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Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Tzemach News Service
Week Ending: 29 January 2000 / 22 Shevat 5760

"I will also plant them on their land, and they will not again be rooted out
from their land which I have given them, says the L-rd your G-d" (Amos

NEW TENDERS NO LONGER ISSUED: The leaders of Yesha (Judea,
Samaria, and the Gaza Strip), say that seven months after the political
upset in Israel, not only has the government changed but also the entire
system. They say that on the instructions of the prime minister, the
Housing Ministry has ceased publishing new tenders. The
subcommittee of the Supreme Planning Council for Judea and Samaria
is convening to discuss construction in the settlements only with
advance approval of the prime minister or his deputy in the Defense
Ministry, Efrayim Sneh.

In another story, ARUTZ-7 has learned that by the end of the year 2000,
the IDF (Israel Defense Force) plans to totally cease army guard duty
within the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria. The number of
IDF guards in Yesha has already been decreased by 40% over the past
several weeks. IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Sha'ul Mofaz informed a
gathering of Home Front Command officers last Thursday that budgetary
constraints are to blame, and added that most of the residents are army
veterans who can protect themselves. In response, the Yesha Council
has informed Yesha's security officers not to man the guard posts
vacated by the army. Council Chairman Benny Kashriel informed O.C.
Command Maj.-Gen. Moshe Ya'alon that beginning in April, the large
Yesha townships of Ma'aleh Adumim, Beitar, and Givat Ze'ev will halt
their funding for security guards in their localities. As if this were not
enough, the Magen David Adom medical organization also announced
last week that it would cut back on special emergency services
throughout Yesha by the end of this month, as future government
funding has not been approved. The Yesha Council has asked for an
urgent meeting with Deputy Defense Minister Sneh "before the entire
network collapses."

The Jewish population in Judea and Samaria grew last year by almost
3%, and now numbers 177,000 people.

RALLY FOR JERUSALEM: An estimated 5,000 people took part in the
drive-in/march Tuesday night against the continued Waqf desecration of
the Temple Mount and in favor of the unity of Jerusalem. The unique
demonstration was organized by the Zo Artzeinu (This is Our Land)
movement, and involved many hundreds of cars from all over the
country. The event featured two stages   one motorized, and one on
foot. Demonstrators from around the country arrived in the capital with
pro-Jerusalem posters and flags on their cars. One group of
demonstrators set out from Gamla in the Golan, where 1900-year-old
coins bearing the words "For the Liberty of Jerusalem"   the theme of
the demonstration   were uncovered. Drivers parked in the Kidron Valley
where the Muslim Waqf has dumped the remains of the treasures it dug
up from under the Temple Mount. The participants, holding torches, then
marched to a spot close to the Mount, and took part in an allegiance-
declaring ceremony to Jerusalem and to the site of the Holy Temple.
The force behind the demonstration, Moshe Feiglin, said, "It's not only
the left, or the right, who are causing us to lose Jerusalem   they are
both responsible! We hope to help bring to power a new government that
is based on people of faith, one that will restore to our nation its
awareness of its special mission."

EXCAVATIONS: IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
interviewed archeologist Dr. Gabi Barkay of Bar Illan University, Land of
Israel Studies Department, in English, on 24 January 2000.

IMRA: Do you have a sense as to how much damage was caused by
the excavations at the Temple Mount?

BARKAY: No I don't have. Nobody knows what was destroyed there and
that is the tragedy. There was no recording and the dig was done
clandestinely at night by heavy machinery and trucks and nobody
knows. Only the result is there.

IMRA: I have spoken with people from the Waqf and they say that if you
look at photographs from 60 or 80 years ago that the area excavated
didn't exist. That the area being excavated was basically modern landfill.

BARKAY: This is outrageous. Totally incorrect. The Temple Mount has
never been touched archeologically. Its surface has not even been
properly surveyed. Nothing is known about the Temple Mount and all the
aerial photographs that we have since the beginning of photography all
indicate that that area did not change much since antiquity. What was
done there is destruction.

IMRA: Is there any indication of what was destroyed from the excavated
material dumped in the Kidron Valley?

BARKAY: By the way, the illegal dumping in the Kidron Valley that
ruins the landscape there is another violation. It is very strange that
nobody has done anything against the illegal activity of the excavation
or the dumping.

IMRA: Have you had a look at the excavated material now dumped in
the Kidron Valley?

BARKAY: Yes, as have others. I found pottery from many different
periods in the dumped material going back to the 8th century BC First
Temple Period and onwards. I saw this pottery with my own eyes.

IMRA: What information was lost by seeing the pottery only after it was
dumped in Kidron?

