatric profession to
                             create new mental illnesses by simply
taking a vote. After all, if disease could rely
                             upon medical consensus for it to exist,
then the medical profession could abolish cancer
                             overnight. But real medicine is (or should
be) determined by objective, scientific facts, and
                             not the subjective moral opinions of its

                                          The Wonderful New Mental
Illness: Homophobia

                             Some gays thought the new line of
demarcation and the disease it created — homophobia
                             — was wonderful. It was touted by some as a
major victory for gay liberation. The
                             National Gay Rights Task Force, in the US,
called homophobia “a flawed personality
                             trait” which “mental health professionals
have identified.” At a conference sponsored by
                             gay groups, one speaker announced:
“Homophobia is the problem, not homosexuality.
                             Homophobia is the pathology, not

                             Now, by making bigotry a "mental illness,"
one thereby removes the bigot from the realm
                             of morality and places him in the medical
realm instead. This reclassification of bigotry
                             establishes a foundation for the
exoneration of the bigot. Such a theory of bigotry would,
                             for example, serve well the interests of
past perpetrators of apartheid. They could defend
                             their crimes by claiming “diminished mental
capacity” due to “the disease of negrophobia.”
                             Instead of a Truth Commission we could
create a commission of psychiatrists to treat the
                             poor victims of this new disease.

                             This is virtually what happened in the case
of Dan White, the assassin of San Francisco
                             Mayor George Moscone and gay city
Supervisor Harvey Milk. White couldn’t be
                             inflicted with the disease of homophobia
and be responsible for his crime at the same
                             time. By medicalizing White’s actions the
court was saying that the assassinations were
                             actually a symptom of his disease. The
trial of White ended with him being found to suffer
                             from “diminished capacity” and he received
a slap-on-the-wrist sentence. The city’s gay
                             population was shocked; but large segments
of their own leadership had established the
                             foundation on which this exoneration was
based by accepting the existence of a phony
                             disease called “homophobia”.

                             It is the fact that no definition for
mental illness exists that makes psychiatry so flexible.
                             The choices are endless and limited only by
the imagination of the psychiatrist. About the
                             only group free of such charges are the
psychiatrists themselves, although one could
                             charge them with paranoia since they are so
quick to accuse people of being mentally ill.

                                               The Psychopathology of

                             Dr. Irving Bieber, a prominent
psychiatrist, once told Time magazine: “There is increasing
                             recognition that bachelorhood is
symptomatic of psychopathology." There’s even a
                             category of mental illness for smokers.
It’s called a “Tobacco Use Disorder” and is
                             revealed “when the use of the substance is
directly associated with stress at the need to
                             use the substance repeatedly; or there is
evidence of a serious tobacco-related physical
                             disorder in the individual who is judged to
be physiologically dependent upon tobacco.”

                             Since we don’t know what a mental illness
is, then anything can be used to cure it and
                             anyone can be said to suffer from it.
Therapies can come and go as quickly as the
                             illnesses. In fact, as shown earlier, the
two can reverse themselves.

                             Today psychotherapy takes on many forms.
About any activity the human mind can
                             conceive of, the psychiatric mind can call
therapeutic. Back in the days when Jesus was
                             considered something of a therapist,
instead of a patient, he met a madman whose major
                             symptom was to run about nude. Today Jesus
would be quite surprised, and Beau
                             Brummel quite thrilled, to learn that
nudity is a therapy. Some therapists have claimed
                             that sexual intercourse with their patients
is therapeutic. As many as 10 per cent
                             have admitted to engaging in such
“therapy.” Other therapists have recommended
                             prostitutes for their patients, and Masters
and Johnson have even dispensed prostitutes to
                             clients like some doctors dispense pills.

                             Today the major concern with the abuse of
psychiatry revolves around the courts and the
                             insanity defense plea. As Dr. Thomas Szasz
has pointed out, in addition to accusing the
                             innocent, psychiatry has made big business
out of excusing the guilty. Some “syndrome”
                             or “illness” can easily be found to excuse
virtually any criminal act. And the more
                             horrendous the crime the more obvious the
disease to the psychiatrist. After all “sane
                             people don’t.......(fill in the crime of
your choice).”

                                                   "Truth" is a Mental

                             The great problem with psychiatric
testimony is that one can say anything and not be guilty
                             of perjury. And it often happens just that
way. The defense psychiatrist says the defendant
                             was insane and the prosecution psychiatrist
says he wasn’t. Which one is lying? Neither
                             one—but they can’t both be telling the
truth. But in psychiatry there is no “truth”. If
                             anything, the desire to find “truth” is
probably evidence that one is mentally disturbed. In
                             psychiatry there is only subjective,
individual moral judgments. There is no science.
                             Where other witnesses are told to limit
their testimony to the facts, psychiatrists
                             are specifically allowed to interpret the
facts as subjectively as they wish.

                             The psychiatrist began to worm his way into
the courts about fifty years ago. His eventual
                             goal is the total medicalization of society
via the legal process. Leading forensic
                             psychiatrist Manfred Guttmacher wanted
court psychiatrists to sit in on trials. “It is my
                             belief that the time has arrived or had I
better say, is fast approaching, when the
                             psychiatrist would be of more assistance to
the court, in all cases in which psychiatric
                             issues are pertinent, if he were more
closely related to the judge. This psychiatrist, as I
                             envisage him, would be a sworn court
official, specifically trained for his task, who would
                             sit in the particular courtroom in which he
was needed, free to give and even offer advice
                             to the judge on psychiatric issues ... Such
a sworn court official could be available for
                             consultation with any of the trial judges —
even perhaps with judges at the appellate court

                             It is surprising that Dr. Guttmacher didn’t
suggest replacing judges with psychiatrists and
                             doing away with the middle man. Karl
Menninger, a psychiatrist famous for claiming the
                             punishment of criminals is a crime itself,
said: “Psychiatry must sooner or later totally
                             displace existing legal methods.” And noted
psychiatrist Brock Chisholm went even
                             further when he said that “the and eventual
eradication of the concept of right and wrong
                             ... are the belated objective of
practically all effective psychotherapy.”

                             The end result of the medicalization of
society would be the therapeutic state: the rule of
                             the psychiatocracy. An editorial in the
American Journal of Psychiatry stated: “As
                             studies of the effects of social and inner
forces on human behavior, we are uniquely
                             qualified to help social policy makers
devise ways to make our science and technology
                             work better for us.” And a former president
of the American Psychiatric Association
                             proclaimed: “As I see it our professional
borders are virtually unlimited.” However this
                             idea of rule-by-the-psychiatrist caused one
therapist to write: “This dangerous games of
                             ‘no limits’ has [given] psychiatrists and
psychologists ... the license to become politically
                             active; experts on architecture,
consultants to astronauts, students of porpoises, advisers
                             on urban renewal and commentators, orators
or authors on virtually anything.”

                             The future belongs to the psychiatrist. His
goal is the complete medicalization of society:
                             the world as patient and the rule if the
psychiatocracy. Since the psychiatrist has a vested
                             interest in diagnosing as many people as
possible as mentally ill, the whole process can
                             continue till the world is divided between
the masses who are patients and the elite few
                             who are therapists. If you don’t believe
it, you’re crazy.

                             Jim Peron is a South African journalist who
was interviewed by Alberto Mingardi in a
                             recent issue of The Laissez Faire City
Times. He has recently finished a book entitled
                             Two Masters: the Conflict Between
Christianity and Capitalism.
                             Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


                                    from The Laissez Faire City Times,
Vol 4, No 5, January 31, 2000

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