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Are "alien abductions" a cover story for brutal experiments carried out by
US intelligence agencies in the quest for total domination of the human
mind? American UFO researcher Martin Cannon suggests this may be the case in
his essay ' The Controllers : A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction ' :

I posit that the abductees HAVE been abducted.
Yet they are also spewing fantasy - or more
precisely, they have been given a set of lies to
repeat and believe.

A variety of US intelligence agencies have been carrying out mind control
research since the Second World War, including the infamous CIA Project
MKULTRA ( 1953 - 62 ) which explored the possibilities of hypnosis,
conditioning, sensory deprivation, drugs, religious cults, microwaves,
psychosurgery, brain implants, ESP, and " psychoelectronics ".

CIA scientists ( many of them "ex"- Nazi death camp doctors courtesy of
Operation PAPERCLIP ) found that their experiments on unwitting human
subjects presented the problem of "disposal" - pushing them out of windows
or locking them away in mental institutions could lead to awkward questions.
A solution could be found in the erasure of the victims' memory with the
added bonus of being useful in a clandestine context, as Victor Marchetti
 "ex"- CIA ) explains :

Amnesia was a big goal...the agent doesn't
even know what he's done...you send him
in, he does the job. When he comes out,
you clean him out.

The problem with hypnotically induced amnesia is "leakage" - dreams or
flashbacks of the repressed material. The installation of a "screen memory"
would ensure that any recollection would be of a false memory. Dr Orne ( CIA
scientist and board member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation ) writes
" this phenomenon is easier to produce than total amnesia, perhaps because
it eliminates the subjective feeling of an empty space in memory." Extra
layers of confusion can be added by hypnotically creating multiple
personalities, providing an array of "cover stories" . Abductees who
recollect being experimented on by the "greys" may be experiencing "screen"
memories of CIA surgical and psychological testing.

Abductees often report having been operated on, having needles inserted in
their brains or objects inserted up their nose. Intracerebral implants are
alleged to have been found in X-Rays and MRI scans of abductees. These
objects could be of terrestrial origin - a device called the "stimociever"
was invented in the 50's by Jose Delgado, author of ' Physical Control of
the Mind : Toward a Psychocivilized Society ' and CIA funded researcher into
electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB). The stimociever is a miniature
electrode placed within the brain which can receive and transmit electronic
signals over FM radio waves. Delgado claimed that "motion, emotion and
behaviour can be directed by physical forces and that humans can be
controlled like robots by push buttons." His research showed that ESB via
the stimociever could create a variety of effects including "coloured
visions" and "floating" sensations - familiar features of abduction

The "greys" don't have a monopoly on implant stories - "wavies", the victims
of non-ionising radiation (microwave) research are recounting tales of
having been implanted. Swede Robert Naeslund claims to have been implanted
in t

he 60's by the Swedish Secret Police (SAPO) in conjunction with the CIA. He
has X-Ray "evidence" and has had the device removed by a sympathetic doctor.
He first realised that something had happened to him when he suffered an
inexplicable nosebleed - a regular occurrence in alien abductions. A 1977
scientific paper - "Quantization of Microwave Biological Effects" -
describes the use of nasally implanted electrodes in animals to measure the
effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

A Finnish "wavie", Martti Koski, claims to have been experimented on whilst
visiting Canada. During the course of one session he was told that the
doctors tampering with him were "aliens from Sirius". Another time he was
told that he was under the direction of "the Lord". ' Abductions' by Jenny
Randles details a 1965 incident where one of the 'examiners' remarks "They
will think it's flying saucers".

In 1967,Lincoln Lawrence ( a pseudonym ) wrote a JFK assassination book, '
Were We Controlled ' , which asserted Oswald was a hypnoprogrammed assassin
with a malfunctioning implant in his brain ( in this case the conspiracy was
the work of multinationals ). Lawrence was the first to reveal the mythical
method of RHIC-EDOM (Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control / Electronic
Dissolution Of Memory ) which apparently can turn men into electronically
controlled robots programmed to kill on cue. RHIC consists of conditioning
the victim to enter a deep trance at the sound of a specific tone
transmitted to a brain implant :

Under RHIC, a 'sleeper' can be used years later
with no realisation that the 'sleeper' is even being
controlled! He can be made to perform acts that
he will have no memories of having ever carried
out...nothing he says will implicate the group or
government which possessed and controlled him.

The second stage of the process , EDOM, involves the electronic interference
of neurotransmitters to create amnesia :

There is already in use a small EDOM generator-
transmitter which can be concealed on the body
of a person. Contact with the person - a casual
handshake or even just a touch - transmits a tiny
electronic charge plus an ultrasonic signal tone
which for a short while will disturb the time
orientation of the person affected.