BARKAY: Wherever you dig in Jerusalem has a mixture pottery and
finds from different periods. This is what tells us about the history of a
particular place. The exact position of the various pieces of pottery vis-a-
vis each other and the earthen layers, which include the pottery are
clues to the history of the sight. If this is eliminated then we don't have
the history.

The Temple Mount is almost three times the size of the City of David
and we know nothing about it, as it was never excavated. It is one of the
most essential parts of the ancient story of Jerusalem. Anything we
learn about it is new and here we had an opportunity.

Nobody said that there can't be a new entrance to a mosque built   just
that it could have been done more carefully, honoring the cultural values
of the past of Jerusalem and honoring the law.

IMRA: What would you say about the work of the Antiquities

BARKAY: Their job, by law, is to safeguard the antiquities of the
country and they aren't doing it. They have somebody having higher
authority disturbing them. Telling them what to do and about what to be

WEIZMAN SAYS HE WILL NOT RESIGN: Addressing the nation for the
first time since disclosures about his alleged receipt of illegal funds
were made public, President Ezer Weizman said that he would not
resign, HA'ARETZ reported. Weizman is under criminal investigation for
allegedly receiving $453,000 from French businessman Edouard
Saroussi between 1988-93 while serving as a cabinet minister. In a
statement broadcast live on television and radio on Sunday night,
Weizman said, "I do not intend to resign. A person with a clean
conscience is not afraid and does not flee." Weizman said that he
consulted a lawyer who assured him that all of his actions were legal
and without blemish and that "even if I made a mistake, it was a human
mistake, made in good faith."

One Israel political bloc faced a criminal investigation Thursday after an
official report found it broke election laws on campaign funding for the
May 1999 elections. In a report on party financing, state comptroller
Eliezer Goldberg singled out One Israel as the worst offender for
channeling funds for the election campaign through non-profit
organizations and ordered it to pay around NIS 13 million ($3.3 million)
in penalties. Attorney-General Eliyakim Rubinstein's office said he has
ordered the police to launch an investigation into a number of matters
raised in the comptroller's report, including possible fraud by One Israel.
"Funds were channeled in a cloud of secrecy to some of the non-profit
organizations through mediators, through contributions, some of which
came from abroad, some of which were large sums   contributions
which are illegal according to the law," Rubinstein's office said in a
statement. [Editor's note: If all this sounds suspiciously like what
happened after the last election of US President Clinton, it should be
noted that the same "team" used to elect Clinton (as well as the
Chancellor of Germany and the Prime Minister of Britain, among others)
  James Carville et al   was also used to elect Barak. Don't look for
charges to be brought against Barak; they were not brought against
Clinton either.] Rubinstein also said he ordered an investigation into the
financing of campaigns by the right-wing opposition Likud party, the
Russian immigrant party Israel Our Home and the ultra-Orthodox United
Torah Judaism, in addition to the Centre Party, a member of Barak's
coalition. Goldberg's report said a total of 19 political parties out of the
31 contesting the election had committed "grave breaches" of the
election law under which foreign contributions to election campaigns are
illegal and domestic donations must be restricted to NIS 1,700
(approximately $400) per voter.

visiting Jewish group at Orient House, Palestinian official Rami Tahboub
announced: "Jerusalem has been the capital of the Palestinian people
for more than 5,000 years" [In 135 CE, the Romans renamed Judea
"Palestinia" and Jerusalem, "Aelia Capitolina."  ed]. To combat Israel's
biblical claim to the Land of Israel, Palestinians no longer declare that
they are part of the great Arab nation   as they used to do before the
establishment of Israel, when only Jews were called Palestinians. Now
they trace their lineage to the Jebusites, Canaanites, Philistines, and all
the other tribes displaced by the Israelites according to the Bible. That
they also claim that the Bible stories are fiction does not seem to
bother them. Nor are they perturbed by the fact that such ancestry
would mean that they are not Arabs, and that the Arab invasion of the
7th century was a foreign occupation. Logic and history are irrelevant to
this myth-weaving. Several years ago PA/PLO member Hanan Ashrawi
signaled this new direction of Arab propaganda when she announced in
Madrid that she was a descendant of the first Christians. This would
make her a Jew a distinction she would  probably be less than happy to

January weekly magazine, the British daily THE GUARDIAN devoted 92
pages to a review of the 20th century. Remarkably, Israel is never
mentioned. Jews are mentioned only once in the caption of a
photograph: "1943   German troops clear the Warsaw ghetto. After a
month of bitter house-to-house combat, Jewish resistance fighters were
overcome by vastly superior forces. Of the 56,000 Jews rounded up by
the Nazis, 7,000 were executed and the remainder sent to death
camps." This is the extent of the Jewish role in the 20th century. Even
the caption of a picture of trenches filled with bodies in Bergen-Belsen
fails to mention Jews. "1945, Belsen   British troops entered the camp
in April 1945. They found 35,000 bodies and another 30,000 inmates
near death. In the days following the liberation many hundreds more
died from disease or starvation."

