-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

> Mystery Aircraft page:  http://www.fas.org/irp/mystery/resource/htm
> On a completely different but possibly related topic: There is a good
> article in "New Scientist" magazine (22 January 2000, No 2222, pages
> called "Energy Unlimited" by Henry Bortman.  It is about scientific
> research being done to attempt to tap in to the energy of the vacuum,
> sometimes called zero point energy.  It claims that a scientist called
> Jordan Maclay has got a grant from NASA's "Breakthrough Propulsion
> programme to see if he can design a machine to access and use this energy.
> It is early days yet, but given that this, or something like it, would be
> an ideal way to supply the energy for long distance space travel, it might
> turn out to be how some UFOs are propelled.
> If so then we should keep an eye on this type of research, especially as
> some scientists claim that UFOs could not have got here, from wherever
> might come from, because it would require too much energy.  If you can tap
> into this energy as you move along then that puts an end to that argument.

> The article claims that the amount of zero point energy available is
> staggering.  "Maclay has calculated that a region of the vacuum the size
> a proton could contain as much energy as all the matter in the entire
> Universe" (p.32).  Pity we can't run our cars on the stuff!

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