In 1975, journalist James L. Moore claimed that he had been given
information on RHIC-EDOM by two CIA agents which detailed the uses the
method could be put to :

A person may be placed under this control with
or without his knowledge , programmed to
perform certain actions and maintain certain
attitudes...effective for a lifetime, control maybe
triggered weeks, months or even years after the
first 'hypnosis' and programming...the] emotion
of anger can be created by artificial radio
signals sent to your brain.

If RHIC-EDOM exists it could explain abductee symptoms such as implants,
missing time, personality shifts and 'repeater' abductions - but even if it
doesn't there are still other methods of interfering with the human mind.

Recent years have seen a proliferation of ' mind machines ' providing
'drugless highs'.

One device is the Hemisync - a slightly different frequency played into each
ear results in the brain calculating the difference between the two
producing a 'binaural beat', to which the brain then entrains itself .The
brain can be entrained to produce Alpha and Beta waves which make the
subject open to suggestion and capable of vivid hallucination ( binaural
beats were used to little effect by 80's industrial groups Throbbing Gristle
and Clock DVA ). UFO abdutees describe 'stereophonic sound effects' before
an abduction - could this be binaural beats transmitted via radio to a
stimociever in each ear?

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), Extra Low Frequency (ELF) and ultrasonics
were areas of research known to have been covered in the 60's by the US
Defence Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) by Project PANDORA.
Microwaves were examined with regard to possible use in mind control. The
results indicated that pulsed microwaves can create leaks in the blood/brain
barrier, induce heart seizures and create behavioural disorganisation.
Further studies by the CIA-linked RAND corporation showed that insomnia,
fatigue, irritability, memory loss and hallucinations could be caused by
microwaves. The victim only has to be placed within an electromagnetic field
to suffer the effects although internal electrodes amplify the 'wave'.
Microwaves can entrain the mind to Theta rhythms - in effect , a directed
trance can be remotely induced. In 1973, Dr Sharp of the Walter Reed Army
Institute showed that pulsed microwaves could transmit spoken words. In 1974
J.F. Schapitz (funded by the Department of Defence) proposed to study the
effects of radio frequencies in conjunction with hypnosis :"the spoken word
of the hypnotist may be conveyed by electromagnetic energy directly into the
subconscious parts of the human brain." The subjects would be planted with a
subconscious suggestion which could be triggered by cue word or image (ie.
Jack Ruby, Sirhan Sirhan, Mark Chapman?). Microwaves could provide an
explanation for 'telepathic communication' and repeat abductees - the
implanted victim is targeted within a directed beam whilst their partner
sleeps soundly beside them. Microwaves can also cause disruption of
electrical fields which may be the cause of the haywire elecronics prevalent
in UFO accounts. Microwaves also have benign properties - perhaps resulting
in the "miraculous cures" performed by the "aliens".

Nowadays, EMR research is still being carried out under the guise of
'Non-Lethal Weaponry',' Low-Intensity Conflict and SDI (better known as
"Star Wars) as any 'wavie' could tell you. One scientist involved in this
type of research is Michael Persinger who has discovered that Extra Low
Frequency (ELF) can induce vomiting - a handy trick in a combat situation.
He is perhaps better known for his theories regarding UFO's - high amplitude
electromagnetic pulses are produced by movements of the earth's crust which
cause disturbances in the temporal lobe of the brain. He has statistics to
show that seismic activity corresponds to UFO activity. He has also stated
that he can replicate the Near Death Experience in the laboratory by the
introduction of an electrical current into the temporal lobe - maybe he
could also induce alien visions ?

The purpose of this research is apparently the production of programmed
agents able to accomplish their tasks with no recollection of their deeds.
US service men are now coming forward with claims that whilst on routine
training courses they were drugged, hypnotised, placed under "electronic
control" and subjected to extreme pain/pleasure operant conditioning. A US
naval officer , during a lecture in the 70's, hinted that that there might
be some substance to their claims. He stated that recruits at the NATO HQ in
Naples, Florida were strapped into their chairs to watch films of industrial
accidents and African circumcision ceremonies ( reminds me of Psychic TV
gigs in 85-86) in order to turn them into bloodcrazed killers who were then
sent on assassination missions. A feature of abduction accounts is being
made to watch "training films" - some feature being handed an ordinary
handgun and instructions to shoot someone.

Who would believe it when an assassin says "Aliens told me to do it"?

Matin Cannon's 'The Controllers: A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction"
(unpublished manuscript) is available from Prevailing Winds Research, PO Box
23511, Santa Barbara, CA 93121, USA or can be downloaded from at least 10
sites on the internet including


An edited version (no mention of aliens at all) appeared in Lobster No. 23
under the title 'Mind Control and the American Government' ( Lobster, 214
Westbourne Avenue, Hull, HU5 3JB).

Article by JOK: "Jok's links are the best on the web" [J.F.K Conspiracy

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