conference was held in Stockholm, Sweden dedicated to fighting
antisemitism. The problem is that it focused on Western antisemitism,
which does not now threaten the existence of the Jewish people.
Today's war against the Jews is being waged not in Europe but in the
Middle East, the only region in the world where governments   not
gangs, demagogues, fake scholars and demented fanatics, but the
regimes themselves   propagate antisemitism and advocate the
destruction of the Jewish nation. It is in Arab schools   Syrian,
Palestinian, Egyptian, Saudi, Jordanian and others   that children learn
that Jews have no right to exist. It is in Syria, whose leaders are now
warmly embraced by the whole civilized world for making "a strategic
decision for peace," that first-graders read in their first primer "The Jews
are criminal villains." It is in every following grade and almost every
subject in Arab schools that Jews are depicted as enemies of humanity.
Even an arithmetic drill contains a question such as: "Nine soldiers fled
from a Jewish company. How many Jewish soldiers did we kill if the
number of soldiers in the company was 17?" The inspiration for such a
curriculum is unmistakable to anyone who has perused Third Reich
textbooks and seen the Nazi film "The Eternal Jew". It can be taken for
granted that this real, current threat against Jews will not intrude on the
Stockholm proceedings. The good leaders of the West will condemn the
Nazis and their collaborators, discuss educational programs and
museums, and perhaps even talk about compensation for survivors. But
no one, least of all the Swedish host, will dare mention that even as
they speak, a Nuremberg-type law that makes the sale of land to Jews
punishable by death is being enforced by the US-sponsored Palestinian
Authority (PA/PLO).

SNOW IN ISRAEL! Four people died in weather-related accidents over
the weekend and dozens had to be treated for hypothermia as a result
of the storm that brought snow to Jerusalem, the Negev, and the Galilee
peaks, as well as the Golan and Mount Hermon. The heaviest snow was
on Mount Hermon, where over two meters (3.5 feet) accumulated on the
lower slopes with drifts of nearly seven meters (23 feet) on the peak by

ARAFAT, BARAK TO MEET NEXT WEEK: Barak and Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat will meet next week amid fading hopes for
concluding the outline of a peace agreement by the deadline they set,
13 February. "If they don't meet it, they'll reach some understanding
about how to deal with that problem," a senior US official said Saturday
after a 30-minute meeting between Arafat and President Clinton. The
Barak-Arafat meeting will be held Thursday or Friday at Erez, a border
crossing between Israel and Palestinian-held Gaza, and will focus on
the major unresolved issues, said the official, who briefed reporters on
condition of anonymity. The State Department announced Thursday that
senior US 'mediator' Dennis Ross would go to the Middle East to help in
the search for a settlement. Ross is due in Israel on Wednesday.

MILLENNIUM ACTUALLY STARTS IN 2001, Terrorists Note: With the
world breathing a collective sigh of relief following the violence-free
passage into the year 2000, an international coalition of terrorists issued
a reminder Monday that the new millennium does not actually begin
until January 1, 2001. "Technically speaking, we are now in the last
year of the 20th century," said Mahmoud al-Habib, a spokesperson for
the terrorist organization Hamas. "Since there was no year zero, next
New Year's Eve is the real time to detonate bombs in Times Square and
blow commercial airliners out of the sky." Speaking from a secret
bunker in the Kashmir hills, Osama bin Laden agreed. "We were all set
to blow up the Eiffel Tower," bin Laden said, "when one of my suicide
bombers pointed out that it should actually be done next January 1, not
this one. I suppose we'll just have to wait."


23 January 1639: Auto de Fe at Lima, Peru   More than eighty new
Christians were burned after the Inquisition discovered that they were
holding regular Jewish services.

25 January 1904: Theodor Herzl met Pope Pius X and tried to convince
him to support the vision of Zionism without any success. The pope
totally rejected the idea that Jerusalem will be in Jewish hands.

28 January 1668: Pope Clement IX canceled the humiliating "forced
races". Known as the "Palio", near-naked Jews were forced to run
through the streets of Rome during carnival time. In return for the
revocation, the Jews of Rome had to pay a special cancellation tax of
200 ducats. This tax was paid for almost 200 years.

29 January 1808: In Canada, though Ezekiel Hart (1767-1843) was
elected to the Canadian parliament, he was prevented from taking his
seat because as a Jew he could not take the oath "on the true faith of a
Christian". Though reelected in May 1808, and in April 1809, he was
again prevented from being seated. Only in 1832 was legislation passed
allowing Jews to hold public office and giving them full civil rights.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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